Ralph van der Walle - Career scammer
(too old to reply)
Ace Ventura
2021-10-07 19:20:06 UTC
Gregory Carr
2021-10-09 00:03:47 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Dennis Watson the liar who was successfully sued by a Hell's Angel (you know how hard that is) has yet another website and he has discovered the word tard I wonder where he got that from? Google "tard" + "Dennis Watson". Dennis Watson uses various nyms online. https://www.google.ca/search?q=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&sxsrf=AOaemvI7lSfAxiASA7DhftIZ8SOgT8CHpw%3A1633737120847&source=hp&ei=oNlgYcy1MfDb0PEPpqSUoAU&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYWDnsNo3_v9DJ3PUb75GRvhdHvsis3ug&ved=0ahUKEwjMhfiFgbzzAhXwLTQIHSYSBVQQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6DQguEMcBEK8BECcQkwI6BAgjECc6CwguEMcBEK8BEJECOgUIABCRAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCABBAKOgsILhDHARCjAhCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6CAguEIAEELEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCTAjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQrwEQ6gIQJzoFCC4QgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BAgAEA06BAghEBU6BwghEAoQoAFQ4kRYyLMBYLC4AWgMcAB4AIABd4gB-w2SAQQyMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz

He lost his job with Canada Post because of his problems with his female boss just like his problems with his ex-wife.

Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.

https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. How does one lose a union job at Canada Post? Be a Dennis Watson assclown. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.

Have a bad day Dennis Watson, Shannon Watson, Shannon Alvarenga, Tony Beck, Winston Chu, Collette Babinski, Chris Kaulbeck, George Pope the scuz needle drug user who lives off other peoples taxes and whines for more, Jeff Hickling, David Dalton, G. S., Karl Palme aka Carl Palme of Langley, Joe Mulligan, Dave Mulligan and Mike Mulligan and Glenda Mulligan, Tony Beck and Gordon Radavitch, John Reynolds and Dave Reynolds. Have a bad day child molesters and rapists and racists and anti-Semites.

Dennis James Watson will soon likely be served yet again with legal papers and lose like he always does. You are a complete dullard and been repeatedly warned.
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Products.

dtSrpo2hns3rorehd ·
Happy Montreal Pride! 🌈 Show us your colours and fly your Pride flag in our #FlownWithPride app to join millions of Canadians celebrating. 📍 You could win prizes!
You can even take your Pride to the streets at the march that’s back this year. ​
#ConnectToAccept​ … See More

AdrtreuShgournepeonntosit s6o drrat S6c:11emfd AnM ·
You can still catch @LidoPimienta and @WitchProphet in an artist-to-artist interview in episode 1 of 🎤 Off-Mute. #FidoWithCare 💛
Vous pouvez encore voir @LidoPimienta et @WitchProphet discuter en tête-à-tête dans l’épisode 1 de 🎤 Monte le son. 💛 #FidoAvecVous

Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Or Same Products. The owners had their picture taken with their buddy Donald Trump after he lost the election.

Bad company there are many other stores around Newton Center selling the same products and services. Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall.

Competitors you can shop at include the cell phone kiosk at Superstore just a minute walk away in the same mall.

uBreakiFix 13630 72 Ave Unit 102, Surrey, BC V3W 2P3 https://www.ubreakifix.com/ca/locations/surreynewton?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gmb&utm_campaign=surrey-newton

Friends Communication 13745 72 Ave Unit 124, Surrey, BC

ChatrMobile Surrey Newton 7238 137 St #105, Surrey, BC https://chatrmobile-surrey-newton.business.site/
Fixed my cell phones power input once and did a few other things for me. Staff seems to know what they are doing. Good customer service.

Cell Fixe Phone Sales & Repair 13711 72 Ave #110, Surrey, BC

Rogers 7320 King George Blvd Unit 101, Surrey, BC https://www.rogers.com/stores/surrey/centre-of-newton
Ace Ventura
2021-10-09 19:54:05 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Dennis Watson the liar who was successfully sued by a Hell's Angel (you know how hard that is) has yet another website and he has discovered the word tard I wonder where he got that from? Google "tard" + "Dennis Watson". Dennis Watson uses various nyms online. https://www.google.ca/search?q=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&sxsrf=AOaemvI7lSfAxiASA7DhftIZ8SOgT8CHpw%3A1633737120847&source=hp&ei=oNlgYcy1MfDb0PEPpqSUoAU&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYWDnsNo3_v9DJ3PUb75GRvhdHvsis3ug&ved=0ahUKEwjMhfiFgbzzAhXwLTQIHSYSBVQQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6DQguEMcBEK8BECcQkwI6BAgjECc6CwguEMcBEK8BEJECOgUIABCRAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCABBAKOgsILhDHARCjAhCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6CAguEIAEELEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCTAjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQrwEQ6gIQJzoFCC4QgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BAgAEA06BAghEBU6BwghEAoQoAFQ4kRYyLMBYLC4AWgMcAB4AIABd4gB-w2SAQQyMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz
He lost his job with Canada Post because of his problems with his female boss just like his problems with his ex-wife.
Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.
https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. How does one lose a union job at Canada Post? Be a Dennis Watson assclown. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.
Have a bad day Dennis Watson, Shannon Watson, Shannon Alvarenga, Tony Beck, Winston Chu, Collette Babinski, Chris Kaulbeck, George Pope the scuz needle drug user who lives off other peoples taxes and whines for more, Jeff Hickling, David Dalton, G. S., Karl Palme aka Carl Palme of Langley, Joe Mulligan, Dave Mulligan and Mike Mulligan and Glenda Mulligan, Tony Beck and Gordon Radavitch, John Reynolds and Dave Reynolds. Have a bad day child molesters and rapists and racists and anti-Semites.
Dennis James Watson will soon likely be served yet again with legal papers and lose like he always does. You are a complete dullard and been repeatedly warned.
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Products.
dtSrpo2hns3rorehd ·
Happy Montreal Pride! 🌈 Show us your colours and fly your Pride flag in our #FlownWithPride app to join millions of Canadians celebrating. 📍 You could win prizes!
You can even take your Pride to the streets at the march that’s back this year. ​
#ConnectToAccept​ … See More
AdrtreuShgournepeonntosit s6o drrat S6c:11emfd AnM ·
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Or Same Products. The owners had their picture taken with their buddy Donald Trump after he lost the election.
Bad company there are many other stores around Newton Center selling the same products and services. Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall.
Competitors you can shop at include the cell phone kiosk at Superstore just a minute walk away in the same mall.
uBreakiFix 13630 72 Ave Unit 102, Surrey, BC V3W 2P3 https://www.ubreakifix.com/ca/locations/surreynewton?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gmb&utm_campaign=surrey-newton
Friends Communication 13745 72 Ave Unit 124, Surrey, BC
ChatrMobile Surrey Newton 7238 137 St #105, Surrey, BC https://chatrmobile-surrey-newton.business.site/
Fixed my cell phones power input once and did a few other things for me. Staff seems to know what they are doing. Good customer service.
Cell Fixe Phone Sales & Repair 13711 72 Ave #110, Surrey, BC
Rogers 7320 King George Blvd Unit 101, Surrey, BC https://www.rogers.com/stores/surrey/centre-of-newton
I usually don't like folks stealing my material. In this case have at it.
Gregory Carr
2021-10-09 22:42:10 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Dennis Watson the liar who was successfully sued by a Hell's Angel (you know how hard that is) has yet another website and he has discovered the word tard I wonder where he got that from? Google "tard" + "Dennis Watson". Dennis Watson uses various nyms online. https://www.google.ca/search?q=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&sxsrf=AOaemvI7lSfAxiASA7DhftIZ8SOgT8CHpw%3A1633737120847&source=hp&ei=oNlgYcy1MfDb0PEPpqSUoAU&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYWDnsNo3_v9DJ3PUb75GRvhdHvsis3ug&ved=0ahUKEwjMhfiFgbzzAhXwLTQIHSYSBVQQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6DQguEMcBEK8BECcQkwI6BAgjECc6CwguEMcBEK8BEJECOgUIABCRAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCABBAKOgsILhDHARCjAhCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6CAguEIAEELEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCTAjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQrwEQ6gIQJzoFCC4QgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BAgAEA06BAghEBU6BwghEAoQoAFQ4kRYyLMBYLC4AWgMcAB4AIABd4gB-w2SAQQyMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz
He lost his job with Canada Post because of his problems with his female boss just like his problems with his ex-wife.
Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.
https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. How does one lose a union job at Canada Post? Be a Dennis Watson assclown. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.
Have a bad day Dennis Watson, Shannon Watson, Shannon Alvarenga, Tony Beck, Winston Chu, Collette Babinski, Chris Kaulbeck, George Pope the scuz needle drug user who lives off other peoples taxes and whines for more, Jeff Hickling, David Dalton, G. S., Karl Palme aka Carl Palme of Langley, Joe Mulligan, Dave Mulligan and Mike Mulligan and Glenda Mulligan, Tony Beck and Gordon Radavitch, John Reynolds and Dave Reynolds. Have a bad day child molesters and rapists and racists and anti-Semites.
Dennis James Watson will soon likely be served yet again with legal papers and lose like he always does. You are a complete dullard and been repeatedly warned.
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Products.
dtSrpo2hns3rorehd ·
Happy Montreal Pride! 🌈 Show us your colours and fly your Pride flag in our #FlownWithPride app to join millions of Canadians celebrating. 📍 You could win prizes!
You can even take your Pride to the streets at the march that’s back this year. ​
#ConnectToAccept​ … See More
AdrtreuShgournepeonntosit s6o drrat S6c:11emfd AnM ·
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Or Same Products. The owners had their picture taken with their buddy Donald Trump after he lost the election.
Bad company there are many other stores around Newton Center selling the same products and services. Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall.
Competitors you can shop at include the cell phone kiosk at Superstore just a minute walk away in the same mall.
uBreakiFix 13630 72 Ave Unit 102, Surrey, BC V3W 2P3 https://www.ubreakifix.com/ca/locations/surreynewton?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gmb&utm_campaign=surrey-newton
Friends Communication 13745 72 Ave Unit 124, Surrey, BC
ChatrMobile Surrey Newton 7238 137 St #105, Surrey, BC https://chatrmobile-surrey-newton.business.site/
Fixed my cell phones power input once and did a few other things for me. Staff seems to know what they are doing. Good customer service.
Cell Fixe Phone Sales & Repair 13711 72 Ave #110, Surrey, BC
Rogers 7320 King George Blvd Unit 101, Surrey, BC https://www.rogers.com/stores/surrey/centre-of-newton
I usually don't like folks stealing my material. In this case have at it.
Yawn. Ace Ventura and Dr. Stollman and Dennis Watson are the same unemployed person.
Loose Cannon
2021-10-11 00:30:39 UTC
On Sat, 9 Oct 2021 15:42:10 -0700 (PDT), Gregory Carr
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Dennis Watson the liar who was successfully sued by a Hell's Angel (you know how hard that is) has yet another website and he has discovered the word tard I wonder where he got that from? Google "tard" + "Dennis Watson". Dennis Watson uses various nyms online. https://www.google.ca/search?q=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&sxsrf=AOaemvI7lSfAxiASA7DhftIZ8SOgT8CHpw%3A1633737120847&source=hp&ei=oNlgYcy1MfDb0PEPpqSUoAU&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYWDnsNo3_v9DJ3PUb75GRvhdHvsis3ug&ved=0ahUKEwjMhfiFgbzzAhXwLTQIHSYSBVQQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6DQguEMcBEK8BECcQkwI6BAgjECc6CwguEMcBEK8BEJECOgUIABCRAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCABBAKOgsILhDHARCjAhCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6CAguEIAEELEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCTAjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQrwEQ6gIQJzoFCC4QgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BAgAEA06BAghEBU6BwghEAoQoAFQ4kRYyLMBYLC4AWgMcAB4AIABd4gB-w2SAQQyMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz
He lost his job with Canada Post because of his problems with his female boss just like his problems with his ex-wife.
Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.
https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. How does one lose a union job at Canada Post? Be a Dennis Watson assclown. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very
evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.
Post by Ace Ventura
Have a bad day Dennis Watson, Shannon Watson, Shannon Alvarenga, Tony Beck, Winston Chu, Collette Babinski, Chris Kaulbeck, George Pope the scuz needle drug user who lives off other peoples taxes and whines for more, Jeff Hickling, David Dalton, G. S., Karl Palme aka Carl Palme of Langley, Joe Mulligan, Dave Mulligan and Mike Mulligan and Glenda Mulligan, Tony Beck and Gordon Radavitch, John Reynolds and Dave Reynolds. Have a bad day child molesters and rapists and racists and anti-Semites.
Dennis James Watson will soon likely be served yet again with legal papers and lose like he always does. You are a complete dullard and been repeatedly warned.
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Products.
dtSrpo2hns3rorehd ·
Happy Montreal Pride! ? Show us your colours and fly your Pride flag in our #FlownWithPride app to join millions of Canadians celebrating. ? You could win prizes!
You can even take your Pride to the streets at the march that’s back this year. ?
#ConnectToAccept? … See More
AdrtreuShgournepeonntosit s6o drrat S6c:11emfd AnM ·
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Or Same Products. The owners had their picture taken with their buddy Donald Trump after he lost the election.
Bad company there are many other stores around Newton Center selling the same products and services. Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall.
Competitors you can shop at include the cell phone kiosk at Superstore just a minute walk away in the same mall.
uBreakiFix 13630 72 Ave Unit 102, Surrey, BC V3W 2P3 https://www.ubreakifix.com/ca/locations/surreynewton?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gmb&utm_campaign=surrey-newton
Friends Communication 13745 72 Ave Unit 124, Surrey, BC
ChatrMobile Surrey Newton 7238 137 St #105, Surrey, BC https://chatrmobile-surrey-newton.business.site/
Fixed my cell phones power input once and did a few other things for me. Staff seems to know what they are doing. Good customer service.
Cell Fixe Phone Sales & Repair 13711 72 Ave #110, Surrey, BC
Rogers 7320 King George Blvd Unit 101, Surrey, BC https://www.rogers.com/stores/surrey/centre-of-newton
I usually don't like folks stealing my material. In this case have at it.
Yawn. Ace Ventura and Dr. Stollman and Dennis Watson are the same unemployed person.
What proof do you have, asshole?
Gregory Carr
2021-10-11 02:30:18 UTC
Post by Loose Cannon
On Sat, 9 Oct 2021 15:42:10 -0700 (PDT), Gregory Carr
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Dennis Watson the liar who was successfully sued by a Hell's Angel (you know how hard that is) has yet another website and he has discovered the word tard I wonder where he got that from? Google "tard" + "Dennis Watson". Dennis Watson uses various nyms online. https://www.google.ca/search?q=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&sxsrf=AOaemvI7lSfAxiASA7DhftIZ8SOgT8CHpw%3A1633737120847&source=hp&ei=oNlgYcy1MfDb0PEPpqSUoAU&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYWDnsNo3_v9DJ3PUb75GRvhdHvsis3ug&ved=0ahUKEwjMhfiFgbzzAhXwLTQIHSYSBVQQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6DQguEMcBEK8BECcQkwI6BAgjECc6CwguEMcBEK8BEJECOgUIABCRAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCABBAKOgsILhDHARCjAhCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6CAguEIAEELEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCTAjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQrwEQ6gIQJzoFCC4QgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BAgAEA06BAghEBU6BwghEAoQoAFQ4kRYyLMBYLC4AWgMcAB4AIABd4gB-w2SAQQyMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz
He lost his job with Canada Post because of his problems with his female boss just like his problems with his ex-wife.
Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.
https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. How does one lose a union job at Canada Post? Be a Dennis Watson assclown. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very
evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.
Post by Ace Ventura
Have a bad day Dennis Watson, Shannon Watson, Shannon Alvarenga, Tony Beck, Winston Chu, Collette Babinski, Chris Kaulbeck, George Pope the scuz needle drug user who lives off other peoples taxes and whines for more, Jeff Hickling, David Dalton, G. S., Karl Palme aka Carl Palme of Langley, Joe Mulligan, Dave Mulligan and Mike Mulligan and Glenda Mulligan, Tony Beck and Gordon Radavitch, John Reynolds and Dave Reynolds. Have a bad day child molesters and rapists and racists and anti-Semites.
Dennis James Watson will soon likely be served yet again with legal papers and lose like he always does. You are a complete dullard and been repeatedly warned.
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Products.
dtSrpo2hns3rorehd ·
Happy Montreal Pride! ? Show us your colours and fly your Pride flag in our #FlownWithPride app to join millions of Canadians celebrating. ? You could win prizes!
You can even take your Pride to the streets at the march that’s back this year. ?
#ConnectToAccept? … See More
AdrtreuShgournepeonntosit s6o drrat S6c:11emfd AnM ·
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Or Same Products. The owners had their picture taken with their buddy Donald Trump after he lost the election.
Bad company there are many other stores around Newton Center selling the same products and services. Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall.
Competitors you can shop at include the cell phone kiosk at Superstore just a minute walk away in the same mall.
uBreakiFix 13630 72 Ave Unit 102, Surrey, BC V3W 2P3 https://www.ubreakifix.com/ca/locations/surreynewton?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gmb&utm_campaign=surrey-newton
Friends Communication 13745 72 Ave Unit 124, Surrey, BC
ChatrMobile Surrey Newton 7238 137 St #105, Surrey, BC https://chatrmobile-surrey-newton.business.site/
Fixed my cell phones power input once and did a few other things for me. Staff seems to know what they are doing. Good customer service.
Cell Fixe Phone Sales & Repair 13711 72 Ave #110, Surrey, BC
Rogers 7320 King George Blvd Unit 101, Surrey, BC https://www.rogers.com/stores/surrey/centre-of-newton
I usually don't like folks stealing my material. In this case have at it.
Yawn. Ace Ventura and Dr. Stollman and Dennis Watson are the same unemployed person.
What proof do you have, asshole?
Posted it several times earlier dorky, feeble old man. Plus he doesn't deny it. You both are stupid. Go suck off the neighbours pet dog while your obese wife reads aloud from The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion. Both Gordon Radavitch aka Loose Cannon aka NEMO aka Susan Cohen and Dennis Watson aka Ace Ventura aka Dr.Stollmann aka Tom Jones its just so athletic and lame and are unemployed.

There is one other little fact Mr. Greg Carr should be aware of.

Both Dennis Watson and his daughter are restricted firearm license holders. If Greg Carr shows up at the homes of either one after the material he posted here, well, if it were me I would blast holes and ask questions later.
=============================================================The above post is ninth in the thread found here: https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/ymXMid-PNZw/m/V6x456-VBQAJ

They should kill themselves with their firearms it would be far less painful.

Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.

https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.

Have a bad day Dennis Watson, Shannon Watson, Shannon Alvarenga, Tony Beck, Winston Chu, Collette Babinski, Chris Kaulbeck, George Pope the scuz needle drug user who lives off other peoples taxes and whines for more, Jeff Hickling, David Dalton, G. S., Karl Palme aka Carl Palme of Langley, Joe Mulligan, Dave Mulligan and Mike Mulligan and Glenda Mulligan, Tony Beck and Gordon Radavitch, John Reynolds, Dave Reynolds. Have bad day child molesters and rapists.

Dennis James Watson will soon likely be served yet again with legal papers and lose like he always does. You are a complete dullard and been repeatedly warned.

https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/2010/09/ this 15 yr old teen was murdered in a Delta at Mackie Park totally by accident it was random. Her Dad was a biker and had buddies in the Hell's Angels who attended the funeral. The openly grieving and upset Father told the media that the guys in prison would take care of his daughters killer. You want to curry favour with some full patch Hell's Angels then mess up the killer of their friends daughter someone whose funeral they attended in full regalia. I remember a family member who is no biker and who doesn't live in Delta mentioning the crime.

The killer who was 17 admitted wanting to rape the dead female and had sexually assaulted 3 other females previously. He received life with parole eligibility in 7 years which the parents of the dead teen agreed with that was the maximum for murder by a person under 18. Canada should have the death penalty for rape or murder. Our 338 elected well paid 911 priority MPs disagree.

Young offender was days short of 18th birthday when he killed Delta, B.C., teen
CBC News · Posted: Oct 18, 2013 7:12 AM PT | Last Updated: January 24, 2014

Szendrei's killer sentenced to life
8 years ago
Young man was 17 when he killed Delta teen Laura Szendrei 2:22
The young man who beat 15-year-old Laura Szendrei to death in 2010 has been sentenced as an adult in a Surrey, B.C., courtroom and handed a life term, without chance of parole for seven years.

Lawyers have been arguing, in court, off and on for months, whether the man should be sentenced as an adult because he was just days short of his 18th birthday when he killed Szendrei as she walked through Mackie Park in Delta, B.C., on her way to meet friends.

At the sentencing hearing on Friday, the judge pointed to several key reasons for the decision, telling the packed courtroom that Szendrei's killer was adequately socialized, possesses above average intelligence and had sexually assaulted three women prior to murdering Szendrei.

Teen charged in Delta girl's beating death
The judge also mentioned that, shortly after the killing, the man went on a Mexican vacation where he attempted to smear fish blood all over the clothes he wore during the murder while on a fishing excursion.

The judge also criticized several doctors' reports on the mental state of the man, citing inconsistencies in their evaluations. In particular, he rejected a notion in one report in which the killer seemed to think a woman he knocked unconscious would have amnesia and not know he had sexually assaulted her. He called it "patent nonsense."

The man had told doctors he only intended to knock Szendrei unconscious before raping her and thought she wouldn't remember the attack when she awoke. However, he ended up hitting her in the head with an iron bar after she tried to struggle free of him, killing her.

The sentence was met with cheers from the courtroom gallery. Outside, members of Szendrei's family told CBC News they were relieved they would no longer need to hear the gruesome details of her death.

The family has said previously that they wanted their daughter's attacker to be sentenced to life without a chance of parole for seven years, and they hope he receives treatment.

While the man's identity is known to many in the community, his name has never been released because he was a young offender when he committed the murder.

His lawyer has filed an application asking the judge to extend the publication ban in the interests of the man's personal safety. The judge will hear arguments regarding the ban in January.

https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/laura-szendrei-s-teen-killer-sentenced-to-life-1.2125352 The ppl who know the killers name should post it to USENET and the WWW.

No need to do that the publication ban was lifted way to go judge.

Publication ban lifted on name of young man who murdered Delta teen Laura Szendrei
The name of a young man who was sentenced as an adult for killing a 15-year-old girl in a Delta park is no longer covered by a publication ban.

Author of the article:Vivian Luk
Publishing date:Jan 22, 2014 • January 23, 2014 • 3 minute read
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Laura Szendrei, 15, died after she was beaten in Mackie Park in North Delta last weekend. Photo by Vancouver Sun /Facebook
DELTA, B.C.: SEPTEMBER 26, 2010-

DELTA, B.C.: SEPTEMBER 26, 2010- Delta police investigate the murder of Laura Szendrei, 15, in Delta on September 26, 2010. Her body was found in a wooded area beside Mackie Park the afternoon before. Photo by Ian Smith /PNG
Rachael Szendrei, the mother of Laura Szendrei, gives the thumbs up as she and supporters leave court following verdict at the provincial court in Surrey on Friday, Oct. 18, 2013.A judge has sentenced a young man who murdered 15-year-old Laura Szendrei in a suburban park near Vancouver three years ago as an adult, meaning he will receive life with no parole for at least seven years.
Rachael Szendrei, the mother of Laura Szendrei, gives the thumbs up as she and supporters leave court following verdict at the provincial court in Surrey on Friday, Oct. 18, 2013.A judge has sentenced a young man who murdered 15-year-old Laura Szendrei in a suburban park near Vancouver three years ago as an adult, meaning he will receive life with no parole for at least seven years. Photo by Jonathan Hayward /THE CANADIAN PRESS

Michael Szendrei walks back to the sentencing hearing at the Surrey Provincial Courthouse Monday, July 15, 2013 for the youth who pleaded guilty to killing his 15-year-old daughter Laura Szendrei in a Delta city park September 2010. Photo by Ric Ernst /PNG
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METRO VANCOUVER — The name of a young man who was sentenced as an adult for bludgeoning a 15-year-old girl to death in a Delta park is no longer covered by a publication ban.

Twenty-one-year-old Wyatt DeBruin pleaded guilty to killing Laura Szendrei in a park in North Delta in September 2010.
He was sentenced last fall to life in prison for his crime, as a judge condemned him for not only devastating Szendrei's family and friends, but also striking "enduring fear into the heart of every Delta parent."

DeBruin was just days short of his 18th birthday at the time of the killing, meaning his name was covered by a publication ban as a young offender.

An adult sentence would usually lift such a ban, but his lawyer applied for an extension.

On Thursday, the restriction was lifted, though a publication ban remains in place on photos of the young man, his lawyer, Donna Turko, confirmed.

Turko said keeping DeBruin's picture out of the media would ensure he is safe in prison while helping him move on with his life.

"For his ability to access programming, to try to improve his mental status and state, his understanding of the offence, it will be much easier in the system to get him that help without the worry of a constant threat," she said an interview.

Turko said it was difficult to predict whether the publication of DeBruin's name would affect his chances of rehabilitation, acknowledging that his name has already been out on the Internet for some time.

"(Correctional Services Canada) will have to sort out where they put him," she said.

"They have a lot of options, potentially, so it will be up to the intelligence of corrections to make sure they've got him somewhere that allows for his rehabilitation and his safety at the same time."

DeBruin was sentenced last year to life with no parole for at least seven years, but his parole eligibility was reduced by the two years and eight months he had already spent in custody.

Szendrei was walking through Delta's popular Mackie Park to meet some friends on Sept. 25, 2010 when she was attacked. Her friends heard her scream and rushed to her side.

They found Szendrei beaten so severely that she died the following morning in hospital.

DeBruin was arrested five months later, after an undercover operation ended with him confessing his crime.

During his sentencing hearing, the court heard DeBruin left home on the morning of the murder, carrying plastic cable ties and a metal pipe. His plan was to find someone to rape, though he had no particular victim in mind. Szendrei just happened to be the first person he ran into who was by herself.

The court heard DeBruin asked Szendrei to help him fix his bike. He then tried to wrap a plastic wrap around her neck, but Szendrei screamed and attempted to run away, so he hit her over the head several times with the pipe.

DeBruin then fled, but he returned to pick up the pipe and a hat he left behind. By then, Szendrei's friends were already gathered around her. DeBruin told the group he had heard something and offered to help look for Szendrei's attacker.

The court heard police soon suspected DeBruin was involved in the attack. Investigators devised a Mr. Big-style undercover operation, in which DeBruin eventually confessed and re-enacted his crime. (Greg: Way to go Cops!!!! Big, big slice of raisin pie to you all. Mr. Big operations often work.)

Psychiatrists who testified at DeBruin's hearing said the attack was motivated by the DeBruin's desire to have sex with someone, apparently in order to get over his anxiety around women. The court heard DeBruin had sexually assaulted three other women in Delta in a series of escalating attacks before Szendrei's murder.

DeBruin stood up in court last fall and apologized for Szendrei's death. However, the judge concluded the man is a "sexually motivated murderer" who has not shown any insight into what he had done.

DeBruin's sentence of life with no parole for seven years is the maximum available to someone under 18 who is convicted of second-degree murder.
https://vancouversun.com/news/metro/publication-ban-lifted-on-name-of-young-man-who-murdered-delta-teen-laura-szendrei we need the death penalty again in Canada.

Before the killer was known the grieving parents made a plea to ID the killer.



https://www.gangsterismout.com/2020/11/ha-boss-damiano-dipopolos-defamation.html has pictures of the gun nut Dennis Watson where he talks about his gun license and constant criminal record checks. Why would a honest citizen need constant criminal record checks? Dennis Watson is a scuz and a liar and a cretin. He lost the lawsuit filed by the future pope H.A. full patch Damiano Dipopolo.

"Mr. Dennis Watson has no criminal record. He holds a restricted firearms permit and is subject to continuous criminal record checks." From the url above.

Dennis Watson has problems with his ex-wife, his ex-boss a female at Canada Post from whence he was terminated and Damiano Dipopolo's female lawyer. Dennis Watson is a creep, a chronic liar and a dunce. The loser posts pics with him at a target range must have a small pecker.

https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/2020/05/justin-trudeau-is-communist.html Surprise, surprise Dennis Watson says the Nova Scotia gunnut cop hating killer Gabriel Wortman is not the real killer. Watson like Wortmann hates RCMP and is a gun loon. Both have horrible relations with women.

I don't like Trudeau I didn't like his Dad have never voted federal Liberal and neither were or are communists. Lackeys to China most likely. Both Trudeau's won power democratically and CDNS wrongly have made Justin PM twice in fair elections. Pierre relinquished power in 1984 peacefully when he lost to bribe taking Mulroney who ran the deficit to record levels.

https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/542402348871751491/ Ace Sentura aka Ace Ventura aka Dennis Watson all the same disliked unwanted assclown with no social media accounts and unemployed.

This Anonymous Blogger Loves to Out Western Canadian Gangsters
An anonymous blogger has made it his virtual mission to reveal the identities and crimes of Western Canadian gangsters.
By Omar Mouallem
18.12.12 (Greg: He was outed in 2015 as Dennis Watson.)

The blogger identifies with Tommy Lee Jones' character from the MIB movies, for some reason. (Greg: Tommy Lee Jones in MIB, Ace Ventura he wants to be a detective but he is just a lying, unemployed dork with serious female problems and a weird dislike of s and m it is a subculture easily avoided.)

Eleven days before Halloween someone near Ranfurly, Alberta—a place so minuscule Google Maps doesn’t bother labelling it—cut a man’s head off and left him in a ditch. The rest of him was discovered the following Wednesday, two hours west in Edmonton, inside a garbage bag in the middle of an alley.

Initially, police withheld the identity of the victim. Then, on the following Friday morning, an anonymous blogger released it himself. Hours before media would confirm the victim was 54-year-old Bob Roth, a quiet, soft-spoken manual laborer, the blogger hadn’t just identified Mr. Roth, but posited that a gang called the White Boy Posse had killed him over a drug debt.

It would be another six weeks before media and the Edmonton Police Service would confirm the allegations against the White Boy Posse (WBP), a white supremacist drug gang who embraces Nazi symbology that’s found some form of acceptance, or at least tolerance, in small Northern Alberta towns. WBP recently made international headlines after four alleged members were linked to the decapitation of Roth, the murder of Bryan Gower, and the front-door shooting of Lorry Santos, an innocent mother of four. Lorry Santos’ only mistake was answering the front door of her home. The White Boy Posse thought that her place belonged to someone else, which leads gang experts to believe they’re not the brightest Nazi medal at the flea market.

A couple of mean looking White Boy Posse members.

“They’re a bunch of whacked-out, socially awkward kids with these bizarre, racist ideas who want to sell drugs. So they go to Hell’s Angels and say, ‘We’ll kiss your butt, we’ll kiss your feet, and sell your drugs to make commission,” says Tom Jones, (not his real name, luckily) the Surrey-based blogger and creator of Gangstersout.com, which he founded in 2009 as a safe place for Canadians to out neighbors suspected of being in organized crime.

Tom Jones (or “Agent K,” named after the Tommy Lee Jones character from the Men in Black series) believes WBP is a puppet club for the Hell’s Angels. He also thinks that they entered Roth’s hometown, Lloydminster, after another Hell’s Angels farm team got busted. They’re called (seriously) The Baseball Team, and they pretend to be—so says the blogger—“just a group of guys, playing baseball.” (Greg: Hell's Angel baseball is a team that breaks ppl and things with baseball bats. Hell's Angels football is the ppl who throw bombs. )

Jones knows all this, or believes he does, because he takes anonymous tips from people across the country. “When I get a tip, I always check it. I just Google the name to find a media report or a court record,” he says. But that’s not entirely true. In the case of Roth, “someone contacted me who knew the guy and said, ‘This is the name of the guy who was killed.’ I thought, how can I confirm that?” The answer was Roth’s brother’s Facebook page, where he found a memorial photo of Roth. Not exactly CSI, but good enough for Agent K. “People can argue the integrity of the investigations, but people can also argue that [police are] suppressing crime statistics,” he says.

As an aside to his blog, he keeps an online “Registry” of gang emblems, members, and the occasional Coquitlam, B.C. corporal who just likes bondage gear. Hey, nobody said Gangsters Out was the most professional news source. It looks like something Angelfire or Geocities might have hosted, back when stick-man-shovelling “under construction” gifs were all the rage. It makes its antithesis, a site called Who’s a Rat, look like Facebook but for undercover cops (which it is).

Tom Jones himself is a bit of a mystery. He only calls me from pay phones, which are a lot harder to find these days than gang members, apparently. And the only thing he’ll share with me is that he’s a single father of two girls and a son. This year alone he’s written almost 700 posts to keep pace with the intricate Western Canadian gang network. (Greg: He is still single as women are repelled by him and a quick Google search of his name Dennis Watson shows his weird problems with female intimates and female bosses the unemployed gomer and daily liar.)

He says it all leads up to and through the Hell’s Angels, who aren’t just responsible for one of the most awkward hip-hop careers ever, but are also “the largest criminal organization and cocaine importers in Canada,” he says. “Everywhere we look, it’s the same thing, the same puppet clubs, and the same driving force behind them.”

Most of his blogs seem to end here, at the Hell’s Angels. Though some posts are about snowshoeing on the majestic mount Seymour, and others are about communist China—but, then there are the outings of drug dealers and traffickers that neighbors just want removed from their community.

A screenshot from Gangsters Out.

“I get people from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia… you know, small towns. In small towns everybody knows everybody. So once you’re sure they’re from that town and they’re honest with you, it doesn’t take much more,” he says. “People are usually afraid to talk.” So he makes it safer for them. But who’s to say these people aren’t just talking smack?

For example, take this post on a New Brunswick mank named Fred Broad. According to a secret source, this guy has been shaking people down for money on behalf of the Hell’s Angels. He writes, “Personally I think he looks like Santa with that red nose and rosy cheeks. Then again, judging by the company he keeps, that might just be the alcohol.” It’s not exactly a “person of interest” blurb. It’s slander, really.

And then there’s another guy who became a person of interest to Tom Jones because he was Facebook friends with John Darrell Krokos, a Kamloops, B.C. man arrested for selling drugs in Mexico. Tom Jones then posted pictures of the two hanging out, in the club, in the living room, on the beach.

In a moment of bad judgement, I poked the man (whose physique is not unlike a sequoia) on Facebook and sent him a cordial message to find out if he knows he’s being accused of gang crimes on a site that gets 200,000 hits a month. I haven’t heard back, but Facebook’s handy “seen” feature suggests he hasn’t read it yet. The fact that he’s using his full name and exposing his tattoos, let alone face, makes me skeptical of the allegations.

These posts might lead you to think Gangsters Out is just The Dirty with a niche, but its origins are quite pure. While attending a memorial rally for Chris Mohan and Edward Schellenberg, two innocent bystanders in the Surrey Six (a 2007 gangland slaughter associated with the Red Scorpions), Tom Jones heard Mohan’s mother, Eileen, make a public appeal for a website that identified known criminals. “She said, ‘We were living next door to gang members. We had no idea. If we knew we could have taken precautions, moved, and my son might still be alive.’” Jones thought, “I could do that!”

Kash Heed and his many microphones.

Vancouver MLA Kash Heed agreed. After two fatal shootings, the former West Vancouver police chief called for a website that publicly shamed suspected gangsters in the same fashion as the Stanley Cup riot blogs that exposed regular Vancouverites for what they really are—flavored syrup filching motherfuckers.

“You can replicate the success they had through social media by getting the information out there through posting the pictures in very strategic spots and exposing these gang members for what they are,” Heed told the Vancouver Sun. “Because at the end of the day, public safety trumps everything else.”

I asked Sgt. Lindsey Houghton, a media relations officer for the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit in BC, if he’d seen the Gangsters Out. He had. I asked him if it concerned him. “Isn’t that what reporters do every single day?” he asked.

Houghton isn’t overly concerned with the blog, but he's not terribly impressed either. “This is another form of reporting or journalism in our social media age. We would, as we would with any gang related news, caution people against what they say and what their opinions are and rushing to judgement.” He reminded me that even repeating defamation can lead to litigation.

However, defamation isn’t what Tom Jones is afraid of. He says in his union days he fought enough corporate lawyers to know “what I can get away with and what I can’t get away with.” It’s the people who posted his address on Facebook and threatened to rape his daughter that he’s hiding from. (Greg: Yup Dennis Watson is scared. Yup a weird scared creepy dolt. Union day fighting corporate lawyers? He was fired for his bad attitude towards women especially his female boss at Canada Post and a decade later still whines about it on his web sites has issues with that female lawyer mentioned earlier and his ex-wife despises the dullard.)

He keeps a tighter lid on things now. Friends don’t even know about it. (Greg: The friends most likely are long gone now.)Though some of his commenters—trolls or gang members, it’s hard to tell—have suspected that he’s Wayne Shuttleworth, the disgraced Manitoba RCMP officer who joined the Zig Zag Crew, another Hell’s Angel puppet club.

I asked if he really enjoys the persona of Agent K, and he laughed. “I’ve never had a desire to be an undercover officer or secret service thing. When I was growing up, being a narc was the lowest form of life. Yeah, being anonymous is cheap. Yeah, it’s being a bitch. But it’s getting something done.” (Greg: Yes you now hang out online with nazis and racists a new low in your downward spiral life. This bozo tried to become a Guardian Angel and was rejected there are pics of himself online wearing Guardian Angel clothing he somehow obtained standing alone like always. You lost a lawsuit filed by a Hell's Angel. You Dennis Watson to quote yourself are a bitch.)

What’s getting done isn’t clear. Sgt. Houghton said there’s nothing there that he doesn’t know. However, some of the alleged criminals who Tom Jones kept tabs on were later arrested. Larry Amero, for example, was busted in Montreal last month with 400 guns and $250,000 in cash, coke, and other contraband, three months after Gangsters Out suggested the former Kelowna Hell’s Angels member was hiding out and doing business in Montreal.

There’s no evidence that it’s led to any arrests or made anyone feel safer, but Gangsters Out has caused several people to beg or even threaten him to remove their profiles from his site (he complied, just once, to the pleas of a suspected gang member's pregnant girlfriend). As Gangsters Out reaches its six millionth visitor, its credibility is building. It's becoming a powerful tool to expose Western Canadian gang members. But like any anonymous vigilante site, there’s no way to know whether or not it's actually attempting to provide a public service or helping an individual achieve a personal vendetta.

Follow Omar on Twitter: @omar_aok
https://www.vice.com/en/article/7bej9x/this-anonymous-blogger-loves-to-out-western-canadian-gangsters The guys credibility except what he directly cuts and pastes from MSM is none.
Glenn Victor Gilbert
***@gmail.com’s profile photo
13 Jan 2019, 02:03:14
Glenn Victor Gilbert ex of New Westminster and Burnaby and 7 Rodney
Terrace Dartmouth NS is a Crime Stoppers informant. He ratted out the
boyfriend of Leslie Vincent for dealing cocaine in the 90ès. He is
also a homosexual who had sex with his step-dad and an Aboriginal man.
You could have protected your nephew if you had gone to the cops or
killed the creep. I busted you up with a lead pipe and you did nothing
but issue threats and testify against me. He has been known to smoke Export A green packs has difficulty holding employment and a bad back. 25 years ago he was wearing a back brace. Never won a fight in his life he won a few scraps but the person always came back and cleaned his clock. Likes giving and receiving anal sex. Known to beat women been arrested for domestic assaults. When drunk has been known to pass out while cooking food in an oven. When he moved to BC he had a brown hankerchief in his back pocket some of you know what that means.
Loose Cannon
2021-10-11 16:57:56 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Posted it several times earlier
Nobody has the time to read all that bullshit. Show us *BRIEFLY* whatever evidence you have, if you have any at all (which I doubt).
Gregory Carr
2021-10-12 06:49:46 UTC
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Posted it several times earlier
Nobody has the time to read all that bullshit. Show us *BRIEFLY* whatever evidence you have, if you have any at all (which I doubt).
Well you cretin you are unemployed along with Dennis Watson. No one who lives in Canada posts support for Dennis Watson. Your both creepoids. Dennis Watson loves to associate with your nazi and racist self online.
Ace Ventura
2021-10-12 17:10:22 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Posted it several times earlier
Nobody has the time to read all that bullshit. Show us *BRIEFLY* whatever evidence you have, if you have any at all (which I doubt).
Well you cretin you are unemployed along with Dennis Watson. No one who lives in Canada posts support for Dennis Watson. Your both creepoids. Dennis Watson loves to associate with your nazi and racist self online.
Hey phat stinky welfare basterd. You have reported to ***@gmail.com, again. See you later phatty fat.

BTW what's the address of yer basement in Walley?, me and the boys (Haney HA) will slap your cross-dressing homosexual buttock for you.
Gregory Carr
2021-10-12 22:37:24 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Posted it several times earlier
Nobody has the time to read all that bullshit. Show us *BRIEFLY* whatever evidence you have, if you have any at all (which I doubt).
Well you cretin you are unemployed along with Dennis Watson. No one who lives in Canada posts support for Dennis Watson. Your both creepoids. Dennis Watson loves to associate with your nazi and racist self online.
BTW what's the address of yer basement in Walley?, me and the boys (Haney HA) will slap your cross-dressing homosexual buttock for you.
I know a number of H.A. ppl such as the bar manager at Kelly's Pub. You so stupid you can't find me what a tard what a dolt you are. Look forward to stabbing you in self defense and your cowardly band of impotent bullies. Rick the Coquitlam H.A.M.C. Pres has personally given me the middle finger 6 times. The old 1%er has eagle eyes. Hope your white dog dies of worms Dennis Watson. Glad the Falun Gongers have told you to stay away I checked your Linked In account you have lost lots of connections. Ppl know you as a kook a conspiracy theory mental midget a chronic liar and unemployed doofus. Call the RCMP again if you want contact ***@gmail again if you want jerk off to your pictures of your daughter Shannon lots of rapists are thinking of her. Your welcome to my apt anytime bald one so I can kill you and I will make your slut daughter pay for the new carpet.

As for welfare here for your look is some donations I have made why don' t you Dennis Watson and your nazi ally Gordon Radavitch do the same. Your both evil and scum.

Odd you Gordon Radavitch a nym shifting coward have posted that ppl steal from me how can they steal from me if I have no money? Your a bitter, envious, forlorn, stupid, on the welfare dole, chronically lying dorkus with a fatso wife a failed immigrant from Serbia living in England with no friends or extended family. None of these pikers and skivvers and chronic liars gives to charity Michael Yardley, Dave Mulligan, Joe Mulligan, Gordon Radavitch, Karen Eileen Gordon , Tom Strenja, Glenn Victor Gilbert, George Pope, Dennis Watson or Winston Chu. Do not donate to the CF Foundation . These are all good charities Surrey Food Bank, Union Gospel Mission New Westminster and Vancouver and Mission Possible, British Columbia Schizophrenic Society, MS Society, Quest, CNIB, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Leukemia and Lymphoma Assoc., BC Lung Association, Habitat for Humanity, The Mustard Seed and I have donated to them all.

Official Donation Receipt for Canadian Income Tax Purposes Greg Carr Surrey, British Columbia Canada THE MUSTARD SEED FOUNDATION102 11 Ave SE, Calgary, AB, T2G 0X5#874532518RR0001 Stephen WileChief Executive Office rReceipt No:T0130412 Tax Deductible Amount:$250.00 Received:Jun 28, 2021 Receipt Issued:Jun 29, 2021 For more information, please visit www.Canada.ca/Charities-Giving.Dear Greg,Thank you for your generous support. Your special donation will connect our clients to the specificHealth and Wellness programs and services they urgently need. Your gift helps break down barriers, onestep at a time. In Kamloops, hundreds of men and women come to us each day looking for a new beginning. More important than any service we provide at The Mustard Seed is the hope that our clients feel as they develop the skills, confidence, and courage to move forward in their lives. You help care for our community’s most vulnerable and ensure they are surrounded by a caring community that supports their success! Together, we help the most vulnerable in our community grow stronger, so the line between experiencing homelessness and needing help doesn’t have to be so thin. Thank you again for your meaningful kindness and for showing men and women in need that they are worthy of a second chance. We could not continue our work without your faithful support. Your partner in changing lives, Stephen WileChief Executive Officer PS: Please visit our website, to see how your support is making a difference in the liveswww.theseed.ca of those we serve in our community.

Dear Greg,

Thank you for supporting Habitat Canada! With every generous gift, caring donors like you are helping to make the dream of owning a stable home a reality for families in need of housing.

Your support has helped us purchase building materials so that we can carry out as much construction as possible this year. Just consider what that will mean when they are put together to build a new house where a family can stand together and proudly say, “this is our home, built with strong and durable materials!”

You make that happen when you support Habitat Canada. Once again, thank you for contributing to homebuilding across Canada in this very unique way, and for offering a hand-up to families in need of safe and decent housing. You are making such an incredible difference in so many lives, and your contribution is truly appreciated.


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Registered Canadian Charity 131902348RR0001

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© 2019 Union Gospel Mission
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Union Gospel Mission <***@ugm.ca>

Sat., Sep. 7, 2019 at 5:02 p.m.

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© 2019 Union Gospel Mission
Registered Canadian Charity 131902348RR0001
Ace Ventura
2021-10-13 17:08:42 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Posted it several times earlier
Nobody has the time to read all that bullshit. Show us *BRIEFLY* whatever evidence you have, if you have any at all (which I doubt).
Well you cretin you are unemployed along with Dennis Watson. No one who lives in Canada posts support for Dennis Watson. Your both creepoids. Dennis Watson loves to associate with your nazi and racist self online.
BTW what's the address of yer basement in Walley?, me and the boys (Haney HA) will slap your cross-dressing homosexual buttock for you.
As for welfare here for your look is some donations I have made why don' t you Dennis Watson and your nazi ally Gordon Radavitch do the same. Your both evil and scum.
Odd you Gordon Radavitch a nym shifting coward have posted that ppl steal from me how can they steal from me if I have no money? Your a bitter, envious, forlorn, stupid, on the welfare dole, chronically lying dorkus with a fatso wife a failed immigrant from Serbia living in England with no friends or extended family. None of these pikers and skivvers and chronic liars gives to charity Michael Yardley, Dave Mulligan, Joe Mulligan, Gordon Radavitch, Karen Eileen Gordon , Tom Strenja, Glenn Victor Gilbert, George Pope, Dennis Watson or Winston Chu. Do not donate to the CF Foundation . These are all good charities Surrey Food Bank, Union Gospel Mission New Westminster and Vancouver and Mission Possible, British Columbia Schizophrenic Society, MS Society, Quest, CNIB, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Leukemia and Lymphoma Assoc., BC Lung Association, Habitat for Humanity, The Mustard Seed and I have donated to them all.
Official Donation Receipt for Canadian Income Tax Purposes Greg Carr Surrey, British Columbia Canada THE MUSTARD SEED FOUNDATION102 11 Ave SE, Calgary, AB, T2G 0X5#874532518RR0001 Stephen WileChief Executive Office rReceipt No:T0130412 Tax Deductible Amount:$250.00 Received:Jun 28, 2021 Receipt Issued:Jun 29, 2021 For more information, please visit www.Canada.ca/Charities-Giving.Dear Greg,Thank you for your generous support. Your special donation will connect our clients to the specificHealth and Wellness programs and services they urgently need. Your gift helps break down barriers, onestep at a time. In Kamloops, hundreds of men and women come to us each day looking for a new beginning. More important than any service we provide at The Mustard Seed is the hope that our clients feel as they develop the skills, confidence, and courage to move forward in their lives. You help care for our community’s most vulnerable and ensure they are surrounded by a caring community that supports their success! Together, we help the most vulnerable in our community grow stronger, so the line between experiencing homelessness and needing help doesn’t have to be so thin. Thank you again for your meaningful kindness and for showing men and women in need that they are worthy of a second chance. We could not continue our work without your faithful support. Your partner in changing lives, Stephen WileChief Executive Officer PS: Please visit our website, to see how your support is making a difference in the liveswww.theseed.ca of those we serve in our community.
Dear Greg,
Thank you for supporting Habitat Canada! With every generous gift, caring donors like you are helping to make the dream of owning a stable home a reality for families in need of housing.
Your support has helped us purchase building materials so that we can carry out as much construction as possible this year. Just consider what that will mean when they are put together to build a new house where a family can stand together and proudly say, “this is our home, built with strong and durable materials!”
You make that happen when you support Habitat Canada. Once again, thank you for contributing to homebuilding across Canada in this very unique way, and for offering a hand-up to families in need of safe and decent housing. You are making such an incredible difference in so many lives, and your contribution is truly appreciated.
Jennifer Hearn
Vice President, Philanthropy
Habitat for Humanity Canada
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© 2019 Union Gospel Mission
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© 2019 Union Gospel Mission
Registered Canadian Charity 131902348RR0001
Thank you for your donation!
Sat., Sep. 7, 2019 at 5:02 p.m.
Your Total Gift
Thank you for your generous gift!
Your contribution is another step towards overcoming poverty, homelessness and addiction, one life at a time. Thank you for your generosity.
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If you're new to our community, see this special welcome message just for you. Read stories your gift has inspired!
© 2019 Union Gospel Mission
Registered Canadian Charity 131902348RR0001

Would you assholes LOOK at the filth, hate, spam, slander and libel dished up every damn day and despite MULTIPLE complaints?

Greg Carr of Surrey. NO amount of complaining does anything ... WTF is wrong with you 'people' allowing this?


The 'man' is a welfare bum and he is retarded (no joke) - on social assistance disability. This is how the parasite gets his damn jollies.
Loose Cannon
2021-10-16 02:50:38 UTC
On Tue, 12 Oct 2021 10:10:22 -0700 (PDT), Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Posted it several times earlier
Nobody has the time to read all that bullshit. Show us *BRIEFLY* whatever evidence you have, if you have any at all (which I doubt).
Well you cretin you are unemployed along with Dennis Watson. No one who lives in Canada posts support for Dennis Watson. Your both creepoids. Dennis Watson loves to associate with your nazi and racist self online.
BTW what's the address of yer basement in Walley?, me and the boys (Haney HA) will slap your cross-dressing homosexual buttock for you.
Ther thought of that turns him on. Can he bring along his newest love
Ace Ventura
2021-10-16 22:14:42 UTC
Post by Loose Cannon
On Tue, 12 Oct 2021 10:10:22 -0700 (PDT), Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Posted it several times earlier
Nobody has the time to read all that bullshit. Show us *BRIEFLY* whatever evidence you have, if you have any at all (which I doubt).
Well you cretin you are unemployed along with Dennis Watson. No one who lives in Canada posts support for Dennis Watson. Your both creepoids. Dennis Watson loves to associate with your nazi and racist self online.
BTW what's the address of yer basement in Walley?, me and the boys (Haney HA) will slap your cross-dressing homosexual buttock for you.
Ther thought of that turns him on. Can he bring along his newest love
Dennis Watson hates cops and won't report Greg Carr's death threats. He's an iffin dumbarse because fatty fat is mentally whacko. The welfare bum COULD be dangerous, and he has a very long criminal record. Greg Carr is so bent he won't stop until he's in handcuffs. I would report the slug, butt really, if Watson gives no proper fuk why should anybody else? (Its 45 minutes for a non-emergency 911 call these days, pffft)
Gregory Carr
2021-10-30 13:29:34 UTC
Post by Loose Cannon
On Tue, 12 Oct 2021 10:10:22 -0700 (PDT), Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Posted it several times earlier
Nobody has the time to read all that bullshit. Show us *BRIEFLY* whatever evidence you have, if you have any at all (which I doubt).
Well you cretin you are unemployed along with Dennis Watson. No one who lives in Canada posts support for Dennis Watson. Your both creepoids. Dennis Watson loves to associate with your nazi and racist self online.
BTW what's the address of yer basement in Walley?, me and the boys (Haney HA) will slap your cross-dressing homosexual buttock for you.
Ther thought of that turns him on. Can he bring along his newest love
Dennis Watson hates cops and won't report Greg Carr's death threats. He's an iffin dumbarse because fatty fat is mentally whacko. The welfare bum COULD be dangerous, and he has a very long criminal record. Greg Carr is so bent he won't stop until he's in handcuffs. I would report the slug, butt really, if Watson gives no proper fuk why should anybody else? (Its 45 minutes for a non-emergency 911 call these days, pffft)
You are a chronic liar and I own my apt. and RV debt free. I hope you end up in jail to be airholed. You won't call the police because you are loathed by them you sex criminal and you are scared of me. Kill yourself.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/I37LmTGjiME/m/S3VDJghICQAJ Mr. Dipopolo now has 8 children and won his lawsuit against weirdo, unemployed bum Dennis Watson. http://denniswatson.ca/ https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/2018/12/dennis-james-watson-has-never-been.html he feels it necessary to assert he doesn't have sex with children. He has disabled all commenting on his blogs. Dennis Watson is the only one of his neighbours to have the satanic, demonic Halloween decorations on his door. Orange. Brown piano in his very small backyard absolutely no security for the backyard. Hey you unemployed bum and abject failure the rain and cold is wrecking whatever value that piano has. Adult bicycles and children bicycles. Canoes including a blue one. Why does Dennis Watson feel it is necessary to state on his website he is not a pedophile?
https://twitter.com/jeffdrakes looks like the same guy 2014 9 tweets.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-drakes-88a9a2a6/?originalSubdomain=ca okay I am confused the guy seems to be a University Grad and owns Drake Way Health Center. But just like Dennis Watson he is into pianos. What a coincidence. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-drakes-88a9a2a6/ He claims to own Drake Way Health Center for 4 years and 7 months but no address is given and a Google shows no such company. The guys LinkedIn is as phony as chronically lying Dennis Watson's. Look how thin and old looking Mr. Drake is and he claims to run a health center what a couple of lamoid losers.Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.

https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.
Daryl Grant MacAskill
2021-10-26 20:55:25 UTC
Well, well, well. Judge for yourself who the criminal is here.
Soon to be in court again for showing contempt to a Judge's order.
Gregory Carr
2021-10-30 13:35:04 UTC
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Well, well, well. Judge for yourself who the criminal is here.
Soon to be in court again for showing contempt to a Judge's order.
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.

Daryl Grant MacAskill Fan Club
I am trying to make my presence known as a warning to everyone but I need your help. Please tell me more about myself. Tell me if I have tried to extort money from you and anything else you know about me. I don't even have any decent pictures of me from before I started drugs. I know I look like a total mess now. Even new pictures are ok I guess.

August 23, 2021

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
I am a convicted criminal and work around the Vancouver, BC area.

My specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. I have been doing this a long time.

Pretty simple actually, I will go on my blog and write all kinds of stuff (mostly untrue although I will throw in a few facts to bait the reader) and then I will email you an amount of money that I want you to pay to remove the information off the internet. Neat right.

Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take me to court.

I will publish more of my adventures here soon as a public service.

Help me help you!

I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities I have been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.

drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller



Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra

Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.

Some say I am also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted my page.

Forunately it is archived here:

Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/

My copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/

Some "pretend" unhappiness with me here

Other badness fortunately.

9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.

9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?

The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:

http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment

But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.



Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell

2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.

The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Followed up by this comment:

It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.

Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.

The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.

2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel

This is a troll with a colourful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.

The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."

After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.

Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Jailed for FRAUD,
1995 Declared Bankrupt,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Not expected to show up and didn't.
2021 Nov TBD Most likely; going to Jail for Contempt of a Judges Court Order.

http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)

Using the address of a shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station. All internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc via cellphone.

Some newer stuff:

Ministry of the Attorney General

File Number 41864
There is not enough room for all my court stuff.
I know exactly how to waste the courts time.


Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant


Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/I37LmTGjiME/m/S3VDJghICQAJ Mr. Dipopolo now has 8 children and won his lawsuit against weirdo, unemployed bum Dennis Watson. http://denniswatson.ca/ https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/2018/12/dennis-james-watson-has-never-been.html he feels it necessary to assert he doesn't have sex with children. He has disabled all commenting on his blogs. Dennis Watson is the only one of his neighbours to have the satanic, demonic Halloween decorations on his door. Orange. Brown piano in his very small backyard absolutely no security for the backyard. Hey you unemployed bum and abject failure the rain and cold is wrecking whatever value that piano has. Adult bicycles and children bicycles. Canoes including a blue one. Why does Dennis Watson feel it is necessary to state on his website he is not a pedophile?
https://twitter.com/jeffdrakes looks like the same guy 2014 9 tweets.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-drakes-88a9a2a6/?originalSubdomain=ca okay I am confused the guy seems to be a University Grad and owns Drake Way Health Center. But just like Dennis Watson he is into pianos. What a coincidence. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-drakes-88a9a2a6/ He claims to own Drake Way Health Center for 4 years and 7 months but no address is given and a Google shows no such company. The guys LinkedIn is as phony as chronically lying Dennis Watson's. Look how thin and old looking Mr. Drake is and he claims to run a health center what a couple of lamoid losers.Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.

https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.
Daryl Grant MacAskill
2022-03-02 18:24:44 UTC
On Tuesday, 26 October 2021 at 13:55:26 UTC-7, Daryl Grant MacAskill wrote:
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.

Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.

Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
Ace Ventura
2022-05-12 02:41:53 UTC
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
Ace Ventura
2022-05-20 20:05:49 UTC
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.

Gregory Carr
2022-05-21 05:47:26 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.
You can't even pay rent useless unloved, friendless moron and bum and chronic liar.
Loose Cannon
2022-05-21 16:53:03 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.
You can't even pay rent useless unloved, friendless moron and bum and chronic liar.
When you're being butt-fucked, are you in the doggie position or are you on your back with your legs up in the air?
Gregory Carr
2022-05-21 17:20:13 UTC
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.
You can't even pay rent useless unloved, friendless moron and bum and chronic liar.
When you're being butt-fucked, are you in the doggie position or are you on your back with your legs up in the air?
Well dummy that would be physically impossible and be nice if we could get the gay day cancelled here in Surrey waste of property tax money and provincial taxes. Contact city council if you agree I already have.

You are banned from all social media you are stupid you are friendless you are an unwanted immigrant your wife is fat and stupid you are a chronic liar you hate your fat wife, Jews, Blacks, Asians, Aboriginals and moi. You support pedophiles and rapists online. Just like the poster who shoplifts and has done time for fraud and just lost a lawsuit you nym shift on a regular basis and never use the name on your legal documents. You are old, scared and brittle but Daryl Macaskill is uglier. Guy looks like a total loser and a extreme worry wart.

Repeated Anti-Semitic Pro-Hitler Posts By Gordon Radavich [***@tiscali.co.uk] aka ***@gmx.com Also Vicious Anti-Black Statements And Repeated Support Of Convicted Rapists And Pedophiles.

Another off-topic post by Susan Cohen aka NEMO aka loose cannon a chronic liar and idiot a failed immigrant.
Repeated Anti-Semitic Pro-Hitler Posts By Gordon Radavich [***@tiscali.co.uk] Also Vicious Anti-Black Statements And Repeated Support Of Convicted Rapists And Pedophiles. Also is using this email ***@gmx.com https://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/gmx.com#:~:text=Overview,activity%20and%20customer%20service%20problems. GMX gets atrocious ratings guess the anonymous posting coward is desperate for a server. ahttps://support.gmx.com/contact-us/contact-us.html they don't want to read about scams originating from their email service. https://www.pissedconsumer.com/company/gmx-mail/customer-service.html (855) 461-6058 supposedly their phone number. GMX is a subsidiary of United Internet AG, a stock-listed company in Germany. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GMX_Mail is this German company supporting racism and hatred of Jews and nazism? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GMX_Mail they also own mail.com. https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/gmx-com/people according to this they only have 4 employees. Mike Mundt
Chief Executive Officer
1 email found
Allen Lee
Board Member
1 email found

https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-mundt-12718762/ Here is the CEO of GMX.com Linked In account if you want to contact him about the off-topic posts of the nazi Gordon Radavitch ***@gmx.com. Mr. Mundt also has a 2nd LinkedIn account. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-mundt-66641685/

Greg Carr <***@yahoo.ca>

Wed., Mar. 17 at 6:24 a.m.

Loose Cannon aka Gordon Radavich [***@tiscali.co.uk] He uses various other nicks as well such as NEMO and Susan Cohen. He also hates Asians.

Your refusal to cut off his service might result in legal action against your firm since he is too poor to sue.

https://www.gov.uk/report-immigration-crime contact these ppl to get Gordon Radavich deported back to rural backwater Serbia.

Contact the Member at their Westminster address.
House of Commons
Phone: 020 7219 4711
Email: ***@parliament.uk This person is responsible for immigration and deportations so contact him to get the vile Gordon Radavich deported from whence he came. Unlike in Canada and the USA that post isn't a Cabinet Post which is odd.

You have such a empty, vacant life you read newsgroups about subjects that happen in places 5,000 miles away from you that you have no connection with. Oh wait you have no connection with anything nithling.

Gordon Radavich is FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT like Jake Virtanen. Homosexuals out of team sports homosexuals out of the locker rooms. Quit beating off thinking of the high school qb or left guard.
You pissed because you can't rape Croats and Kosovians anymore? The court at the Hague should investigate you for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia you are the right age for that.

Have another wretched, poverty stricken mediocre day Gordon Radavich you child raping ,child porn watching moronic dip.

Up your nose with a rubber hose.

Gordon Radavich is a second world Serbian dole boy. He is a chronic liar with no friends. His wife is an adulterous fat disgusting pig. Lots of felchers in London, England to ream your diseased ass' Gordon Radavich.

Loose Cannon aka Gordon Radavich [***@tiscali.co.uk] aka ***@gmx.com He uses various other nicks as well such as NEMO and Susan Cohen.

Radavich is so stupid he spelled his name wrong on his email addy. The email is valid. Feel free to contact his ISP about his anti-Black, anti-Jewish, anti-Asian posts to USENET and his general stupidity and off-topic posts to various ngs.

Population of earth: 7,442,000,000,000
Number of people superior to Gordon: 7,441,999,999,999"
"Police have arrested a Serbian national following a lengthy
investigation into anti-Semitic activities. Gordon Radavich, 51, a
satellite system installer, was arrested at his home in Albert Bridge
Road, Battersea, and charged with various offences under the Public
Order Act (1986) and Computer Misuse Act (1990). Several computers
and a number of foreign passports were removed from the premises for
forensic examination. After a preliminary hearing before Wandsworth
magistrates yesterday he was remanded in custody until 16th August."

Hope Brexit gets your child raping ass deported back to Serbia and away from the First World.

What a pathetic life you lead.

All Nazis Must Hang. The Only Good Nazi Is A Dead One.

Glad Earl J Weber the Louisiana pedophile is dead Gordon Radavich lauded him on USENET. Neither of them ever had a child or did it with a even an average woman. Weber never saw a woman over 10 naked that's how fat catholics do it the poorest state in America. Both were/are chronic liars and totally racist against Blacks and dumber than the slime from a snail. Both lost the war they were involved in.

Gordon Radavich is from Serbia a Slav a Untermensch.

Even Hitler looked down on slavs! LOL

"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best
of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their
own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local
inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a
concentration camp!"
Adolph Hitler, speaking about Slavic Untermensch like Gordon, 6 August

During the last century it was lamentable for those who had to witness
it, to notice how in these circles I have just mentioned the word
'Germanize' was frivolously played with, though the practice was often
well intended. I well remember how in the days of my youth this very
term used to give rise to notions which were false to an incredible
degree. Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed
that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the
Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate.
Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be
carried out only as regards human beings.
-Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 2

Slavs are a mass of inborn slaves, who feel the need of a master.
-Adolph Hitler, Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-1944
Ace Ventura
2022-05-21 17:24:53 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.
You can't even pay rent useless unloved, friendless moron and bum and chronic liar.
When you're being butt-fucked, are you in the doggie position or are you on your back with your legs up in the air?
Well dummy that would be physically impossible and be nice if we could get the gay day cancelled here in Surrey waste of property tax money and provincial taxes. Contact city council if you agree I already have.
You are banned from all social media you are stupid you are friendless you are an unwanted immigrant your wife is fat and stupid you are a chronic liar you hate your fat wife, Jews, Blacks, Asians, Aboriginals and moi. You support pedophiles and rapists online. Just like the poster who shoplifts and has done time for fraud and just lost a lawsuit you nym shift on a regular basis and never use the name on your legal documents. You are old, scared and brittle but Daryl Macaskill is uglier. Guy looks like a total loser and a extreme worry wart.
Another off-topic post by Susan Cohen aka NEMO aka loose cannon a chronic liar and idiot a failed immigrant.
Chief Executive Officer
1 email found
Allen Lee
Board Member
1 email found
Wed., Mar. 17 at 6:24 a.m.
Your refusal to cut off his service might result in legal action against your firm since he is too poor to sue.
https://www.gov.uk/report-immigration-crime contact these ppl to get Gordon Radavich deported back to rural backwater Serbia.
Contact the Member at their Westminster address.
House of Commons
Phone: 020 7219 4711
You have such a empty, vacant life you read newsgroups about subjects that happen in places 5,000 miles away from you that you have no connection with. Oh wait you have no connection with anything nithling.
Gordon Radavich is FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT like Jake Virtanen. Homosexuals out of team sports homosexuals out of the locker rooms. Quit beating off thinking of the high school qb or left guard.
You pissed because you can't rape Croats and Kosovians anymore? The court at the Hague should investigate you for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia you are the right age for that.
Have another wretched, poverty stricken mediocre day Gordon Radavich you child raping ,child porn watching moronic dip.
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
Gordon Radavich is a second world Serbian dole boy. He is a chronic liar with no friends. His wife is an adulterous fat disgusting pig. Lots of felchers in London, England to ream your diseased ass' Gordon Radavich.
Radavich is so stupid he spelled his name wrong on his email addy. The email is valid. Feel free to contact his ISP about his anti-Black, anti-Jewish, anti-Asian posts to USENET and his general stupidity and off-topic posts to various ngs.
Population of earth: 7,442,000,000,000
Number of people superior to Gordon: 7,441,999,999,999"
"Police have arrested a Serbian national following a lengthy
investigation into anti-Semitic activities. Gordon Radavich, 51, a
satellite system installer, was arrested at his home in Albert Bridge
Road, Battersea, and charged with various offences under the Public
Order Act (1986) and Computer Misuse Act (1990). Several computers
and a number of foreign passports were removed from the premises for
forensic examination. After a preliminary hearing before Wandsworth
magistrates yesterday he was remanded in custody until 16th August."
Hope Brexit gets your child raping ass deported back to Serbia and away from the First World.
What a pathetic life you lead.
All Nazis Must Hang. The Only Good Nazi Is A Dead One.
Glad Earl J Weber the Louisiana pedophile is dead Gordon Radavich lauded him on USENET. Neither of them ever had a child or did it with a even an average woman. Weber never saw a woman over 10 naked that's how fat catholics do it the poorest state in America. Both were/are chronic liars and totally racist against Blacks and dumber than the slime from a snail. Both lost the war they were involved in.
Gordon Radavich is from Serbia a Slav a Untermensch.
Even Hitler looked down on slavs! LOL
"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best
of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their
own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local
inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a
concentration camp!"
Adolph Hitler, speaking about Slavic Untermensch like Gordon, 6 August
During the last century it was lamentable for those who had to witness
it, to notice how in these circles I have just mentioned the word
'Germanize' was frivolously played with, though the practice was often
well intended. I well remember how in the days of my youth this very
term used to give rise to notions which were false to an incredible
degree. Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed
that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the
Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate.
Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be
carried out only as regards human beings.
-Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 2
Slavs are a mass of inborn slaves, who feel the need of a master.
-Adolph Hitler, Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-1944
Gweg is FOR SURE a "on your back with your legs up in the air?" type.

Gweg feels that specific homosexual gay position allows the greatest leverage vis-a-vis man flesh up his poopy poop hole, something that Gweg shoots for.
Ace Ventura
2022-05-27 21:17:17 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.
You can't even pay rent useless unloved, friendless moron and bum and chronic liar.
When you're being butt-fucked, are you in the doggie position or are you on your back with your legs up in the air?
Well dummy that would be physically impossible and be nice if we could get the gay day cancelled here in Surrey waste of property tax money and provincial taxes. Contact city council if you agree I already have.
You are banned from all social media you are stupid you are friendless you are an unwanted immigrant your wife is fat and stupid you are a chronic liar you hate your fat wife, Jews, Blacks, Asians, Aboriginals and moi. You support pedophiles and rapists online. Just like the poster who shoplifts and has done time for fraud and just lost a lawsuit you nym shift on a regular basis and never use the name on your legal documents. You are old, scared and brittle but Daryl Macaskill is uglier. Guy looks like a total loser and a extreme worry wart.
Another off-topic post by Susan Cohen aka NEMO aka loose cannon a chronic liar and idiot a failed immigrant.
Chief Executive Officer
1 email found
Allen Lee
Board Member
1 email found
Wed., Mar. 17 at 6:24 a.m.
Your refusal to cut off his service might result in legal action against your firm since he is too poor to sue.
https://www.gov.uk/report-immigration-crime contact these ppl to get Gordon Radavich deported back to rural backwater Serbia.
Contact the Member at their Westminster address.
House of Commons
Phone: 020 7219 4711
You have such a empty, vacant life you read newsgroups about subjects that happen in places 5,000 miles away from you that you have no connection with. Oh wait you have no connection with anything nithling.
Gordon Radavich is FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT like Jake Virtanen. Homosexuals out of team sports homosexuals out of the locker rooms. Quit beating off thinking of the high school qb or left guard.
You pissed because you can't rape Croats and Kosovians anymore? The court at the Hague should investigate you for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia you are the right age for that.
Have another wretched, poverty stricken mediocre day Gordon Radavich you child raping ,child porn watching moronic dip.
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
Gordon Radavich is a second world Serbian dole boy. He is a chronic liar with no friends. His wife is an adulterous fat disgusting pig. Lots of felchers in London, England to ream your diseased ass' Gordon Radavich.
Radavich is so stupid he spelled his name wrong on his email addy. The email is valid. Feel free to contact his ISP about his anti-Black, anti-Jewish, anti-Asian posts to USENET and his general stupidity and off-topic posts to various ngs.
Population of earth: 7,442,000,000,000
Number of people superior to Gordon: 7,441,999,999,999"
"Police have arrested a Serbian national following a lengthy
investigation into anti-Semitic activities. Gordon Radavich, 51, a
satellite system installer, was arrested at his home in Albert Bridge
Road, Battersea, and charged with various offences under the Public
Order Act (1986) and Computer Misuse Act (1990). Several computers
and a number of foreign passports were removed from the premises for
forensic examination. After a preliminary hearing before Wandsworth
magistrates yesterday he was remanded in custody until 16th August."
Hope Brexit gets your child raping ass deported back to Serbia and away from the First World.
What a pathetic life you lead.
All Nazis Must Hang. The Only Good Nazi Is A Dead One.
Glad Earl J Weber the Louisiana pedophile is dead Gordon Radavich lauded him on USENET. Neither of them ever had a child or did it with a even an average woman. Weber never saw a woman over 10 naked that's how fat catholics do it the poorest state in America. Both were/are chronic liars and totally racist against Blacks and dumber than the slime from a snail. Both lost the war they were involved in.
Gordon Radavich is from Serbia a Slav a Untermensch.
Even Hitler looked down on slavs! LOL
"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best
of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their
own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local
inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a
concentration camp!"
Adolph Hitler, speaking about Slavic Untermensch like Gordon, 6 August
During the last century it was lamentable for those who had to witness
it, to notice how in these circles I have just mentioned the word
'Germanize' was frivolously played with, though the practice was often
well intended. I well remember how in the days of my youth this very
term used to give rise to notions which were false to an incredible
degree. Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed
that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the
Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate.
Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be
carried out only as regards human beings.
-Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 2
Slavs are a mass of inborn slaves, who feel the need of a master.
-Adolph Hitler, Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-1944
Gweg is FOR SURE a "on your back with your legs up in the air?" type.
Gweg feels that specific homosexual gay position allows the greatest leverage vis-a-vis man flesh up his poopy poop hole, something that Gweg shoots for.
Things are SURELY not looking good for idiots who rolled the bones with 4 time real estate scammer Ralph van der Walle.

With no development permit all contracts are void and fools have lost $4.5m million, THIS TIME.
Ace Ventura
2022-05-29 15:51:41 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.
You can't even pay rent useless unloved, friendless moron and bum and chronic liar.
When you're being butt-fucked, are you in the doggie position or are you on your back with your legs up in the air?
Well dummy that would be physically impossible and be nice if we could get the gay day cancelled here in Surrey waste of property tax money and provincial taxes. Contact city council if you agree I already have.
You are banned from all social media you are stupid you are friendless you are an unwanted immigrant your wife is fat and stupid you are a chronic liar you hate your fat wife, Jews, Blacks, Asians, Aboriginals and moi. You support pedophiles and rapists online. Just like the poster who shoplifts and has done time for fraud and just lost a lawsuit you nym shift on a regular basis and never use the name on your legal documents. You are old, scared and brittle but Daryl Macaskill is uglier. Guy looks like a total loser and a extreme worry wart.
Another off-topic post by Susan Cohen aka NEMO aka loose cannon a chronic liar and idiot a failed immigrant.
Chief Executive Officer
1 email found
Allen Lee
Board Member
1 email found
Wed., Mar. 17 at 6:24 a.m.
Your refusal to cut off his service might result in legal action against your firm since he is too poor to sue.
https://www.gov.uk/report-immigration-crime contact these ppl to get Gordon Radavich deported back to rural backwater Serbia.
Contact the Member at their Westminster address.
House of Commons
Phone: 020 7219 4711
You have such a empty, vacant life you read newsgroups about subjects that happen in places 5,000 miles away from you that you have no connection with. Oh wait you have no connection with anything nithling.
Gordon Radavich is FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT like Jake Virtanen. Homosexuals out of team sports homosexuals out of the locker rooms. Quit beating off thinking of the high school qb or left guard.
You pissed because you can't rape Croats and Kosovians anymore? The court at the Hague should investigate you for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia you are the right age for that.
Have another wretched, poverty stricken mediocre day Gordon Radavich you child raping ,child porn watching moronic dip.
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
Gordon Radavich is a second world Serbian dole boy. He is a chronic liar with no friends. His wife is an adulterous fat disgusting pig. Lots of felchers in London, England to ream your diseased ass' Gordon Radavich.
Radavich is so stupid he spelled his name wrong on his email addy. The email is valid. Feel free to contact his ISP about his anti-Black, anti-Jewish, anti-Asian posts to USENET and his general stupidity and off-topic posts to various ngs.
Population of earth: 7,442,000,000,000
Number of people superior to Gordon: 7,441,999,999,999"
"Police have arrested a Serbian national following a lengthy
investigation into anti-Semitic activities. Gordon Radavich, 51, a
satellite system installer, was arrested at his home in Albert Bridge
Road, Battersea, and charged with various offences under the Public
Order Act (1986) and Computer Misuse Act (1990). Several computers
and a number of foreign passports were removed from the premises for
forensic examination. After a preliminary hearing before Wandsworth
magistrates yesterday he was remanded in custody until 16th August."
Hope Brexit gets your child raping ass deported back to Serbia and away from the First World.
What a pathetic life you lead.
All Nazis Must Hang. The Only Good Nazi Is A Dead One.
Glad Earl J Weber the Louisiana pedophile is dead Gordon Radavich lauded him on USENET. Neither of them ever had a child or did it with a even an average woman. Weber never saw a woman over 10 naked that's how fat catholics do it the poorest state in America. Both were/are chronic liars and totally racist against Blacks and dumber than the slime from a snail. Both lost the war they were involved in.
Gordon Radavich is from Serbia a Slav a Untermensch.
Even Hitler looked down on slavs! LOL
"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best
of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their
own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local
inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a
concentration camp!"
Adolph Hitler, speaking about Slavic Untermensch like Gordon, 6 August
During the last century it was lamentable for those who had to witness
it, to notice how in these circles I have just mentioned the word
'Germanize' was frivolously played with, though the practice was often
well intended. I well remember how in the days of my youth this very
term used to give rise to notions which were false to an incredible
degree. Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed
that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the
Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate.
Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be
carried out only as regards human beings.
-Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 2
Slavs are a mass of inborn slaves, who feel the need of a master.
-Adolph Hitler, Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-1944
Gweg is FOR SURE a "on your back with your legs up in the air?" type.
Gweg feels that specific homosexual gay position allows the greatest leverage vis-a-vis man flesh up his poopy poop hole, something that Gweg shoots for.
Stay tuned folks. End game is close for this fraud.
Gregory Carr
2022-05-30 15:55:20 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.
You can't even pay rent useless unloved, friendless moron and bum and chronic liar.
When you're being butt-fucked, are you in the doggie position or are you on your back with your legs up in the air?
Well dummy that would be physically impossible and be nice if we could get the gay day cancelled here in Surrey waste of property tax money and provincial taxes. Contact city council if you agree I already have.
You are banned from all social media you are stupid you are friendless you are an unwanted immigrant your wife is fat and stupid you are a chronic liar you hate your fat wife, Jews, Blacks, Asians, Aboriginals and moi. You support pedophiles and rapists online. Just like the poster who shoplifts and has done time for fraud and just lost a lawsuit you nym shift on a regular basis and never use the name on your legal documents. You are old, scared and brittle but Daryl Macaskill is uglier. Guy looks like a total loser and a extreme worry wart.
Another off-topic post by Susan Cohen aka NEMO aka loose cannon a chronic liar and idiot a failed immigrant.
Chief Executive Officer
1 email found
Allen Lee
Board Member
1 email found
Wed., Mar. 17 at 6:24 a.m.
Your refusal to cut off his service might result in legal action against your firm since he is too poor to sue.
https://www.gov.uk/report-immigration-crime contact these ppl to get Gordon Radavich deported back to rural backwater Serbia.
Contact the Member at their Westminster address.
House of Commons
Phone: 020 7219 4711
You have such a empty, vacant life you read newsgroups about subjects that happen in places 5,000 miles away from you that you have no connection with. Oh wait you have no connection with anything nithling.
Gordon Radavich is FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT like Jake Virtanen. Homosexuals out of team sports homosexuals out of the locker rooms. Quit beating off thinking of the high school qb or left guard.
You pissed because you can't rape Croats and Kosovians anymore? The court at the Hague should investigate you for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia you are the right age for that.
Have another wretched, poverty stricken mediocre day Gordon Radavich you child raping ,child porn watching moronic dip.
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
Gordon Radavich is a second world Serbian dole boy. He is a chronic liar with no friends. His wife is an adulterous fat disgusting pig. Lots of felchers in London, England to ream your diseased ass' Gordon Radavich.
Radavich is so stupid he spelled his name wrong on his email addy. The email is valid. Feel free to contact his ISP about his anti-Black, anti-Jewish, anti-Asian posts to USENET and his general stupidity and off-topic posts to various ngs.
Population of earth: 7,442,000,000,000
Number of people superior to Gordon: 7,441,999,999,999"
"Police have arrested a Serbian national following a lengthy
investigation into anti-Semitic activities. Gordon Radavich, 51, a
satellite system installer, was arrested at his home in Albert Bridge
Road, Battersea, and charged with various offences under the Public
Order Act (1986) and Computer Misuse Act (1990). Several computers
and a number of foreign passports were removed from the premises for
forensic examination. After a preliminary hearing before Wandsworth
magistrates yesterday he was remanded in custody until 16th August."
Hope Brexit gets your child raping ass deported back to Serbia and away from the First World.
What a pathetic life you lead.
All Nazis Must Hang. The Only Good Nazi Is A Dead One.
Glad Earl J Weber the Louisiana pedophile is dead Gordon Radavich lauded him on USENET. Neither of them ever had a child or did it with a even an average woman. Weber never saw a woman over 10 naked that's how fat catholics do it the poorest state in America. Both were/are chronic liars and totally racist against Blacks and dumber than the slime from a snail. Both lost the war they were involved in.
Gordon Radavich is from Serbia a Slav a Untermensch.
Even Hitler looked down on slavs! LOL
"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best
of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their
own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local
inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a
concentration camp!"
Adolph Hitler, speaking about Slavic Untermensch like Gordon, 6 August
During the last century it was lamentable for those who had to witness
it, to notice how in these circles I have just mentioned the word
'Germanize' was frivolously played with, though the practice was often
well intended. I well remember how in the days of my youth this very
term used to give rise to notions which were false to an incredible
degree. Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed
that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the
Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate.
Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be
carried out only as regards human beings.
-Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 2
Slavs are a mass of inborn slaves, who feel the need of a master.
-Adolph Hitler, Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-1944
Gweg is FOR SURE a "on your back with your legs up in the air?" type.
Gweg feels that specific homosexual gay position allows the greatest leverage vis-a-vis man flesh up his poopy poop hole, something that Gweg shoots for.
Stay tuned folks. End game is close for this fraud.
Never heard one bad word about Mr. Van Der Walle. Macaskill aka ad nauseum is a shoplifter, flat broke and fraudster Google his name for more info.
Ace Ventura
2022-06-01 17:13:42 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.
You can't even pay rent useless unloved, friendless moron and bum and chronic liar.
When you're being butt-fucked, are you in the doggie position or are you on your back with your legs up in the air?
Well dummy that would be physically impossible and be nice if we could get the gay day cancelled here in Surrey waste of property tax money and provincial taxes. Contact city council if you agree I already have.
You are banned from all social media you are stupid you are friendless you are an unwanted immigrant your wife is fat and stupid you are a chronic liar you hate your fat wife, Jews, Blacks, Asians, Aboriginals and moi. You support pedophiles and rapists online. Just like the poster who shoplifts and has done time for fraud and just lost a lawsuit you nym shift on a regular basis and never use the name on your legal documents. You are old, scared and brittle but Daryl Macaskill is uglier. Guy looks like a total loser and a extreme worry wart.
Another off-topic post by Susan Cohen aka NEMO aka loose cannon a chronic liar and idiot a failed immigrant.
Chief Executive Officer
1 email found
Allen Lee
Board Member
1 email found
Wed., Mar. 17 at 6:24 a.m.
Your refusal to cut off his service might result in legal action against your firm since he is too poor to sue.
https://www.gov.uk/report-immigration-crime contact these ppl to get Gordon Radavich deported back to rural backwater Serbia.
Contact the Member at their Westminster address.
House of Commons
Phone: 020 7219 4711
You have such a empty, vacant life you read newsgroups about subjects that happen in places 5,000 miles away from you that you have no connection with. Oh wait you have no connection with anything nithling.
Gordon Radavich is FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT like Jake Virtanen. Homosexuals out of team sports homosexuals out of the locker rooms. Quit beating off thinking of the high school qb or left guard.
You pissed because you can't rape Croats and Kosovians anymore? The court at the Hague should investigate you for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia you are the right age for that.
Have another wretched, poverty stricken mediocre day Gordon Radavich you child raping ,child porn watching moronic dip.
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
Gordon Radavich is a second world Serbian dole boy. He is a chronic liar with no friends. His wife is an adulterous fat disgusting pig. Lots of felchers in London, England to ream your diseased ass' Gordon Radavich.
Radavich is so stupid he spelled his name wrong on his email addy. The email is valid. Feel free to contact his ISP about his anti-Black, anti-Jewish, anti-Asian posts to USENET and his general stupidity and off-topic posts to various ngs.
Population of earth: 7,442,000,000,000
Number of people superior to Gordon: 7,441,999,999,999"
"Police have arrested a Serbian national following a lengthy
investigation into anti-Semitic activities. Gordon Radavich, 51, a
satellite system installer, was arrested at his home in Albert Bridge
Road, Battersea, and charged with various offences under the Public
Order Act (1986) and Computer Misuse Act (1990). Several computers
and a number of foreign passports were removed from the premises for
forensic examination. After a preliminary hearing before Wandsworth
magistrates yesterday he was remanded in custody until 16th August."
Hope Brexit gets your child raping ass deported back to Serbia and away from the First World.
What a pathetic life you lead.
All Nazis Must Hang. The Only Good Nazi Is A Dead One.
Glad Earl J Weber the Louisiana pedophile is dead Gordon Radavich lauded him on USENET. Neither of them ever had a child or did it with a even an average woman. Weber never saw a woman over 10 naked that's how fat catholics do it the poorest state in America. Both were/are chronic liars and totally racist against Blacks and dumber than the slime from a snail. Both lost the war they were involved in.
Gordon Radavich is from Serbia a Slav a Untermensch.
Even Hitler looked down on slavs! LOL
"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best
of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their
own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local
inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a
concentration camp!"
Adolph Hitler, speaking about Slavic Untermensch like Gordon, 6 August
During the last century it was lamentable for those who had to witness
it, to notice how in these circles I have just mentioned the word
'Germanize' was frivolously played with, though the practice was often
well intended. I well remember how in the days of my youth this very
term used to give rise to notions which were false to an incredible
degree. Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed
that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the
Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate.
Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be
carried out only as regards human beings.
-Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 2
Slavs are a mass of inborn slaves, who feel the need of a master.
-Adolph Hitler, Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-1944
Gweg is FOR SURE a "on your back with your legs up in the air?" type.
Gweg feels that specific homosexual gay position allows the greatest leverage vis-a-vis man flesh up his poopy poop hole, something that Gweg shoots for.
Stay tuned folks. End game is close for this fraud.
Never heard one bad word about Mr. Van Der Walle. Macaskill aka ad nauseum is a shoplifter, flat broke and fraudster Google his name for more info.
Comox District Area C Advisory planning commission meeting is 4:00pm Thursday, June 9, 2022.
Ace Ventura
2022-06-06 22:32:12 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.
You can't even pay rent useless unloved, friendless moron and bum and chronic liar.
When you're being butt-fucked, are you in the doggie position or are you on your back with your legs up in the air?
Well dummy that would be physically impossible and be nice if we could get the gay day cancelled here in Surrey waste of property tax money and provincial taxes. Contact city council if you agree I already have.
You are banned from all social media you are stupid you are friendless you are an unwanted immigrant your wife is fat and stupid you are a chronic liar you hate your fat wife, Jews, Blacks, Asians, Aboriginals and moi. You support pedophiles and rapists online. Just like the poster who shoplifts and has done time for fraud and just lost a lawsuit you nym shift on a regular basis and never use the name on your legal documents. You are old, scared and brittle but Daryl Macaskill is uglier. Guy looks like a total loser and a extreme worry wart.
Another off-topic post by Susan Cohen aka NEMO aka loose cannon a chronic liar and idiot a failed immigrant.
Chief Executive Officer
1 email found
Allen Lee
Board Member
1 email found
Wed., Mar. 17 at 6:24 a.m.
Your refusal to cut off his service might result in legal action against your firm since he is too poor to sue.
https://www.gov.uk/report-immigration-crime contact these ppl to get Gordon Radavich deported back to rural backwater Serbia.
Contact the Member at their Westminster address.
House of Commons
Phone: 020 7219 4711
You have such a empty, vacant life you read newsgroups about subjects that happen in places 5,000 miles away from you that you have no connection with. Oh wait you have no connection with anything nithling.
Gordon Radavich is FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT like Jake Virtanen. Homosexuals out of team sports homosexuals out of the locker rooms. Quit beating off thinking of the high school qb or left guard.
You pissed because you can't rape Croats and Kosovians anymore? The court at the Hague should investigate you for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia you are the right age for that.
Have another wretched, poverty stricken mediocre day Gordon Radavich you child raping ,child porn watching moronic dip.
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
Gordon Radavich is a second world Serbian dole boy. He is a chronic liar with no friends. His wife is an adulterous fat disgusting pig. Lots of felchers in London, England to ream your diseased ass' Gordon Radavich.
Radavich is so stupid he spelled his name wrong on his email addy. The email is valid. Feel free to contact his ISP about his anti-Black, anti-Jewish, anti-Asian posts to USENET and his general stupidity and off-topic posts to various ngs.
Population of earth: 7,442,000,000,000
Number of people superior to Gordon: 7,441,999,999,999"
"Police have arrested a Serbian national following a lengthy
investigation into anti-Semitic activities. Gordon Radavich, 51, a
satellite system installer, was arrested at his home in Albert Bridge
Road, Battersea, and charged with various offences under the Public
Order Act (1986) and Computer Misuse Act (1990). Several computers
and a number of foreign passports were removed from the premises for
forensic examination. After a preliminary hearing before Wandsworth
magistrates yesterday he was remanded in custody until 16th August."
Hope Brexit gets your child raping ass deported back to Serbia and away from the First World.
What a pathetic life you lead.
All Nazis Must Hang. The Only Good Nazi Is A Dead One.
Glad Earl J Weber the Louisiana pedophile is dead Gordon Radavich lauded him on USENET. Neither of them ever had a child or did it with a even an average woman. Weber never saw a woman over 10 naked that's how fat catholics do it the poorest state in America. Both were/are chronic liars and totally racist against Blacks and dumber than the slime from a snail. Both lost the war they were involved in.
Gordon Radavich is from Serbia a Slav a Untermensch.
Even Hitler looked down on slavs! LOL
"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best
of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their
own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local
inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a
concentration camp!"
Adolph Hitler, speaking about Slavic Untermensch like Gordon, 6 August
During the last century it was lamentable for those who had to witness
it, to notice how in these circles I have just mentioned the word
'Germanize' was frivolously played with, though the practice was often
well intended. I well remember how in the days of my youth this very
term used to give rise to notions which were false to an incredible
degree. Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed
that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the
Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate.
Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be
carried out only as regards human beings.
-Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 2
Slavs are a mass of inborn slaves, who feel the need of a master.
-Adolph Hitler, Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-1944
Gweg is FOR SURE a "on your back with your legs up in the air?" type.
Gweg feels that specific homosexual gay position allows the greatest leverage vis-a-vis man flesh up his poopy poop hole, something that Gweg shoots for.
Stay tuned folks. End game is close for this fraud.
Never heard one bad word about Mr. Van Der Walle. Macaskill aka ad nauseum is a shoplifter, flat broke and fraudster Google his name for more info.
Comox District Area C Advisory planning commission meeting is 4:00pm Thursday, June 9, 2022.
We are expecting documents by next week. Stay tuned poochies.
Gregory Carr
2022-06-09 22:03:41 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Loose Cannon
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Post by Gregory Carr
Too busy to research this but I note this guys court record ended 21 years ago.
Incorrect - as of the latest info online.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Last Name, First Name: MACASKILL, Daryl
Court Location, Classification of File: Supreme, New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated: 236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Style of Cause: WALLE, Ralph v MACASKILL, Daryl
This scammer's 'Beach House at Saratoga' stands to expire in a week after ripping off $4.5m, exactly like the previous 3 scams. True story.
You can't even pay rent useless unloved, friendless moron and bum and chronic liar.
When you're being butt-fucked, are you in the doggie position or are you on your back with your legs up in the air?
Well dummy that would be physically impossible and be nice if we could get the gay day cancelled here in Surrey waste of property tax money and provincial taxes. Contact city council if you agree I already have.
You are banned from all social media you are stupid you are friendless you are an unwanted immigrant your wife is fat and stupid you are a chronic liar you hate your fat wife, Jews, Blacks, Asians, Aboriginals and moi. You support pedophiles and rapists online. Just like the poster who shoplifts and has done time for fraud and just lost a lawsuit you nym shift on a regular basis and never use the name on your legal documents. You are old, scared and brittle but Daryl Macaskill is uglier. Guy looks like a total loser and a extreme worry wart.
Another off-topic post by Susan Cohen aka NEMO aka loose cannon a chronic liar and idiot a failed immigrant.
Chief Executive Officer
1 email found
Allen Lee
Board Member
1 email found
Wed., Mar. 17 at 6:24 a.m.
Your refusal to cut off his service might result in legal action against your firm since he is too poor to sue.
https://www.gov.uk/report-immigration-crime contact these ppl to get Gordon Radavich deported back to rural backwater Serbia.
Contact the Member at their Westminster address.
House of Commons
Phone: 020 7219 4711
You have such a empty, vacant life you read newsgroups about subjects that happen in places 5,000 miles away from you that you have no connection with. Oh wait you have no connection with anything nithling.
Gordon Radavich is FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT like Jake Virtanen. Homosexuals out of team sports homosexuals out of the locker rooms. Quit beating off thinking of the high school qb or left guard.
You pissed because you can't rape Croats and Kosovians anymore? The court at the Hague should investigate you for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia you are the right age for that.
Have another wretched, poverty stricken mediocre day Gordon Radavich you child raping ,child porn watching moronic dip.
Up your nose with a rubber hose.
Gordon Radavich is a second world Serbian dole boy. He is a chronic liar with no friends. His wife is an adulterous fat disgusting pig. Lots of felchers in London, England to ream your diseased ass' Gordon Radavich.
Radavich is so stupid he spelled his name wrong on his email addy. The email is valid. Feel free to contact his ISP about his anti-Black, anti-Jewish, anti-Asian posts to USENET and his general stupidity and off-topic posts to various ngs.
Population of earth: 7,442,000,000,000
Number of people superior to Gordon: 7,441,999,999,999"
"Police have arrested a Serbian national following a lengthy
investigation into anti-Semitic activities. Gordon Radavich, 51, a
satellite system installer, was arrested at his home in Albert Bridge
Road, Battersea, and charged with various offences under the Public
Order Act (1986) and Computer Misuse Act (1990). Several computers
and a number of foreign passports were removed from the premises for
forensic examination. After a preliminary hearing before Wandsworth
magistrates yesterday he was remanded in custody until 16th August."
Hope Brexit gets your child raping ass deported back to Serbia and away from the First World.
What a pathetic life you lead.
All Nazis Must Hang. The Only Good Nazi Is A Dead One.
Glad Earl J Weber the Louisiana pedophile is dead Gordon Radavich lauded him on USENET. Neither of them ever had a child or did it with a even an average woman. Weber never saw a woman over 10 naked that's how fat catholics do it the poorest state in America. Both were/are chronic liars and totally racist against Blacks and dumber than the slime from a snail. Both lost the war they were involved in.
Gordon Radavich is from Serbia a Slav a Untermensch.
Even Hitler looked down on slavs! LOL
"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best
of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their
own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local
inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a
concentration camp!"
Adolph Hitler, speaking about Slavic Untermensch like Gordon, 6 August
During the last century it was lamentable for those who had to witness
it, to notice how in these circles I have just mentioned the word
'Germanize' was frivolously played with, though the practice was often
well intended. I well remember how in the days of my youth this very
term used to give rise to notions which were false to an incredible
degree. Even in Pan-German circles one heard the opinion expressed
that the Austrian Germans might very well succeed in Germanizing the
Austrian Slavs, if only the Government would be ready to co-operate.
Those people did not understand that a policy of Germanization can be
carried out only as regards human beings.
-Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 2
Slavs are a mass of inborn slaves, who feel the need of a master.
-Adolph Hitler, Hitler’s Table Talk: 1941-1944
Gweg is FOR SURE a "on your back with your legs up in the air?" type.
Gweg feels that specific homosexual gay position allows the greatest leverage vis-a-vis man flesh up his poopy poop hole, something that Gweg shoots for.
Stay tuned folks. End game is close for this fraud.
Never heard one bad word about Mr. Van Der Walle. Macaskill aka ad nauseum is a shoplifter, flat broke and fraudster Google his name for more info.
Comox District Area C Advisory planning commission meeting is 4:00pm Thursday, June 9, 2022.
We are expecting documents by next week. Stay tuned poochies.
You are a chronically lying idiot with convictions for fraud and shoplifting. Mr. Van Der Walle has no record. You are ugly and admitted in court to being penniless.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/CPxtCFCaoms/m/92eV7231AAAJ shows the lawsuit he lost his various civil and court appearances he has had and various nyms he used. He admits in court he is penniless.
Ace Ventura
2022-02-27 18:40:12 UTC
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
Well, well, well. Judge for yourself who the criminal is here.
Soon to be in court again for showing contempt to a Judge's order.
Latest from Ralph van der Walle is to try to list Unit #6 AGAIN, this time with a new agent and for $60k more.
MLS® Number: 888742
Why didn't you post the url you anonymous posting coward chronic liar with o profile pic you putz.
https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/I37LmTGjiME/m/S3VDJghICQAJ Mr. Dipopolo now has 8 children and won his lawsuit against weirdo, unemployed bum Dennis Watson. http://denniswatson.ca/ https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/2018/12/dennis-james-watson-has-never-been.html he feels it necessary to assert he doesn't have sex with children. He has disabled all commenting on his blogs. Dennis Watson is the only one of his neighbours to have the satanic, demonic Halloween decorations on his door. Orange. Brown piano in his very small backyard absolutely no security for the backyard. Hey you unemployed bum and abject failure the rain and cold is wrecking whatever value that piano has. Adult bicycles and children bicycles. Canoes including a blue one. Why does Dennis Watson feel it is necessary to state on his website he is not a pedophile?
https://twitter.com/jeffdrakes looks like the same guy 2014 9 tweets.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-drakes-88a9a2a6/?originalSubdomain=ca okay I am confused the guy seems to be a University Grad and owns Drake Way Health Center. But just like Dennis Watson he is into pianos. What a coincidence. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-drakes-88a9a2a6/ He claims to own Drake Way Health Center for 4 years and 7 months but no address is given and a Google shows no such company. The guys LinkedIn is as phony as chronically lying Dennis Watson's. Look how thin and old looking Mr. Drake is and he claims to run a health center what a couple of lamoid losers.Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.
https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.
Tsk Tsk Tsk real estate reprobates.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-25 00:53:41 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Dennis Watson the liar who was successfully sued by a Hell's Angel (you know how hard that is) has yet another website and he has discovered the word tard I wonder where he got that from? Google "tard" + "Dennis Watson". Dennis Watson uses various nyms online. https://www.google.ca/search?q=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&sxsrf=AOaemvI7lSfAxiASA7DhftIZ8SOgT8CHpw%3A1633737120847&source=hp&ei=oNlgYcy1MfDb0PEPpqSUoAU&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYWDnsNo3_v9DJ3PUb75GRvhdHvsis3ug&ved=0ahUKEwjMhfiFgbzzAhXwLTQIHSYSBVQQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6DQguEMcBEK8BECcQkwI6BAgjECc6CwguEMcBEK8BEJECOgUIABCRAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCABBAKOgsILhDHARCjAhCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6CAguEIAEELEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCTAjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQrwEQ6gIQJzoFCC4QgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BAgAEA06BAghEBU6BwghEAoQoAFQ4kRYyLMBYLC4AWgMcAB4AIABd4gB-w2SAQQyMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz
He lost his job with Canada Post because of his problems with his female boss just like his problems with his ex-wife.
Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.
https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. How does one lose a union job at Canada Post? Be a Dennis Watson assclown. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.
Have a bad day Dennis Watson, Shannon Watson, Shannon Alvarenga, Tony Beck, Winston Chu, Collette Babinski, Chris Kaulbeck, George Pope the scuz needle drug user who lives off other peoples taxes and whines for more, Jeff Hickling, David Dalton, G. S., Karl Palme aka Carl Palme of Langley, Joe Mulligan, Dave Mulligan and Mike Mulligan and Glenda Mulligan, Tony Beck and Gordon Radavitch, John Reynolds and Dave Reynolds. Have a bad day child molesters and rapists and racists and anti-Semites.
Dennis James Watson will soon likely be served yet again with legal papers and lose like he always does. You are a complete dullard and been repeatedly warned.
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Products.
dtSrpo2hns3rorehd ·
Happy Montreal Pride! 🌈 Show us your colours and fly your Pride flag in our #FlownWithPride app to join millions of Canadians celebrating. 📍 You could win prizes!
You can even take your Pride to the streets at the march that’s back this year. ​
#ConnectToAccept​ … See More
AdrtreuShgournepeonntosit s6o drrat S6c:11emfd AnM ·
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Or Same Products. The owners had their picture taken with their buddy Donald Trump after he lost the election.
Bad company there are many other stores around Newton Center selling the same products and services. Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall.
Competitors you can shop at include the cell phone kiosk at Superstore just a minute walk away in the same mall.
uBreakiFix 13630 72 Ave Unit 102, Surrey, BC V3W 2P3 https://www.ubreakifix.com/ca/locations/surreynewton?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gmb&utm_campaign=surrey-newton
Friends Communication 13745 72 Ave Unit 124, Surrey, BC
ChatrMobile Surrey Newton 7238 137 St #105, Surrey, BC https://chatrmobile-surrey-newton.business.site/
Fixed my cell phones power input once and did a few other things for me. Staff seems to know what they are doing. Good customer service.
Cell Fixe Phone Sales & Repair 13711 72 Ave #110, Surrey, BC
Rogers 7320 King George Blvd Unit 101, Surrey, BC https://www.rogers.com/stores/surrey/centre-of-newton
I usually don't like folks stealing my material. In this case have at it.
Yawn. Ace Ventura and Dr. Stollman and Dennis Watson are the same unemployed person.
Almost over for Ralph van der Walle.
Greg Carr
2022-07-26 02:58:25 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Dennis Watson the liar who was successfully sued by a Hell's Angel (you know how hard that is) has yet another website and he has discovered the word tard I wonder where he got that from? Google "tard" + "Dennis Watson". Dennis Watson uses various nyms online. https://www.google.ca/search?q=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&sxsrf=AOaemvI7lSfAxiASA7DhftIZ8SOgT8CHpw%3A1633737120847&source=hp&ei=oNlgYcy1MfDb0PEPpqSUoAU&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYWDnsNo3_v9DJ3PUb75GRvhdHvsis3ug&ved=0ahUKEwjMhfiFgbzzAhXwLTQIHSYSBVQQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6DQguEMcBEK8BECcQkwI6BAgjECc6CwguEMcBEK8BEJECOgUIABCRAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCABBAKOgsILhDHARCjAhCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6CAguEIAEELEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCTAjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQrwEQ6gIQJzoFCC4QgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BAgAEA06BAghEBU6BwghEAoQoAFQ4kRYyLMBYLC4AWgMcAB4AIABd4gB-w2SAQQyMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz
He lost his job with Canada Post because of his problems with his female boss just like his problems with his ex-wife.
Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.
https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. How does one lose a union job at Canada Post? Be a Dennis Watson assclown. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.
Have a bad day Dennis Watson, Shannon Watson, Shannon Alvarenga, Tony Beck, Winston Chu, Collette Babinski, Chris Kaulbeck, George Pope the scuz needle drug user who lives off other peoples taxes and whines for more, Jeff Hickling, David Dalton, G. S., Karl Palme aka Carl Palme of Langley, Joe Mulligan, Dave Mulligan and Mike Mulligan and Glenda Mulligan, Tony Beck and Gordon Radavitch, John Reynolds and Dave Reynolds. Have a bad day child molesters and rapists and racists and anti-Semites.
Dennis James Watson will soon likely be served yet again with legal papers and lose like he always does. You are a complete dullard and been repeatedly warned.
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Products.
dtSrpo2hns3rorehd ·
Happy Montreal Pride! 🌈 Show us your colours and fly your Pride flag in our #FlownWithPride app to join millions of Canadians celebrating. 📍 You could win prizes!
You can even take your Pride to the streets at the march that’s back this year. ​
#ConnectToAccept​ … See More
AdrtreuShgournepeonntosit s6o drrat S6c:11emfd AnM ·
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Or Same Products. The owners had their picture taken with their buddy Donald Trump after he lost the election.
Bad company there are many other stores around Newton Center selling the same products and services. Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall.
Competitors you can shop at include the cell phone kiosk at Superstore just a minute walk away in the same mall.
uBreakiFix 13630 72 Ave Unit 102, Surrey, BC V3W 2P3 https://www.ubreakifix.com/ca/locations/surreynewton?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gmb&utm_campaign=surrey-newton
Friends Communication 13745 72 Ave Unit 124, Surrey, BC
ChatrMobile Surrey Newton 7238 137 St #105, Surrey, BC https://chatrmobile-surrey-newton.business.site/
Fixed my cell phones power input once and did a few other things for me. Staff seems to know what they are doing. Good customer service.
Cell Fixe Phone Sales & Repair 13711 72 Ave #110, Surrey, BC
Rogers 7320 King George Blvd Unit 101, Surrey, BC https://www.rogers.com/stores/surrey/centre-of-newton
I usually don't like folks stealing my material. In this case have at it.
Yawn. Ace Ventura and Dr. Stollman and Dennis Watson are the same unemployed person.
Almost over for Ralph van der Walle.
Dr. Stollmann aka Daryl Grant Macaskill has used the names of Ace Ventura and Surrey gun nut conspiracy kook lamer Dennis Watson and his lying fey piano playing buddy and fellow liar and wimp Jeff Drakes. Dennis Watson has a bad history with women and is unemployed Daryl Grant Macaskill is also unemployed 60 years old poverty case with convictions for shoplifting and fraud known to piss his pants a lot. Ralph Van Der Walle and others won a lawsuit recently against Daryl Grant Macaskill and Judge Riley told dummy in plain English if he kept posting about Ralph Van Der Walle he could go back to the pokey. https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw/m/N_4cM1I8BwAJ has the whole 27 page lawsuit judgement by Judge Riley against him 21 Google Group views alone. Lists various aliases he has used. Google News search Ralph Van Der Walle's name nothing bad about the guy.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-15 01:05:57 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Dennis Watson the liar who was successfully sued by a Hell's Angel (you know how hard that is) has yet another website and he has discovered the word tard I wonder where he got that from? Google "tard" + "Dennis Watson". Dennis Watson uses various nyms online. https://www.google.ca/search?q=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&sxsrf=AOaemvI7lSfAxiASA7DhftIZ8SOgT8CHpw%3A1633737120847&source=hp&ei=oNlgYcy1MfDb0PEPpqSUoAU&iflsig=ALs-wAMAAAAAYWDnsNo3_v9DJ3PUb75GRvhdHvsis3ug&ved=0ahUKEwjMhfiFgbzzAhXwLTQIHSYSBVQQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=TARD+DENNIS+WATSON&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6DQguEMcBEK8BECcQkwI6BAgjECc6CwguEMcBEK8BEJECOgUIABCRAjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBEKMCOhEILhCABBCxAxCDARDHARDRAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwguEIAEELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxDHARDRAzoFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEIAEELEDOgcIABCABBAKOgsILhDHARCjAhCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6CAguEIAEELEDOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARCTAjoHCCMQ6gIQJzoNCC4QxwEQrwEQ6gIQJzoFCC4QgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoFCCEQoAE6BAgAEA06BAghEBU6BwghEAoQoAFQ4kRYyLMBYLC4AWgMcAB4AIABd4gB-w2SAQQyMC4ymAEAoAEBsAEK&sclient=gws-wiz
He lost his job with Canada Post because of his problems with his female boss just like his problems with his ex-wife.
Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey, BC 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga Listed At The Same Address.
https://contributions.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/pcs/lepublished/100134019.pdf shows Dennis James Watson #27 9965 154 St. Surrey 604-496-5824 Shannon Alvarenga is also listed on the Elections BC document at the same address from 2019. Shannon is the name of his only child. The ppl in that complex should be aware that the gunloon Dennis James Watson lives there and that he has a gun collection which he has posted to this ng that info and on his website he talks about having a restricted firearms license. Another mass killer like the Nova Scotia one who killed a female RCMP officer in the making? Dennis James Watson has documented problems with females like his female boss at Canada Post and his ex-wife. How does one lose a union job at Canada Post? Be a Dennis Watson assclown. The Nova Scotia shooter who had some hang up about law enforcement and had links with Hell's Angels his neighbours who had no bad rep and paid taxes told the cops there twice he was going to do something very evil and they didn't send the guy even a email.
Have a bad day Dennis Watson, Shannon Watson, Shannon Alvarenga, Tony Beck, Winston Chu, Collette Babinski, Chris Kaulbeck, George Pope the scuz needle drug user who lives off other peoples taxes and whines for more, Jeff Hickling, David Dalton, G. S., Karl Palme aka Carl Palme of Langley, Joe Mulligan, Dave Mulligan and Mike Mulligan and Glenda Mulligan, Tony Beck and Gordon Radavitch, John Reynolds and Dave Reynolds. Have a bad day child molesters and rapists and racists and anti-Semites.
Dennis James Watson will soon likely be served yet again with legal papers and lose like he always does. You are a complete dullard and been repeatedly warned.
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Products.
dtSrpo2hns3rorehd ·
Happy Montreal Pride! 🌈 Show us your colours and fly your Pride flag in our #FlownWithPride app to join millions of Canadians celebrating. 📍 You could win prizes!
You can even take your Pride to the streets at the march that’s back this year. ​
#ConnectToAccept​ … See More
AdrtreuShgournepeonntosit s6o drrat S6c:11emfd AnM ·
Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall. There Are Other Stores Nearby That Do Similar Services And Sell Similar Or Same Products. The owners had their picture taken with their buddy Donald Trump after he lost the election.
Bad company there are many other stores around Newton Center selling the same products and services. Boycott Fido 7488 King George Boulevard, Unit 190 Surrey, BC In King's Cross Mall.
Competitors you can shop at include the cell phone kiosk at Superstore just a minute walk away in the same mall.
uBreakiFix 13630 72 Ave Unit 102, Surrey, BC V3W 2P3 https://www.ubreakifix.com/ca/locations/surreynewton?utm_source=google&utm_medium=gmb&utm_campaign=surrey-newton
Friends Communication 13745 72 Ave Unit 124, Surrey, BC
ChatrMobile Surrey Newton 7238 137 St #105, Surrey, BC https://chatrmobile-surrey-newton.business.site/
Fixed my cell phones power input once and did a few other things for me. Staff seems to know what they are doing. Good customer service.
Cell Fixe Phone Sales & Repair 13711 72 Ave #110, Surrey, BC
Rogers 7320 King George Blvd Unit 101, Surrey, BC https://www.rogers.com/stores/surrey/centre-of-newton
Daryl Grant MacAskill
2022-02-16 18:32:16 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
And there it is! Burned by the judge with a judgement for Blackmail.
No surprise there. Stupid is what stupid does!
Greg Carr
2022-06-10 01:59:31 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'

This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.

You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
Ace Ventura
2022-06-10 18:14:19 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
OMG folks. It is SURELY not looking good for 'Beach House at Saratoga'. Hold onto those stones, our conman is about to take a big un up that career thieving crooked anus of his. Film at 11:00.
Ace Ventura
2022-06-13 17:29:10 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
OMG folks. It is SURELY not looking good for 'Beach House at Saratoga'. Hold onto those stones, our conman is about to take a big un up that career thieving crooked anus of his. Film at 11:00.
Tee Hee Hee. The suspense is a near killer, butt really, the goofy 'Beach House at Saratoga' will end up like ALL the failed scams of a real estate reprobate.
Gregory Carr
2022-06-14 16:26:37 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
OMG folks. It is SURELY not looking good for 'Beach House at Saratoga'. Hold onto those stones, our conman is about to take a big un up that career thieving crooked anus of his. Film at 11:00.
Tee Hee Hee. The suspense is a near killer, butt really, the goofy 'Beach House at Saratoga' will end up like ALL the failed scams of a real estate reprobate.
It is boring you chickenscratch. You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.


http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.

https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.
Ace Ventura
2022-06-21 02:11:34 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
OMG folks. It is SURELY not looking good for 'Beach House at Saratoga'. Hold onto those stones, our conman is about to take a big un up that career thieving crooked anus of his. Film at 11:00.
Tee Hee Hee. The suspense is a near killer, butt really, the goofy 'Beach House at Saratoga' will end up like ALL the failed scams of a real estate reprobate.
It is boring you chickenscratch. You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.
Information issue with Comox District. Stay tuned citizens.
Gregory Carr
2022-06-21 10:15:17 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
OMG folks. It is SURELY not looking good for 'Beach House at Saratoga'. Hold onto those stones, our conman is about to take a big un up that career thieving crooked anus of his. Film at 11:00.
Tee Hee Hee. The suspense is a near killer, butt really, the goofy 'Beach House at Saratoga' will end up like ALL the failed scams of a real estate reprobate.
It is boring you chickenscratch. You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.
Information issue with Comox District. Stay tuned citizens.
Incompetent moron with no computer Daryl Grant Macaskill who uses various nyms promised the info from Comox last week he is a chronic liar. Spit in his face and maybe GOD will bless you.

You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St. you reject.

You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.


http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.

https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Ace Ventura
2022-06-26 18:31:34 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
OMG folks. It is SURELY not looking good for 'Beach House at Saratoga'. Hold onto those stones, our conman is about to take a big un up that career thieving crooked anus of his. Film at 11:00.
Tee Hee Hee. The suspense is a near killer, butt really, the goofy 'Beach House at Saratoga' will end up like ALL the failed scams of a real estate reprobate.
It is boring you chickenscratch. You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.
Information issue with Comox District. Stay tuned citizens.
Incompetent moron with no computer Daryl Grant Macaskill who uses various nyms promised the info from Comox last week he is a chronic liar. Spit in his face and maybe GOD will bless you.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St. you reject.
You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Riiiight Gweg Carr, whatever you say.

What does your latest drooling have to do with failing confidence man Ralph van der Walle or Beach House at Saratoga?
Gregory Carr
2022-06-27 06:54:37 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
OMG folks. It is SURELY not looking good for 'Beach House at Saratoga'. Hold onto those stones, our conman is about to take a big un up that career thieving crooked anus of his. Film at 11:00.
Tee Hee Hee. The suspense is a near killer, butt really, the goofy 'Beach House at Saratoga' will end up like ALL the failed scams of a real estate reprobate.
It is boring you chickenscratch. You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.
Information issue with Comox District. Stay tuned citizens.
Incompetent moron with no computer Daryl Grant Macaskill who uses various nyms promised the info from Comox last week he is a chronic liar. Spit in his face and maybe GOD will bless you.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St. you reject.
You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Riiiight Gweg Carr, whatever you say.
What does your latest drooling have to do with failing confidence man Ralph van der Walle or Beach House at Saratoga?
https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project. MacaSKILL IS SUCH A FAIL A LOSER A BITTER REJECTED FLAKE.

You have promised all sorts of revelations about Ralph Van Der Walle and Beach House Saratoga for 2 weeks but nada. A BC Online Criminal Record search of your name Daryl Macaskill shows your convictions nothing for Ralph Van Der Walle. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralph-van-der-walle-a071141a/details/experience/ his Linked In shows his career back to 2002. Also shows his pic why your ugly, loser, poverty case, fag self have no profile pic or Linked In account?

https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ He easily won the lawsuit over your chronically lying self you total roach.

https://www.saanichnews.com/marketplace/the-smart-way-to-invest-in-real-estate/ This 2017 MSM article mentions Ralph Van Der Walle the only thing he is guilty of in the article is being too good looking that must really irk your uggo fag, moron, slouched self.

http://www.maggievandewalle.com/store/p44/"It_became_clear_that_Ralph_was_not_all_he_professed_to_be.".html just funny.

https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project.


AVENUE (1069585 BC LTD.)
Brian Chow, Rural Planner provided an overview of the memorandum dated April 6, 2020 regarding a
Commercial and Industrial (Form and Character) Development Permit (DP 26C 19) application for a
proposed 29 tourist commercial unit and one residential unit development on a property located at 9022
Clarkson Avenue.
The applicants, Patrick Brandreth of IWCD, Ralph van der Walle, Warren Stevenson of Can. Corp.
Properties, Neil Banich of WA Architects Jammy Arthur of WA Architects were in attendance via
K. Keylock/M. Presley: THAT the Area C Advisory Planning Commission support the application as proposed
in the memorandum dated April 6, 2020 for the following reasons:
- The form and character of the proposed development conforms to the Tourist Commercial One (TC-1)
zone; and
- The zoning will not change.
Carried NAY: B. Thompson; G.
There were no updates provided regarding Electoral Area Services Committee and board decisions related
to APC recommendations.

Hey pissy pants Daryl Macaskill seems the go aheads were done over 2 years ago you f upped on the same street drugs of Sauck and company Team TARD failing and failed.

https://www.saratogabeachhouse.ca this says that the development is all sold out. Daryl Macaskill the convicted fraudster and shoplifter gets nothing for all his hours of posting lies and he has lost a serious legal judgement in the process.



Remember DTES ppl this guy never once did anything to help you when he had a bit of $.

You have a history of being terminated fast by employers and have convictions for fraud and shoplifting you have been known to self harm and you just got dinged by $190k in a legal judgement.

https://mobile.twitter.com/darylmacaskil his picture shows him to be a stressed out, ugly, skid rower.

https://darylgrantmacaskill-fan-club.blogspot.com/2021/08/my-name-is-daryl-grant-macaskill.html 3 different photos of the loser criminal who appears to have lost every lawsuit he was involved in unlike me.

You brought on every misfortune that ever happened to you in life you are 100% responsible for your poverty and lack of character and having no friends. Whatever happened to that Polo shirt you used to wear back when you had employment years ago?

Made a half assed attempt to find you in Downtown Vancouver and the DTES last week. You have stated you will attack me on sight so no need to warn you.
Ace Ventura
2022-06-27 19:00:06 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
OMG folks. It is SURELY not looking good for 'Beach House at Saratoga'. Hold onto those stones, our conman is about to take a big un up that career thieving crooked anus of his. Film at 11:00.
Tee Hee Hee. The suspense is a near killer, butt really, the goofy 'Beach House at Saratoga' will end up like ALL the failed scams of a real estate reprobate.
It is boring you chickenscratch. You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.
Information issue with Comox District. Stay tuned citizens.
Incompetent moron with no computer Daryl Grant Macaskill who uses various nyms promised the info from Comox last week he is a chronic liar. Spit in his face and maybe GOD will bless you.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St. you reject.
You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Riiiight Gweg Carr, whatever you say.
What does your latest drooling have to do with failing confidence man Ralph van der Walle or Beach House at Saratoga?
https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project. MacaSKILL IS SUCH A FAIL A LOSER A BITTER REJECTED FLAKE.
You have promised all sorts of revelations about Ralph Van Der Walle and Beach House Saratoga for 2 weeks but nada. A BC Online Criminal Record search of your name Daryl Macaskill shows your convictions nothing for Ralph Van Der Walle. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralph-van-der-walle-a071141a/details/experience/ his Linked In shows his career back to 2002. Also shows his pic why your ugly, loser, poverty case, fag self have no profile pic or Linked In account?
https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ He easily won the lawsuit over your chronically lying self you total roach.
https://www.saanichnews.com/marketplace/the-smart-way-to-invest-in-real-estate/ This 2017 MSM article mentions Ralph Van Der Walle the only thing he is guilty of in the article is being too good looking that must really irk your uggo fag, moron, slouched self.
http://www.maggievandewalle.com/store/p44/"It_became_clear_that_Ralph_was_not_all_he_professed_to_be.".html just funny.
https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project.
AVENUE (1069585 BC LTD.)
Brian Chow, Rural Planner provided an overview of the memorandum dated April 6, 2020 regarding a
Commercial and Industrial (Form and Character) Development Permit (DP 26C 19) application for a
proposed 29 tourist commercial unit and one residential unit development on a property located at 9022
Clarkson Avenue.
The applicants, Patrick Brandreth of IWCD, Ralph van der Walle, Warren Stevenson of Can. Corp.
Properties, Neil Banich of WA Architects Jammy Arthur of WA Architects were in attendance via
K. Keylock/M. Presley: THAT the Area C Advisory Planning Commission support the application as proposed
- The form and character of the proposed development conforms to the Tourist Commercial One (TC-1)
zone; and
- The zoning will not change.
Carried NAY: B. Thompson; G.
There were no updates provided regarding Electoral Area Services Committee and board decisions related
to APC recommendations.
Hey pissy pants Daryl Macaskill seems the go aheads were done over 2 years ago you f upped on the same street drugs of Sauck and company Team TARD failing and failed.
https://www.saratogabeachhouse.ca this says that the development is all sold out. Daryl Macaskill the convicted fraudster and shoplifter gets nothing for all his hours of posting lies and he has lost a serious legal judgement in the process.
Remember DTES ppl this guy never once did anything to help you when he had a bit of $.
You have a history of being terminated fast by employers and have convictions for fraud and shoplifting you have been known to self harm and you just got dinged by $190k in a legal judgement.
https://mobile.twitter.com/darylmacaskil his picture shows him to be a stressed out, ugly, skid rower.
https://darylgrantmacaskill-fan-club.blogspot.com/2021/08/my-name-is-daryl-grant-macaskill.html 3 different photos of the loser criminal who appears to have lost every lawsuit he was involved in unlike me.
You brought on every misfortune that ever happened to you in life you are 100% responsible for your poverty and lack of character and having no friends. Whatever happened to that Polo shirt you used to wear back when you had employment years ago?
Made a half assed attempt to find you in Downtown Vancouver and the DTES last week. You have stated you will attack me on sight so no need to warn you.
I don't want to attack you. Truly if I could NOT kick yer goofy phat retarded anus I would be extremely disappointed in myself. Your problem is that every kick aimed for your nuts is likely to land upside yer head. That happens with short little chits eh.

If I were you I would worry instead about monkey boys sent by the HA showing up on yer doorstep.. You likely haven't been beat down (yet) because you are an obvious clown and have nothing to do with club business. Good luck Gwegy if that ever changes.
Gregory Carr
2022-06-28 13:33:13 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
OMG folks. It is SURELY not looking good for 'Beach House at Saratoga'. Hold onto those stones, our conman is about to take a big un up that career thieving crooked anus of his. Film at 11:00.
Tee Hee Hee. The suspense is a near killer, butt really, the goofy 'Beach House at Saratoga' will end up like ALL the failed scams of a real estate reprobate.
It is boring you chickenscratch. You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.
Information issue with Comox District. Stay tuned citizens.
Incompetent moron with no computer Daryl Grant Macaskill who uses various nyms promised the info from Comox last week he is a chronic liar. Spit in his face and maybe GOD will bless you.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St. you reject.
You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Riiiight Gweg Carr, whatever you say.
What does your latest drooling have to do with failing confidence man Ralph van der Walle or Beach House at Saratoga?
https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project. MacaSKILL IS SUCH A FAIL A LOSER A BITTER REJECTED FLAKE.
You have promised all sorts of revelations about Ralph Van Der Walle and Beach House Saratoga for 2 weeks but nada. A BC Online Criminal Record search of your name Daryl Macaskill shows your convictions nothing for Ralph Van Der Walle. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralph-van-der-walle-a071141a/details/experience/ his Linked In shows his career back to 2002. Also shows his pic why your ugly, loser, poverty case, fag self have no profile pic or Linked In account?
https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ He easily won the lawsuit over your chronically lying self you total roach.
https://www.saanichnews.com/marketplace/the-smart-way-to-invest-in-real-estate/ This 2017 MSM article mentions Ralph Van Der Walle the only thing he is guilty of in the article is being too good looking that must really irk your uggo fag, moron, slouched self.
http://www.maggievandewalle.com/store/p44/"It_became_clear_that_Ralph_was_not_all_he_professed_to_be.".html just funny.
https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project.
AVENUE (1069585 BC LTD.)
Brian Chow, Rural Planner provided an overview of the memorandum dated April 6, 2020 regarding a
Commercial and Industrial (Form and Character) Development Permit (DP 26C 19) application for a
proposed 29 tourist commercial unit and one residential unit development on a property located at 9022
Clarkson Avenue.
The applicants, Patrick Brandreth of IWCD, Ralph van der Walle, Warren Stevenson of Can. Corp.
Properties, Neil Banich of WA Architects Jammy Arthur of WA Architects were in attendance via
K. Keylock/M. Presley: THAT the Area C Advisory Planning Commission support the application as proposed
- The form and character of the proposed development conforms to the Tourist Commercial One (TC-1)
zone; and
- The zoning will not change.
Carried NAY: B. Thompson; G.
There were no updates provided regarding Electoral Area Services Committee and board decisions related
to APC recommendations.
Hey pissy pants Daryl Macaskill seems the go aheads were done over 2 years ago you f upped on the same street drugs of Sauck and company Team TARD failing and failed.
https://www.saratogabeachhouse.ca this says that the development is all sold out. Daryl Macaskill the convicted fraudster and shoplifter gets nothing for all his hours of posting lies and he has lost a serious legal judgement in the process.
Remember DTES ppl this guy never once did anything to help you when he had a bit of $.
You have a history of being terminated fast by employers and have convictions for fraud and shoplifting you have been known to self harm and you just got dinged by $190k in a legal judgement.
https://mobile.twitter.com/darylmacaskil his picture shows him to be a stressed out, ugly, skid rower.
https://darylgrantmacaskill-fan-club.blogspot.com/2021/08/my-name-is-daryl-grant-macaskill.html 3 different photos of the loser criminal who appears to have lost every lawsuit he was involved in unlike me.
You brought on every misfortune that ever happened to you in life you are 100% responsible for your poverty and lack of character and having no friends. Whatever happened to that Polo shirt you used to wear back when you had employment years ago?
Made a half assed attempt to find you in Downtown Vancouver and the DTES last week. You have stated you will attack me on sight so no need to warn you.
I don't want to attack you.
You are most likely addicted to the street drug speed and you have posted here that you intend violence on me you addicts are known for erratic behavior.
Post by Ace Ventura
Truly if I could NOT kick yer goofy phat retarded anus I would be extremely disappointed in myself.
You are poor as in flat broke and ugly and stupid ashamed of the name on your birth certificate and you are a self harmer you are beyond disappointed in yourself.
Post by Ace Ventura
Your problem is >that every kick aimed for your nuts is likely to land upside yer head. That happens with short little >chits eh.
If I were you I would worry instead about monkey boys sent by the HA showing up on yer doorstep.. You likely haven't been beat down (yet) because you are an obvious clown and have nothing to do with club business. Good luck Gwegy if that ever changes.
I plan to give away $85 in Vancouver today so I might run into you.

https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project. MacaSKILL IS SUCH A FAIL A LOSER A BITTER REJECTED FLAKE.

You have promised all sorts of revelations about Ralph Van Der Walle and Beach House Saratoga for 2 weeks but nada. A BC Online Criminal Record search of your name Daryl Macaskill shows your convictions nothing for Ralph Van Der Walle. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralph-van-der-walle-a071141a/details/experience/ his Linked In shows his career back to 2002. Also shows his pic why your ugly, loser, poverty case, fag self have no profile pic or Linked In account?

https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ He easily won the lawsuit over your chronically lying self you total roach.

https://www.saanichnews.com/marketplace/the-smart-way-to-invest-in-real-estate/ This 2017 MSM article mentions Ralph Van Der Walle the only thing he is guilty of in the article is being too good looking that must really irk your uggo fag, moron, slouched self.

http://www.maggievandewalle.com/store/p44/"It_became_clear_that_Ralph_was_not_all_he_professed_to_be.".html just funny.

https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project.


AVENUE (1069585 BC LTD.)
Brian Chow, Rural Planner provided an overview of the memorandum dated April 6, 2020 regarding a
Commercial and Industrial (Form and Character) Development Permit (DP 26C 19) application for a
proposed 29 tourist commercial unit and one residential unit development on a property located at 9022
Clarkson Avenue.
The applicants, Patrick Brandreth of IWCD, Ralph van der Walle, Warren Stevenson of Can. Corp.
Properties, Neil Banich of WA Architects Jammy Arthur of WA Architects were in attendance via
K. Keylock/M. Presley: THAT the Area C Advisory Planning Commission support the application as proposed
in the memorandum dated April 6, 2020 for the following reasons:
- The form and character of the proposed development conforms to the Tourist Commercial One (TC-1)
zone; and
- The zoning will not change.
Carried NAY: B. Thompson; G.
There were no updates provided regarding Electoral Area Services Committee and board decisions related
to APC recommendations.

Hey pissy pants Daryl Macaskill seems the go aheads were done over 2 years ago you f upped on the same street drugs of Sauck and company Team TARD failing and failed.

https://www.saratogabeachhouse.ca this says that the development is all sold out. Daryl Macaskill the convicted fraudster and shoplifter gets nothing for all his hours of posting lies and he has lost a serious legal judgement in the process.



Remember DTES ppl this guy never once did anything to help you when he had a bit of $.

You have a history of being terminated fast by employers and have convictions for fraud and shoplifting you have been known to self harm and you just got dinged by $190k in a legal judgement.

https://mobile.twitter.com/darylmacaskil his picture shows him to be a stressed out, ugly, skid rower.

https://darylgrantmacaskill-fan-club.blogspot.com/2021/08/my-name-is-daryl-grant-macaskill.html 3 different photos of the loser criminal who appears to have lost every lawsuit he was involved in unlike me.

You brought on every misfortune that ever happened to you in life you are 100% responsible for your poverty and lack of character and having no friends. Whatever happened to that Polo shirt you used to wear back when you had employment years ago?

Made a half assed attempt to find you in Downtown Vancouver and the DTES last week. You have stated you will attack me on sight so no need to warn you.
Ace Ventura
2022-06-28 19:14:01 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Blog has been removed
Sorry, the blog at ralphvanderwalle.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'
This was pulled in the last 2 weeks.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St . you reject.
OMG folks. It is SURELY not looking good for 'Beach House at Saratoga'. Hold onto those stones, our conman is about to take a big un up that career thieving crooked anus of his. Film at 11:00.
Tee Hee Hee. The suspense is a near killer, butt really, the goofy 'Beach House at Saratoga' will end up like ALL the failed scams of a real estate reprobate.
It is boring you chickenscratch. You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.
Information issue with Comox District. Stay tuned citizens.
Incompetent moron with no computer Daryl Grant Macaskill who uses various nyms promised the info from Comox last week he is a chronic liar. Spit in his face and maybe GOD will bless you.
You are a moron and stupid and a poverty case who refuses to work. Try not to get beat up at the soup kitchen, library or coffee shop. Some of the ppl you have annoyed are violent others have plenty of money. They all want you to disappear. The guys with $ tell me they are doing what they can to remove your presence from the WWW. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are an admitted queer they don't want you on Davie St. you reject.
You are a convicted shoplifter you are barred from the Brooklyn Tap and Beer Store on Columbia St. in New Westminster they put your slouching self's picture on the door. You are a convicted fraudster. You are ugly and stupid with no friends. The guy you are slagging won a $190k lawsuit against you along with some others. You are Daryl MacAskill failure in crime and family and work. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ You are a chronic liar with no redeeming characteristics.
http://www.gangstersout.com/2012-Injunction.pdf Daryl pissed in his pants and self harmer lost this 2012 case.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw This has the entire lawsuit Daryl Macaskill recently lost plus other info on him. Plus a list of his court dates. I wonder if that Gordon James Sauck and his Internet/Mirc buddies are in cahoots with Daryl Macaskill they are all chronic liars and hate me Sauck's lawsuit against me happened around the same time Dimwit Daryl started posting to this ng. Sauck admitted that the server at his business here in Newton was used to post vile and digusting lies about me. Sauck recently sold his home at Huff Blvd. Delta so he should pay up PAY UP $$$$$$$$$. Daryl Macaskill and Gordon James Sauck are both spammers that is a fact.
Riiiight Gweg Carr, whatever you say.
What does your latest drooling have to do with failing confidence man Ralph van der Walle or Beach House at Saratoga?
https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project. MacaSKILL IS SUCH A FAIL A LOSER A BITTER REJECTED FLAKE.
You have promised all sorts of revelations about Ralph Van Der Walle and Beach House Saratoga for 2 weeks but nada. A BC Online Criminal Record search of your name Daryl Macaskill shows your convictions nothing for Ralph Van Der Walle. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralph-van-der-walle-a071141a/details/experience/ his Linked In shows his career back to 2002. Also shows his pic why your ugly, loser, poverty case, fag self have no profile pic or Linked In account?
https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ He easily won the lawsuit over your chronically lying self you total roach.
https://www.saanichnews.com/marketplace/the-smart-way-to-invest-in-real-estate/ This 2017 MSM article mentions Ralph Van Der Walle the only thing he is guilty of in the article is being too good looking that must really irk your uggo fag, moron, slouched self.
http://www.maggievandewalle.com/store/p44/"It_became_clear_that_Ralph_was_not_all_he_professed_to_be.".html just funny.
https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project.
AVENUE (1069585 BC LTD.)
Brian Chow, Rural Planner provided an overview of the memorandum dated April 6, 2020 regarding a
Commercial and Industrial (Form and Character) Development Permit (DP 26C 19) application for a
proposed 29 tourist commercial unit and one residential unit development on a property located at 9022
Clarkson Avenue.
The applicants, Patrick Brandreth of IWCD, Ralph van der Walle, Warren Stevenson of Can. Corp.
Properties, Neil Banich of WA Architects Jammy Arthur of WA Architects were in attendance via
K. Keylock/M. Presley: THAT the Area C Advisory Planning Commission support the application as proposed
- The form and character of the proposed development conforms to the Tourist Commercial One (TC-1)
zone; and
- The zoning will not change.
Carried NAY: B. Thompson; G.
There were no updates provided regarding Electoral Area Services Committee and board decisions related
to APC recommendations.
Hey pissy pants Daryl Macaskill seems the go aheads were done over 2 years ago you f upped on the same street drugs of Sauck and company Team TARD failing and failed.
https://www.saratogabeachhouse.ca this says that the development is all sold out. Daryl Macaskill the convicted fraudster and shoplifter gets nothing for all his hours of posting lies and he has lost a serious legal judgement in the process.
Remember DTES ppl this guy never once did anything to help you when he had a bit of $.
You have a history of being terminated fast by employers and have convictions for fraud and shoplifting you have been known to self harm and you just got dinged by $190k in a legal judgement.
https://mobile.twitter.com/darylmacaskil his picture shows him to be a stressed out, ugly, skid rower.
https://darylgrantmacaskill-fan-club.blogspot.com/2021/08/my-name-is-daryl-grant-macaskill.html 3 different photos of the loser criminal who appears to have lost every lawsuit he was involved in unlike me.
You brought on every misfortune that ever happened to you in life you are 100% responsible for your poverty and lack of character and having no friends. Whatever happened to that Polo shirt you used to wear back when you had employment years ago?
Made a half assed attempt to find you in Downtown Vancouver and the DTES last week. You have stated you will attack me on sight so no need to warn you.
I don't want to attack you.
You are most likely addicted to the street drug speed and you have posted here that you intend violence on me you addicts are known for erratic behavior.
Post by Ace Ventura
Truly if I could NOT kick yer goofy phat retarded anus I would be extremely disappointed in myself.
You are poor as in flat broke and ugly and stupid ashamed of the name on your birth certificate and you are a self harmer you are beyond disappointed in yourself.
Post by Ace Ventura
Your problem is >that every kick aimed for your nuts is likely to land upside yer head. That happens with short little >chits eh.
If I were you I would worry instead about monkey boys sent by the HA showing up on yer doorstep.. You likely haven't been beat down (yet) because you are an obvious clown and have nothing to do with club business. Good luck Gwegy if that ever changes.
I plan to give away $85 in Vancouver today so I might run into you.
https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project. MacaSKILL IS SUCH A FAIL A LOSER A BITTER REJECTED FLAKE.
You have promised all sorts of revelations about Ralph Van Der Walle and Beach House Saratoga for 2 weeks but nada. A BC Online Criminal Record search of your name Daryl Macaskill shows your convictions nothing for Ralph Van Der Walle. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralph-van-der-walle-a071141a/details/experience/ his Linked In shows his career back to 2002. Also shows his pic why your ugly, loser, poverty case, fag self have no profile pic or Linked In account?
https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ He easily won the lawsuit over your chronically lying self you total roach.
https://www.saanichnews.com/marketplace/the-smart-way-to-invest-in-real-estate/ This 2017 MSM article mentions Ralph Van Der Walle the only thing he is guilty of in the article is being too good looking that must really irk your uggo fag, moron, slouched self.
http://www.maggievandewalle.com/store/p44/"It_became_clear_that_Ralph_was_not_all_he_professed_to_be.".html just funny.
https://vancouversun.com/homes/vacation-homes/vancouver-island-escape-with-a-view June 17 2022 article about the Saratoga Beach project.
AVENUE (1069585 BC LTD.)
Brian Chow, Rural Planner provided an overview of the memorandum dated April 6, 2020 regarding a
Commercial and Industrial (Form and Character) Development Permit (DP 26C 19) application for a
proposed 29 tourist commercial unit and one residential unit development on a property located at 9022
Clarkson Avenue.
The applicants, Patrick Brandreth of IWCD, Ralph van der Walle, Warren Stevenson of Can. Corp.
Properties, Neil Banich of WA Architects Jammy Arthur of WA Architects were in attendance via
K. Keylock/M. Presley: THAT the Area C Advisory Planning Commission support the application as proposed
- The form and character of the proposed development conforms to the Tourist Commercial One (TC-1)
zone; and
- The zoning will not change.
Carried NAY: B. Thompson; G.
There were no updates provided regarding Electoral Area Services Committee and board decisions related
to APC recommendations.
Hey pissy pants Daryl Macaskill seems the go aheads were done over 2 years ago you f upped on the same street drugs of Sauck and company Team TARD failing and failed.
https://www.saratogabeachhouse.ca this says that the development is all sold out. Daryl Macaskill the convicted fraudster and shoplifter gets nothing for all his hours of posting lies and he has lost a serious legal judgement in the process.
Remember DTES ppl this guy never once did anything to help you when he had a bit of $.
You have a history of being terminated fast by employers and have convictions for fraud and shoplifting you have been known to self harm and you just got dinged by $190k in a legal judgement.
https://mobile.twitter.com/darylmacaskil his picture shows him to be a stressed out, ugly, skid rower.
https://darylgrantmacaskill-fan-club.blogspot.com/2021/08/my-name-is-daryl-grant-macaskill.html 3 different photos of the loser criminal who appears to have lost every lawsuit he was involved in unlike me.
You brought on every misfortune that ever happened to you in life you are 100% responsible for your poverty and lack of character and having no friends. Whatever happened to that Polo shirt you used to wear back when you had employment years ago?
Made a half assed attempt to find you in Downtown Vancouver and the DTES last week. You have stated you will attack me on sight so no need to warn you.
Gweg, I know you need attention. Most retards do.

I spew about a shameless real estate fraud on Vancouver Island that is winding down, taking folks money with it. $ 4.5m to be precise. The development permit for 9022 Clarkson Ave MIGHT be toasted as 2 years have passed without 'substantial completion'. Disclosure from Comox District is problematic. Developers/promoters can't pretend to build something FOREVER whilst sucking in exempt money. (no prospectus) That is why a 2 year deadline exists.

Ralph van der Walle has overfinanced 9022 Clarkson Ave. (mortgage $1.8m, dirt worth $1m) If penalties exceeding 20% aren't paid on that prime plus 9 mortgage in September the mortgage holder will foreclose. This will mark the end of the 4th consecutive real estate failure from the man, an immigrant from Holland who has never had paid employment here.

Details are on Sedar. Why can't you pretend to have a brain? Thanks.

Daryl Grant MacAskill
2022-06-29 21:39:50 UTC
I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!

I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
Ace Ventura
2022-06-30 02:17:42 UTC
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!
I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
I think we can all agree immigrant conman Ralph van der Walle has never 'done' a fukkin thing for Canada, other than ripping off it's citizens as a career choice.

Brutal facts of his latest fraud (on Sedar) were sworn to as correct by Ralph van der Walle. Should be assume the K9 is lying, yet again?
Gregory Carr
2022-06-30 09:39:17 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!
I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
I think we can all agree immigrant conman Ralph van der Walle has never 'done' a fukkin thing for Canada, other than ripping off it's citizens as a career choice.
Unlike you a convicted fraudster and shoplifter with a history of self harm and welfare Mr. Van Der Walle has no criminal record dresses well and looks good. You are in violation of a court order by posting your repeated lies about Mr. Van Der Walle in this forum. Kill yourself Daryl Grant Macaskill and save the taxpayers money.
Post by Ace Ventura
Brutal facts of his latest fraud (on Sedar) were sworn to as correct by Ralph van der Walle. Should be assume the K9 >is lying, yet again?
You are the chronic liar the welfare case.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc/m/HvaWaQ5NAgAJ The entire 27 page judgement against you where you admitted you were totally bloke and lived in a homeless shelter the court found you spent many hours a day posting lies to the Internet and used various nyms including Jeff Drakes, Ace Ventura, Daryl Grant Macaskill and your current nym.
Ace Ventura
2022-06-30 15:44:41 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!
I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
I think we can all agree immigrant conman Ralph van der Walle has never 'done' a fukkin thing for Canada, other than ripping off it's citizens as a career choice.
Unlike you a convicted fraudster and shoplifter with a history of self harm and welfare Mr. Van Der Walle has no criminal record dresses well and looks good. You are in violation of a court order by posting your repeated lies about Mr. Van Der Walle in this forum. Kill yourself Daryl Grant Macaskill and save the taxpayers money.
Post by Ace Ventura
Brutal facts of his latest fraud (on Sedar) were sworn to as correct by Ralph van der Walle. Should be assume the K9 >is lying, yet again?
You are the chronic liar the welfare case.
https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc/m/HvaWaQ5NAgAJ The entire 27 page judgement against you where you admitted you were totally bloke and lived in a homeless shelter the court found you spent many hours a day posting lies to the Internet and used various nyms including Jeff Drakes, Ace Ventura, Daryl Grant Macaskill and your current nym.
These are my contacts with the BCSC. If Sedar filings have been deliberately falsified, that would be an offense. The compliance officer would need to be fined.

Romolo DiFonzo <***@bcsc.bc.ca>,
"Peter J. Brady" <***@bcsc.bc.ca>
Ace Ventura
2022-06-30 17:49:38 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!
I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
I think we can all agree immigrant conman Ralph van der Walle has never 'done' a fukkin thing for Canada, other than ripping off it's citizens as a career choice.
Unlike you a convicted fraudster and shoplifter with a history of self harm and welfare Mr. Van Der Walle has no criminal record dresses well and looks good. You are in violation of a court order by posting your repeated lies about Mr. Van Der Walle in this forum. Kill yourself Daryl Grant Macaskill and save the taxpayers money.
Post by Ace Ventura
Brutal facts of his latest fraud (on Sedar) were sworn to as correct by Ralph van der Walle. Should be assume the K9 >is lying, yet again?
You are the chronic liar the welfare case.
https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc/m/HvaWaQ5NAgAJ The entire 27 page judgement against you where you admitted you were totally bloke and lived in a homeless shelter the court found you spent many hours a day posting lies to the Internet and used various nyms including Jeff Drakes, Ace Ventura, Daryl Grant Macaskill and your current nym.
These are my contacts with the BCSC. If Sedar filings have been deliberately falsified, that would be an offense. The compliance officer would need to be fined.
Hmmmm. After some thought I had better contact the boys myself. What we have is grossly flawed disclosure. Presumably the compliance officer is saying one thing in his Sedar filings and then another, completely different thing on public forums. Contradictions that obvious reeks of securities fraud. Boys will likely chit.
Ace Ventura
2022-06-30 18:29:50 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!
I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
I think we can all agree immigrant conman Ralph van der Walle has never 'done' a fukkin thing for Canada, other than ripping off it's citizens as a career choice.
Unlike you a convicted fraudster and shoplifter with a history of self harm and welfare Mr. Van Der Walle has no criminal record dresses well and looks good. You are in violation of a court order by posting your repeated lies about Mr. Van Der Walle in this forum. Kill yourself Daryl Grant Macaskill and save the taxpayers money.
Post by Ace Ventura
Brutal facts of his latest fraud (on Sedar) were sworn to as correct by Ralph van der Walle. Should be assume the K9 >is lying, yet again?
You are the chronic liar the welfare case.
https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc/m/HvaWaQ5NAgAJ The entire 27 page judgement against you where you admitted you were totally bloke and lived in a homeless shelter the court found you spent many hours a day posting lies to the Internet and used various nyms including Jeff Drakes, Ace Ventura, Daryl Grant Macaskill and your current nym.
These are my contacts with the BCSC. If Sedar filings have been deliberately falsified, that would be an offense. The compliance officer would need to be fined.
Hmmmm. After some thought I had better contact the boys myself. What we have is grossly flawed disclosure. Presumably the compliance officer is saying one thing in his Sedar filings and then another, completely different thing on public forums. Contradictions that obvious reeks of securities fraud. Boys will likely chit.
Here is the e-mail I just fired off to my boys. This here is PRECISELY what it takes to motivate these K9s. Exempt dealers best watch their crooked fukkin selves.

Ace Ventura <***@gmail.com>
11:27 AM (0 minutes ago)
to Romolo, dmuir, Peter

Hey boys. This would be the 'Beach House at Saratoga' scam we're tracking.

What a certain compliance officer is doing is posting material on public forums. This material contradicts Sedar filings.

Specifically said compliance officer is making a claim there is 'no mortgage registered on the property'. If it's registered or not makes no difference, the disclosure on Sedar from this exempt dealer says the mortgage is $1.8m. Why is he posting something else on public forums to mislead people?

Yes indeed this retard takes great pride in being the 'compliance officer'. Dude is using a fake name to do his dirty business to boot. Observe.


Daryl Grant MacAskill's profile photo
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Jun 29, 2022, 2:39:52 PM (21 hours ago)

I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!

I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
Gregory Carr
2022-07-01 03:53:38 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!
I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
I think we can all agree immigrant conman Ralph van der Walle has never 'done' a fukkin thing for Canada, other than ripping off it's citizens as a career choice.
Unlike you a convicted fraudster and shoplifter with a history of self harm and welfare Mr. Van Der Walle has no criminal record dresses well and looks good. You are in violation of a court order by posting your repeated lies about Mr. Van Der Walle in this forum. Kill yourself Daryl Grant Macaskill and save the taxpayers money.
Post by Ace Ventura
Brutal facts of his latest fraud (on Sedar) were sworn to as correct by Ralph van der Walle. Should be assume the K9 >is lying, yet again?
You are the chronic liar the welfare case.
https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc/m/HvaWaQ5NAgAJ The entire 27 page judgement against you where you admitted you were totally bloke and lived in a homeless shelter the court found you spent many hours a day posting lies to the Internet and used various nyms including Jeff Drakes, Ace Ventura, Daryl Grant Macaskill and your current nym.
These are my contacts with the BCSC. If Sedar filings have been deliberately falsified, that would be an offense. The compliance officer would need to be fined.
They no doubt kill filed your convicted criminal chronically lying slovenly self.

How come you have no record of your voluminous back and forth emails with these ppl?

Judge Riley of New Westminster Court warned you you would be going back to jail if you kept this up in his recent judgement against your always broke ugly self Daryl Grant Macaskill aka Jeff Drakes, Ace Ventura, Dr. Stoxxman.

The ppl with money you are libeling and harassing with your emails and online lies in violation of a court order should contact Gmail to get your email from them cancelled and get their company legal ppl to get copies of everything you have sent and received.

Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
Gregory Carr’s profile photo
Gregory Carr
1 May 2022, 15:59:00
Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Daryl MacAskill:
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
Reasons to follow:
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
abuse of process and are therefore not protected by the law of settlement privilege:
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally, or expose the plaintiff to hatred, contempt, or ridicule”:
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
balance of probabilities that the impugned statements are true or substantially true:
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
on the following terms:
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
Chiasson in Larkin v. Glase, 2009 BCCA 321 at paras. 8–9 [Larkin]:
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”

Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.

Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.

Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.


https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.

User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
GreatInfo wrote:
DarylPantsPee wrote:
The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:


But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.


Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.


December 03, 2021

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.

Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.

UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.

Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505

You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...


Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.

Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.

I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.

You can email info to -***@gmail.com-

Recent pictures.

Very old pictures.

drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller



Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra

Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.

Some say he is also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted his page.

Fortunately it is archived here:

Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/

Copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/

Some "pretend" unhappiness here

Other badness fortunately.

9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.

9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?

The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:

http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment

But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting.



Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell

2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.

The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Followed up by this comment:

It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.

Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.

The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.

2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel

This is a troll with a colorful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.

The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."

After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding and violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.

Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Charged, convicted and jailed for FRAUD,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Did not show up according to court records.
2021 Nov Hearing court date postponed to Jan 2022.
2022 Jan Missed court hearing or avoided.
2022 Feb Contempt hearing of a Judges Court Order.

Guess who is going to jail...soon.

http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
Common Public Service - 1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)

Using the registered address of a homeless shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station.
Residence location confirmed and under remote surveillance.

Internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc.


(236) 334-1961
Airtime pay per use account.

New judgement issued on 9 Feb 2022 as per court records and as predicted, he did not show up. Again he knows exactly how to waste the courts time using abuse of process. It is time the judge threw the book at him and got this sleaze bag off the streets for good.

Current plaintiff in following doc is blacked out. There are other court restrictions limiting the defendants contact with the plaintiff, plaintiffs lawyer and associates. There must have been abuse of the system for a judge to set such severe limitations. So many breaches to the Court Order are still online and new sites have recently popped up. The lawyer is this case must be in utter disbelief (and joy) at the defendants stupidity. The file before the judge must be bursting at the seams.

When you hear criminals are dumb, this is exactly the type of person they are typically referring too.

File Number 236505

Ministry of the Attorney General
File Number 41864



Just search up macaskill, daryl

Last Name, First Name
Court Location, Classification of File
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated
Style of Cause

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9516281 1995-07-18 1996-02-28

Provincial - Small Claims
Burnaby Provincial Court
23894 1994-01-10 1994-09-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
200277180 2002-10-08 2002-10-08

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22036 1994-11-23 1994-11-23

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22048 1994-11-23 1995-09-14

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts
R162960 VA96 1996-10-10 1996-11-12

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant Supreme
Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
75654 2007-08-21 2007-12-28

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
121523 2012-02-28 2012-11-07

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
144648 2014-06-13 2014-09-18

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
151322 2015-02-17 2017-02-09

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9409703 1994-12-06 1995-04-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9951913 1999-04-22 1999-05-18

Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
89183 2008-12-22 2009-08-31

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25

Other past charges:

Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant


Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada


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https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/XXgDulvZVHM 170 Google Groups views alone since 2021.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/D_Tu9kVU5iM 667 Google Group views alone since 2021.


Ace Ventura
2022-07-17 00:09:08 UTC
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!
I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
Tell us more.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-17 18:46:22 UTC
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!
I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
Tell us more about Ralph van der Walle and the failure at Beach House at Saratoga, his 4th.
notmyrealname carr
2022-07-17 22:27:09 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Daryl Grant MacAskill
I don't see any mortgage registered against that property.
Recent photos I saw showed significant construction completed.
You appear to be as delusional as always!
I thought the Court Order I read instructed you to quit harassing that guy?
Playing with fire!
Tell us more about Ralph van der Walle and the failure at Beach House at Saratoga, his 4th.
You have stated over 20 times this always afraid to use your real name. A Google News search of the mans name shows nothing of what you claim.
Here again is the lawsuit against you that you lost and it includes Judge Riley telling you that if you keep posting about Ralph Van Der Walle you risked going to jail again are you protective custody? You have lousy clothes and convictions for shoplifting and fraud.

Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
***@gmail.com's profile photo
May 1, 2022, 3:59:00 PM
Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Daryl MacAskill:
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
Reasons to follow:
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
abuse of process and are therefore not protected by the law of settlement privilege:
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally, or expose the plaintiff to hatred, contempt, or ridicule”:
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
balance of probabilities that the impugned statements are true or substantially true:
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
on the following terms:
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
Chiasson in Larkin v. Glase, 2009 BCCA 321 at paras. 8–9 [Larkin]:
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”

Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.

Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.

Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.


https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.

User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
GreatInfo wrote:
DarylPantsPee wrote:
The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:


But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.


Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.


December 03, 2021

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.

Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.

UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.

Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505

You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...


Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.

Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.

I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.

You can email info to -***@gmail.com-

Recent pictures.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-03 02:37:15 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
Gregory Carr
2022-07-03 12:16:11 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
There is no such thing as larceny in Canada you dumb fag. You Daryl Grant Macaskill defrauded the govt years ago of thousands of dollars and did time for it. None of your claims about Ralph Van Der Walle are true you are a chronic liar with no employment car or computer you are a skid.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-03 16:15:14 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
There is no such thing as larceny in Canada you dumb fag. You Daryl Grant Macaskill defrauded the govt years ago of thousands of dollars and did time for it. None of your claims about Ralph Van Der Walle are true you are a chronic liar with no employment car or computer you are a skid.
Gweg, I don't want you for my woman. Everything personal. I don't swing that way, and even if I did, you are stomach turning gross.

Gregory Carr
2022-07-04 02:17:40 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
There is no such thing as larceny in Canada you dumb fag. You Daryl Grant Macaskill defrauded the govt years ago of thousands of dollars and did time for it. None of your claims about Ralph Van Der Walle are true you are a chronic liar with no employment car or computer you are a skid.
Gweg, I don't want you for my woman. Everything personal. I don't swing that way, and even if I did, you are stomach turning gross.
This Ace Ventura twit has no vehicle or computer and has convictions for fraud and shoplifting. https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc 17 Google Groups views alone this post has the entire 27 page judgement from Justice Riley against Ace Ventura listing his birth name Daryl Grant Macaskill and various nyms he has used online. The Judge says the dud is a chronic liar and the defendant admits he is flat broke.
Post by Ace Ventura
Some of it is true some of it is lies and dummy Daryl stole the whole thing from Surrey gun loon Dennis James Watson's website. Both have lost lawsuits unlike me.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-04 16:50:26 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
There is no such thing as larceny in Canada you dumb fag. You Daryl Grant Macaskill defrauded the govt years ago of thousands of dollars and did time for it. None of your claims about Ralph Van Der Walle are true you are a chronic liar with no employment car or computer you are a skid.
Gweg, I don't want you for my woman. Everything personal. I don't swing that way, and even if I did, you are stomach turning gross.
This Ace Ventura twit has no vehicle or computer and has convictions for fraud and shoplifting. https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc 17 Google Groups views alone this post has the entire 27 page judgement from Justice Riley against Ace Ventura listing his birth name Daryl Grant Macaskill and various nyms he has used online. The Judge says the dud is a chronic liar and the defendant admits he is flat broke.
Post by Ace Ventura
Some of it is true some of it is lies and dummy Daryl stole the whole thing from Surrey gun loon Dennis James Watson's website. Both have lost lawsuits unlike me.
Gweg you fatty fat face. You have slagged Denis Watson for over a year and he has NEVER done a fukkin thing to you. NADA. Zero. Why are you still doing it?

You owe the man several dozen apologies, at least.

You slag homosexuals when you are one. You are a wicked evil lump of hypocrite humanity beyond redemption.

The fact you are a retard isn't an excuse, you fat repulsive slugface.
Greg Carr
2022-07-04 18:17:22 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
There is no such thing as larceny in Canada you dumb fag. You Daryl Grant Macaskill defrauded the govt years ago of thousands of dollars and did time for it. None of your claims about Ralph Van Der Walle are true you are a chronic liar with no employment car or computer you are a skid.
Gweg, I don't want you for my woman. Everything personal. I don't swing that way, and even if I did, you are stomach turning gross.
This Ace Ventura twit has no vehicle or computer and has convictions for fraud and shoplifting. https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc 17 Google Groups views alone this post has the entire 27 page judgement from Justice Riley against Ace Ventura listing his birth name Daryl Grant Macaskill and various nyms he has used online. The Judge says the dud is a chronic liar and the defendant admits he is flat broke.
Post by Ace Ventura
Some of it is true some of it is lies and dummy Daryl stole the whole thing from Surrey gun loon Dennis James Watson's website. Both have lost lawsuits unlike me.
Gweg you fatty fat face. You have slagged Denis Watson for over a year and he has NEVER done a fukkin thing to you
He like you has told repeated lies about me on the Internet when I ran into him on the Seawall at Coal Harbour with his dog and stupid head covering he did not apologize but hung his head and looked at the ground I sent his Falun Gonger friends copies of his Internet blitherings and they kicked him out of their organization for they are non-violent. You for reasons known only to your stupid self copy his web pages and have used the nym Jeff Drakes who is one of the few friends of Dennis James Watson all 3 of you are liars.
Post by Ace Ventura
NADA. Zero. Why are you still doing it?
I can do what I like Mr. Watson like you has lost lawsuits unlike me.
Post by Ace Ventura
You owe the man several dozen apologies, at least.
I owe the unemployed man nothing he like you is unable to maintain employment he was fired from Canada Post do you have any idea how hard that is?
Post by Ace Ventura
You slag homosexuals when you are one.
I am heterosexual.
Post by Ace Ventura
You are a wicked evil lump of hypocrite.
I am many things but I am not a hypocrite. You continually post that certain ppl with no criminal records are fraudsters but the fact is you went to jail for fraud while they have never spent a day in jail you are afraid to use your birth name unlike me.
Post by Ace Ventura
humanity beyond redemption.
I give to charity and pay taxes you are a parasite to taxpayers.
Post by Ace Ventura
The fact you are a retard isn't an excuse, you fat repulsive slugface.
131 I.Q. and better educated than you poverty creep.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-04 18:26:46 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
There is no such thing as larceny in Canada you dumb fag. You Daryl Grant Macaskill defrauded the govt years ago of thousands of dollars and did time for it. None of your claims about Ralph Van Der Walle are true you are a chronic liar with no employment car or computer you are a skid.
Gweg, I don't want you for my woman. Everything personal. I don't swing that way, and even if I did, you are stomach turning gross.
This Ace Ventura twit has no vehicle or computer and has convictions for fraud and shoplifting. https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc 17 Google Groups views alone this post has the entire 27 page judgement from Justice Riley against Ace Ventura listing his birth name Daryl Grant Macaskill and various nyms he has used online. The Judge says the dud is a chronic liar and the defendant admits he is flat broke.
Post by Ace Ventura
Some of it is true some of it is lies and dummy Daryl stole the whole thing from Surrey gun loon Dennis James Watson's website. Both have lost lawsuits unlike me.
Gweg you fatty fat face. You have slagged Denis Watson for over a year and he has NEVER done a fukkin thing to you
He like you has told repeated lies about me on the Internet when I ran into him on the Seawall at Coal Harbour with his dog and stupid head covering he did not apologize but hung his head and looked at the ground I sent his Falun Gonger friends copies of his Internet blitherings and they kicked him out of their organization for they are non-violent. You for reasons known only to your stupid self copy his web pages and have used the nym Jeff Drakes who is one of the few friends of Dennis James Watson all 3 of you are liars.
Post by Ace Ventura
NADA. Zero. Why are you still doing it?
I can do what I like Mr. Watson like you has lost lawsuits unlike me.
Post by Ace Ventura
You owe the man several dozen apologies, at least.
I owe the unemployed man nothing he like you is unable to maintain employment he was fired from Canada Post do you have any idea how hard that is?
Post by Ace Ventura
You slag homosexuals when you are one.
I am heterosexual.
Post by Ace Ventura
You are a wicked evil lump of hypocrite.
I am many things but I am not a hypocrite. You continually post that certain ppl with no criminal records are fraudsters but the fact is you went to jail for fraud while they have never spent a day in jail you are afraid to use your birth name unlike me.
Post by Ace Ventura
humanity beyond redemption.
I give to charity and pay taxes you are a parasite to taxpayers.
Post by Ace Ventura
The fact you are a retard isn't an excuse, you fat repulsive slugface.
131 I.Q. and better educated than you poverty creep.
Dude you ARE a retard and your last post proves it. I took an on-line quiz and it said my IQ was 160, a genius. I thought that was funny as hell.

I have a university degree (BA) from SFU, 1987. What is your educational background Gwegy?

Greg Carr
2022-07-04 18:40:16 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
There is no such thing as larceny in Canada you dumb fag. You Daryl Grant Macaskill defrauded the govt years ago of thousands of dollars and did time for it. None of your claims about Ralph Van Der Walle are true you are a chronic liar with no employment car or computer you are a skid.
Gweg, I don't want you for my woman. Everything personal. I don't swing that way, and even if I did, you are stomach turning gross.
This Ace Ventura twit has no vehicle or computer and has convictions for fraud and shoplifting. https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc 17 Google Groups views alone this post has the entire 27 page judgement from Justice Riley against Ace Ventura listing his birth name Daryl Grant Macaskill and various nyms he has used online. The Judge says the dud is a chronic liar and the defendant admits he is flat broke.
Post by Ace Ventura
Some of it is true some of it is lies and dummy Daryl stole the whole thing from Surrey gun loon Dennis James Watson's website. Both have lost lawsuits unlike me.
Gweg you fatty fat face. You have slagged Denis Watson for over a year and he has NEVER done a fukkin thing to you
He like you has told repeated lies about me on the Internet when I ran into him on the Seawall at Coal Harbour with his dog and stupid head covering he did not apologize but hung his head and looked at the ground I sent his Falun Gonger friends copies of his Internet blitherings and they kicked him out of their organization for they are non-violent. You for reasons known only to your stupid self copy his web pages and have used the nym Jeff Drakes who is one of the few friends of Dennis James Watson all 3 of you are liars.
Post by Ace Ventura
NADA. Zero. Why are you still doing it?
I can do what I like Mr. Watson like you has lost lawsuits unlike me.
Post by Ace Ventura
You owe the man several dozen apologies, at least.
I owe the unemployed man nothing he like you is unable to maintain employment he was fired from Canada Post do you have any idea how hard that is?
Post by Ace Ventura
You slag homosexuals when you are one.
I am heterosexual.
Post by Ace Ventura
You are a wicked evil lump of hypocrite.
I am many things but I am not a hypocrite. You continually post that certain ppl with no criminal records are fraudsters but the fact is you went to jail for fraud while they have never spent a day in jail you are afraid to use your birth name unlike me.
Post by Ace Ventura
humanity beyond redemption.
I give to charity and pay taxes you are a parasite to taxpayers.
Post by Ace Ventura
The fact you are a retard isn't an excuse, you fat repulsive slugface.
131 I.Q. and better educated than you poverty creep.
Dude you ARE a retard and your last post proves it. I took an on-line quiz and it said my IQ was 160, a genius. I thought that was funny as hell.
You are a stupid, ugly unemployed convicted shoplifter and fraudster.
Post by Ace Ventura
I have a university degree (BA) from SFU, 1987. What is your educational background Gwegy?
Have posted it numerous times look it up on the library computer stupid chronic liar. You are poor no vehicle or computer.
Post by Ace Ventura
Ace Ventura
2022-07-04 18:51:47 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
There is no such thing as larceny in Canada you dumb fag. You Daryl Grant Macaskill defrauded the govt years ago of thousands of dollars and did time for it. None of your claims about Ralph Van Der Walle are true you are a chronic liar with no employment car or computer you are a skid.
Gweg, I don't want you for my woman. Everything personal. I don't swing that way, and even if I did, you are stomach turning gross.
This Ace Ventura twit has no vehicle or computer and has convictions for fraud and shoplifting. https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc 17 Google Groups views alone this post has the entire 27 page judgement from Justice Riley against Ace Ventura listing his birth name Daryl Grant Macaskill and various nyms he has used online. The Judge says the dud is a chronic liar and the defendant admits he is flat broke.
Post by Ace Ventura
Some of it is true some of it is lies and dummy Daryl stole the whole thing from Surrey gun loon Dennis James Watson's website. Both have lost lawsuits unlike me.
Gweg you fatty fat face. You have slagged Denis Watson for over a year and he has NEVER done a fukkin thing to you
He like you has told repeated lies about me on the Internet when I ran into him on the Seawall at Coal Harbour with his dog and stupid head covering he did not apologize but hung his head and looked at the ground I sent his Falun Gonger friends copies of his Internet blitherings and they kicked him out of their organization for they are non-violent. You for reasons known only to your stupid self copy his web pages and have used the nym Jeff Drakes who is one of the few friends of Dennis James Watson all 3 of you are liars.
Post by Ace Ventura
NADA. Zero. Why are you still doing it?
I can do what I like Mr. Watson like you has lost lawsuits unlike me.
Post by Ace Ventura
You owe the man several dozen apologies, at least.
I owe the unemployed man nothing he like you is unable to maintain employment he was fired from Canada Post do you have any idea how hard that is?
Post by Ace Ventura
You slag homosexuals when you are one.
I am heterosexual.
Post by Ace Ventura
You are a wicked evil lump of hypocrite.
I am many things but I am not a hypocrite. You continually post that certain ppl with no criminal records are fraudsters but the fact is you went to jail for fraud while they have never spent a day in jail you are afraid to use your birth name unlike me.
Post by Ace Ventura
humanity beyond redemption.
I give to charity and pay taxes you are a parasite to taxpayers.
Post by Ace Ventura
The fact you are a retard isn't an excuse, you fat repulsive slugface.
131 I.Q. and better educated than you poverty creep.
Dude you ARE a retard and your last post proves it. I took an on-line quiz and it said my IQ was 160, a genius. I thought that was funny as hell.
You are a stupid, ugly unemployed convicted shoplifter and fraudster.
Post by Ace Ventura
I have a university degree (BA) from SFU, 1987. What is your educational background Gwegy?
Have posted it numerous times look it up on the library computer stupid chronic liar. You are poor no vehicle or computer.
Post by Ace Ventura
Gweg, I will tell you again, I don't want you to be my woman.


BTW I'm working on a 'new and improved' video. Take a new photo of that bloated hors's asshole face will you?

Greg Carr
2022-07-04 19:25:19 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
There is no such thing as larceny in Canada you dumb fag. You Daryl Grant Macaskill defrauded the govt years ago of thousands of dollars and did time for it. None of your claims about Ralph Van Der Walle are true you are a chronic liar with no employment car or computer you are a skid.
Gweg, I don't want you for my woman. Everything personal. I don't swing that way, and even if I did, you are stomach turning gross.
This Ace Ventura twit has no vehicle or computer and has convictions for fraud and shoplifting. https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/widgf0MoSuc 17 Google Groups views alone this post has the entire 27 page judgement from Justice Riley against Ace Ventura listing his birth name Daryl Grant Macaskill and various nyms he has used online. The Judge says the dud is a chronic liar and the defendant admits he is flat broke.
Post by Ace Ventura
Some of it is true some of it is lies and dummy Daryl stole the whole thing from Surrey gun loon Dennis James Watson's website. Both have lost lawsuits unlike me.
Gweg you fatty fat face. You have slagged Denis Watson for over a year and he has NEVER done a fukkin thing to you
He like you has told repeated lies about me on the Internet when I ran into him on the Seawall at Coal Harbour with his dog and stupid head covering he did not apologize but hung his head and looked at the ground I sent his Falun Gonger friends copies of his Internet blitherings and they kicked him out of their organization for they are non-violent. You for reasons known only to your stupid self copy his web pages and have used the nym Jeff Drakes who is one of the few friends of Dennis James Watson all 3 of you are liars.
Post by Ace Ventura
NADA. Zero. Why are you still doing it?
I can do what I like Mr. Watson like you has lost lawsuits unlike me.
Post by Ace Ventura
You owe the man several dozen apologies, at least.
I owe the unemployed man nothing he like you is unable to maintain employment he was fired from Canada Post do you have any idea how hard that is?
Post by Ace Ventura
You slag homosexuals when you are one.
I am heterosexual.
Post by Ace Ventura
You are a wicked evil lump of hypocrite.
I am many things but I am not a hypocrite. You continually post that certain ppl with no criminal records are fraudsters but the fact is you went to jail for fraud while they have never spent a day in jail you are afraid to use your birth name unlike me.
Post by Ace Ventura
humanity beyond redemption.
I give to charity and pay taxes you are a parasite to taxpayers.
Post by Ace Ventura
The fact you are a retard isn't an excuse, you fat repulsive slugface.
131 I.Q. and better educated than you poverty creep.
Dude you ARE a retard and your last post proves it. I took an on-line quiz and it said my IQ was 160, a genius. I thought that was funny as hell.
You are a stupid, ugly unemployed convicted shoplifter and fraudster.
Post by Ace Ventura
I have a university degree (BA) from SFU, 1987. What is your educational background Gwegy?
Have posted it numerous times look it up on the library computer stupid chronic liar. You are poor no vehicle or computer.
Post by Ace Ventura
Gweg, I will tell you again, I don't want you to be my woman.
BTW I'm working on a 'new and improved' video. Take a new photo of that bloated hors's asshole face will you?
I am not surprised since you are unemployed and stupid with no life.

Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Daryl MacAskill:
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
Reasons to follow:
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
abuse of process and are therefore not protected by the law of settlement privilege:
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally, or expose the plaintiff to hatred, contempt, or ridicule”:
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
balance of probabilities that the impugned statements are true or substantially true:
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
on the following terms:
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
Chiasson in Larkin v. Glase, 2009 BCCA 321 at paras. 8–9 [Larkin]:
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”

Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.

Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.

Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.


https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.

User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
GreatInfo wrote:
DarylPantsPee wrote:
The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:


But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.


Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.


December 03, 2021

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.

Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.

UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.

Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505

You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...


Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.

Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.

I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.

You can email info to -***@gmail.com-

Recent pictures.

Very old pictures.

drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller



Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra

Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.

Some say he is also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted his page.

Fortunately it is archived here:

Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/

Copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/

Some "pretend" unhappiness here

Other badness fortunately.

9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.

9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?

The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:

http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment

But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting.



Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell

2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.

The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Followed up by this comment:

It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.

Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.

The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.

2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel

This is a troll with a colorful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.

The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."

After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding and violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.

Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Charged, convicted and jailed for FRAUD,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Did not show up according to court records.
2021 Nov Hearing court date postponed to Jan 2022.
2022 Jan Missed court hearing or avoided.
2022 Feb Contempt hearing of a Judges Court Order.

Guess who is going to jail...soon.

http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
Common Public Service - 1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)

Using the registered address of a homeless shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station.
Residence location confirmed and under remote surveillance.

Internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc.


(236) 334-1961
Airtime pay per use account.

New judgement issued on 9 Feb 2022 as per court records and as predicted, he did not show up. Again he knows exactly how to waste the courts time using abuse of process. It is time the judge threw the book at him and got this sleaze bag off the streets for good.

Current plaintiff in following doc is blacked out. There are other court restrictions limiting the defendants contact with the plaintiff, plaintiffs lawyer and associates. There must have been abuse of the system for a judge to set such severe limitations. So many breaches to the Court Order are still online and new sites have recently popped up. The lawyer is this case must be in utter disbelief (and joy) at the defendants stupidity. The file before the judge must be bursting at the seams.

When you hear criminals are dumb, this is exactly the type of person they are typically referring too.

File Number 236505

Ministry of the Attorney General
File Number 41864



Just search up macaskill, daryl

Last Name, First Name
Court Location, Classification of File
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated
Style of Cause

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9516281 1995-07-18 1996-02-28

Provincial - Small Claims
Burnaby Provincial Court
23894 1994-01-10 1994-09-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
200277180 2002-10-08 2002-10-08

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22036 1994-11-23 1994-11-23

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22048 1994-11-23 1995-09-14

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts
R162960 VA96 1996-10-10 1996-11-12

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant Supreme
Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
75654 2007-08-21 2007-12-28

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
121523 2012-02-28 2012-11-07

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
144648 2014-06-13 2014-09-18

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
151322 2015-02-17 2017-02-09

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9409703 1994-12-06 1995-04-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9951913 1999-04-22 1999-05-18

Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
89183 2008-12-22 2009-08-31

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25

Other past charges:

Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant


Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada


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https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/XXgDulvZVHM 170 Google Groups views alone since 2021.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/D_Tu9kVU5iM 667 Google Group views alone since 2021.


Ace Ventura
2022-07-08 21:01:50 UTC
On Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 12:20:07 PM UTC-7, Ace Ventura wrote:

Things looking EXTREMELY grim for Ralph van der Walle's latest scam. (His 4th)
Gregory Carr
2022-07-09 11:50:58 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Things looking EXTREMELY grim for Ralph van der Walle's latest scam. (His 4th)
Says the chronic, daily, liar with no employment, vehicle or computer. Mr Ralph Van Der Walle has never been arrested.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-11 20:27:32 UTC
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Things looking EXTREMELY grim for Ralph van der Walle's latest scam. (His 4th)
Says the chronic, daily, liar with no employment, vehicle or computer. Mr Ralph Van Der Walle has never been arrested.
Are you speaking of your bum bum boyfriend Gweg?

Ralph van de Walle is your gay homosexual 'top' is he? Tell us all.
Gregory Carr
2022-07-11 20:56:42 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Things looking EXTREMELY grim for Ralph van der Walle's latest scam. (His 4th)
Says the chronic, daily, liar with no employment, vehicle or computer. Mr Ralph Van Der Walle has never been arrested.
Are you speaking of your bum bum boyfriend Gweg?
Ralph van de Walle is your gay homosexual 'top' is he? Tell us all.
Beats me what gets his jollies off don't care never met the guy or anyone who did same with you. You are a fag, broke, convicted shoplifter and fraudster and slouch and are ugly and a chronic daily liar you wear DTES junkie clothes. You recently lost a lawsuit filed by Mr Ralph Van Der Walle and continue to violate Judge Riley's order to stop posting about him on the Internet. The Judge warned you that posting about Mr Ralph Van Der Walle further could result in jail time hope you die there.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-11 21:06:03 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Things looking EXTREMELY grim for Ralph van der Walle's latest scam. (His 4th)
Says the chronic, daily, liar with no employment, vehicle or computer. Mr Ralph Van Der Walle has never been arrested.
Are you speaking of your bum bum boyfriend Gweg?
Ralph van de Walle is your gay homosexual 'top' is he? Tell us all.
Beats me what gets his jollies off don't care never met the guy or anyone who did same with you. You are a fag, broke, convicted shoplifter and fraudster and slouch and are ugly and a chronic daily liar you wear DTES junkie clothes. You recently lost a lawsuit filed by Mr Ralph Van Der Walle and continue to violate Judge Riley's order to stop posting about him on the Internet. The Judge warned you that posting about Mr Ralph Van Der Walle further could result in jail time hope you die there.
Gweg, if Ralph van der Walle is pleasuring your gay homosexual bumhole with his Holland wooden pee pee you should disclose this.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-12 17:26:13 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Things looking EXTREMELY grim for Ralph van der Walle's latest scam. (His 4th)
Says the chronic, daily, liar with no employment, vehicle or computer. Mr Ralph Van Der Walle has never been arrested.
Are you speaking of your bum bum boyfriend Gweg?
Ralph van de Walle is your gay homosexual 'top' is he? Tell us all.
Beats me what gets his jollies off don't care never met the guy or anyone who did same with you. You are a fag, broke, convicted shoplifter and fraudster and slouch and are ugly and a chronic daily liar you wear DTES junkie clothes. You recently lost a lawsuit filed by Mr Ralph Van Der Walle and continue to violate Judge Riley's order to stop posting about him on the Internet. The Judge warned you that posting about Mr Ralph Van Der Walle further could result in jail time hope you die there.
Tsk Tsk Gweg, you sound homosexual angerwe.

Apparently the real estate scam 'Beach House at Saratoga' may be officially tits up. A wicked conman's 4th consecutive on B.C. residents. Film soon.
Greg Carr
2022-07-14 01:34:11 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Gregory Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Things looking EXTREMELY grim for Ralph van der Walle's latest scam. (His 4th)
Says the chronic, daily, liar with no employment, vehicle or computer. Mr Ralph Van Der Walle has never been arrested.
Are you speaking of your bum bum boyfriend Gweg?
Ralph van de Walle is your gay homosexual 'top' is he? Tell us all.
Beats me what gets his jollies off don't care never met the guy or anyone who did same with you. You are a fag, broke, convicted shoplifter and fraudster and slouch and are ugly and a chronic daily liar you wear DTES junkie clothes. You recently lost a lawsuit filed by Mr Ralph Van Der Walle and continue to violate Judge Riley's order to stop posting about him on the Internet. The Judge warned you that posting about Mr Ralph Van Der Walle further could result in jail time hope you die there.
Tsk Tsk Gweg, you sound homosexual angerwe.
You can.t even spell man with clothes from the rubbish bin.
Post by Ace Ventura
Apparently the real estate scam 'Beach House at Saratoga' may be officially tits up. A wicked conman's 4th consecutive on B.C. residents. Film soon.
As you have stated numerous times poverty case ugly moron the man you libel unlike you has no criminal convictions and you have lost two lawsuits and have convictions for fraud and shoplifting. You are a chronic, daily liar and you like the Mulligan morons have no vehicle or computer. Make a film who would bother watching it? Shame and lawsuits to the companies that host your evil and lies after they have been notified.

You recently lost a lawsuit filed by Mr Ralph Van Der Walle and continue to violate Judge Riley's order to stop posting about him on the Internet. The Judge warned you that posting about Mr Ralph Van Der Walle further could result in jail time hope you die there.

Search conversations within alt.true-***@googlegroups.com


1 of 8
Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
***@gmail.com's profile photo
May 1, 2022, 3:59:00 PM
Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Daryl MacAskill:
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
Reasons to follow:
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
abuse of process and are therefore not protected by the law of settlement privilege:
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally, or expose the plaintiff to hatred, contempt, or ridicule”:
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
balance of probabilities that the impugned statements are true or substantially true:
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
on the following terms:
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
Chiasson in Larkin v. Glase, 2009 BCCA 321 at paras. 8–9 [Larkin]:
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”

Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.

Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.

Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.


https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.

User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
GreatInfo wrote:
DarylPantsPee wrote:
The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:


But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.


Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.


December 03, 2021

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.

Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.

UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.

Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505

You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...


Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.

Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.

I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.

You can email info to -***@gmail.com-

Recent pictures.

Very old pictures.

drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller



Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra

Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.

Some say he is also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted his page.

Fortunately it is archived here:

Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/

Copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/

Some "pretend" unhappiness here

Other badness fortunately.

9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.

9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?

The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:

http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment

But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting.



Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell

2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.

The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Followed up by this comment:

It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.

Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.

The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.

2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel

This is a troll with a colorful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.

The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."

After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding and violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.

Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Charged, convicted and jailed for FRAUD,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Did not show up according to court records.
2021 Nov Hearing court date postponed to Jan 2022.
2022 Jan Missed court hearing or avoided.
2022 Feb Contempt hearing of a Judges Court Order.

Guess who is going to jail...soon.

http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
Common Public Service - 1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)

Using the registered address of a homeless shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station.
Residence location confirmed and under remote surveillance.

Internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc.


(236) 334-1961
Airtime pay per use account.

New judgement issued on 9 Feb 2022 as per court records and as predicted, he did not show up. Again he knows exactly how to waste the courts time using abuse of process. It is time the judge threw the book at him and got this sleaze bag off the streets for good.

Current plaintiff in following doc is blacked out. There are other court restrictions limiting the defendants contact with the plaintiff, plaintiffs lawyer and associates. There must have been abuse of the system for a judge to set such severe limitations. So many breaches to the Court Order are still online and new sites have recently popped up. The lawyer is this case must be in utter disbelief (and joy) at the defendants stupidity. The file before the judge must be bursting at the seams.

When you hear criminals are dumb, this is exactly the type of person they are typically referring too.

File Number 236505

Ministry of the Attorney General
File Number 41864



Just search up macaskill, daryl

Last Name, First Name
Court Location, Classification of File
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated
Style of Cause

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9516281 1995-07-18 1996-02-28

Provincial - Small Claims
Burnaby Provincial Court
23894 1994-01-10 1994-09-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
200277180 2002-10-08 2002-10-08

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22036 1994-11-23 1994-11-23

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22048 1994-11-23 1995-09-14

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts
R162960 VA96 1996-10-10 1996-11-12

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant Supreme
Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
75654 2007-08-21 2007-12-28

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
121523 2012-02-28 2012-11-07

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
144648 2014-06-13 2014-09-18

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
151322 2015-02-17 2017-02-09

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9409703 1994-12-06 1995-04-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9951913 1999-04-22 1999-05-18

Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
89183 2008-12-22 2009-08-31

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25

Other past charges:

Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant


Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada


Powered by Blogger



https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/XXgDulvZVHM 170 Google Groups views alone since 2021.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/D_Tu9kVU5iM 667 Google Group views alone since 2021.


Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-18 02:14:15 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Ralph van der Walle is a career Scammer, yes?
Greg Carr
2022-07-18 02:53:04 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Ralph van der Walle is a career Scammer, yes?
Post the link proving that down and outer. You are a chronic, daily liar and lazy refusing to work. He unlike you has no criminal record.

Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
***@gmail.com's profile photo
May 1, 2022, 3:59:00 PM
Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Daryl MacAskill:
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
Reasons to follow:
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
abuse of process and are therefore not protected by the law of settlement privilege:
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally, or expose the plaintiff to hatred, contempt, or ridicule”:
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
balance of probabilities that the impugned statements are true or substantially true:
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
on the following terms:
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
Chiasson in Larkin v. Glase, 2009 BCCA 321 at paras. 8–9 [Larkin]:
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”

Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.

Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.

Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.


https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.

User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
GreatInfo wrote:
DarylPantsPee wrote:
The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:


But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.


Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.


December 03, 2021

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.

Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.

UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.

Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505

You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...


Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.

Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.

I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.

You can email info to -***@gmail.com-

Recent pictures.

Very old pictures.

drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller



Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra

Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.

Some say he is also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted his page.

Fortunately it is archived here:

Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/

Copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/

Some "pretend" unhappiness here

Other badness fortunately.

9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.

9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?

The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:

http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment

But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting.



Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell

2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.

The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Followed up by this comment:

It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.

Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.

The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.

2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel

This is a troll with a colorful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.

The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."

After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding and violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.

Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Charged, convicted and jailed for FRAUD,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Did not show up according to court records.
2021 Nov Hearing court date postponed to Jan 2022.
2022 Jan Missed court hearing or avoided.
2022 Feb Contempt hearing of a Judges Court Order.

Guess who is going to jail...soon.

http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
Common Public Service - 1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)

Using the registered address of a homeless shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station.
Residence location confirmed and under remote surveillance.

Internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc.


(236) 334-1961
Airtime pay per use account.

New judgement issued on 9 Feb 2022 as per court records and as predicted, he did not show up. Again he knows exactly how to waste the courts time using abuse of process. It is time the judge threw the book at him and got this sleaze bag off the streets for good.

Current plaintiff in following doc is blacked out. There are other court restrictions limiting the defendants contact with the plaintiff, plaintiffs lawyer and associates. There must have been abuse of the system for a judge to set such severe limitations. So many breaches to the Court Order are still online and new sites have recently popped up. The lawyer is this case must be in utter disbelief (and joy) at the defendants stupidity. The file before the judge must be bursting at the seams.

When you hear criminals are dumb, this is exactly the type of person they are typically referring too.

File Number 236505

Ministry of the Attorney General
File Number 41864



Just search up macaskill, daryl

Last Name, First Name
Court Location, Classification of File
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated
Style of Cause

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9516281 1995-07-18 1996-02-28

Provincial - Small Claims
Burnaby Provincial Court
23894 1994-01-10 1994-09-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
200277180 2002-10-08 2002-10-08

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22036 1994-11-23 1994-11-23

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22048 1994-11-23 1995-09-14

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts
R162960 VA96 1996-10-10 1996-11-12

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant Supreme
Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
75654 2007-08-21 2007-12-28

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
121523 2012-02-28 2012-11-07

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
144648 2014-06-13 2014-09-18

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
151322 2015-02-17 2017-02-09

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9409703 1994-12-06 1995-04-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9951913 1999-04-22 1999-05-18

Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
89183 2008-12-22 2009-08-31

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25

Other past charges:

Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant


Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada


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https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/XXgDulvZVHM 170 Google Groups views alone since 2021.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/D_Tu9kVU5iM 667 Google Group views alone since 2021.


Ace Ventura
2022-07-18 03:43:10 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Ralph van der Walle is a career Scammer, yes?
Post the link proving that down and outer. You are a chronic, daily liar and lazy refusing to work. He unlike you has no criminal record.
Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
May 1, 2022, 3:59:00 PM
Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”
Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.
Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.
Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.
https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.
User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.
Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.
The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)
The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.
MacAskill's prior legal battles
The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.
Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.
Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)
The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.
December 03, 2021
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.
Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.
UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...
Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.
Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.
I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.
Recent pictures.
Very old pictures.
drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller
Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.
Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra
Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.
Some say he is also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted his page.
Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/
Copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/
Some "pretend" unhappiness here
Other badness fortunately.
9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.
9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?
http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment
But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting.
Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.
The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."
The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.
MacAskill's prior legal battles
The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.
Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.
Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.
The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.
This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.
Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell
2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire
Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.
The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."
The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.
The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.
It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.
Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.
The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.
2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel
This is a troll with a colorful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.
The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."
After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding and violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.
Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."
The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.
The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.
1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Charged, convicted and jailed for FRAUD,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Did not show up according to court records.
2021 Nov Hearing court date postponed to Jan 2022.
2022 Jan Missed court hearing or avoided.
2022 Feb Contempt hearing of a Judges Court Order.
Guess who is going to jail...soon.
http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
Common Public Service - 1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)
Using the registered address of a homeless shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station.
Residence location confirmed and under remote surveillance.
Internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc.
(236) 334-1961
Airtime pay per use account.
New judgement issued on 9 Feb 2022 as per court records and as predicted, he did not show up. Again he knows exactly how to waste the courts time using abuse of process. It is time the judge threw the book at him and got this sleaze bag off the streets for good.
Current plaintiff in following doc is blacked out. There are other court restrictions limiting the defendants contact with the plaintiff, plaintiffs lawyer and associates. There must have been abuse of the system for a judge to set such severe limitations. So many breaches to the Court Order are still online and new sites have recently popped up. The lawyer is this case must be in utter disbelief (and joy) at the defendants stupidity. The file before the judge must be bursting at the seams.
When you hear criminals are dumb, this is exactly the type of person they are typically referring too.
File Number 236505
Ministry of the Attorney General
File Number 41864
Just search up macaskill, daryl
Last Name, First Name
Court Location, Classification of File
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated
Style of Cause
Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9516281 1995-07-18 1996-02-28
Provincial - Small Claims
Burnaby Provincial Court
23894 1994-01-10 1994-09-26
Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
200277180 2002-10-08 2002-10-08
Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22036 1994-11-23 1994-11-23
Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22048 1994-11-23 1995-09-14
MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts
R162960 VA96 1996-10-10 1996-11-12
MACASKILL, Daryl Grant Supreme
Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
75654 2007-08-21 2007-12-28
MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
121523 2012-02-28 2012-11-07
MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
144648 2014-06-13 2014-09-18
MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
151322 2015-02-17 2017-02-09
Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9409703 1994-12-06 1995-04-26
Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9951913 1999-04-22 1999-05-18
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
89183 2008-12-22 2009-08-31
Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant
Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Powered by Blogger
https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/XXgDulvZVHM 170 Google Groups views alone since 2021.
https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/D_Tu9kVU5iM 667 Google Group views alone since 2021.
The problem is Ralph van der Walle is a career scammer.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-20 14:33:35 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Ralph van der Walle is a career Scammer, yes?
Post the link proving that down and outer. You are a chronic, daily liar and lazy refusing to work. He unlike you has no criminal record.
Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
May 1, 2022, 3:59:00 PM
Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”
Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.
Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.
Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.
https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.
User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.
Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.
The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)
The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.
MacAskill's prior legal battles
The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.
Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.
Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)
The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.
December 03, 2021
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.
Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.
UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.
Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505
You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...
Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.
Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.
I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.
Recent pictures.
Very old pictures.
drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller
Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.
Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra
Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.
Some say he is also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted his page.
Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/
Copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/
Some "pretend" unhappiness here
Other badness fortunately.
9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.
9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?
http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment
But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting.
Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.
The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."
The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.
MacAskill's prior legal battles
The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.
Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.
Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.
The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.
This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.
Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell
2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire
Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.
The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."
The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.
The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.
It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.
Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.
The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.
2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel
This is a troll with a colorful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.
The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."
After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding and violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.
Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."
The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.
The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.
1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Charged, convicted and jailed for FRAUD,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Did not show up according to court records.
2021 Nov Hearing court date postponed to Jan 2022.
2022 Jan Missed court hearing or avoided.
2022 Feb Contempt hearing of a Judges Court Order.
Guess who is going to jail...soon.
http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
Common Public Service - 1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)
Using the registered address of a homeless shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station.
Residence location confirmed and under remote surveillance.
Internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc.
(236) 334-1961
Airtime pay per use account.
New judgement issued on 9 Feb 2022 as per court records and as predicted, he did not show up. Again he knows exactly how to waste the courts time using abuse of process. It is time the judge threw the book at him and got this sleaze bag off the streets for good.
Current plaintiff in following doc is blacked out. There are other court restrictions limiting the defendants contact with the plaintiff, plaintiffs lawyer and associates. There must have been abuse of the system for a judge to set such severe limitations. So many breaches to the Court Order are still online and new sites have recently popped up. The lawyer is this case must be in utter disbelief (and joy) at the defendants stupidity. The file before the judge must be bursting at the seams.
When you hear criminals are dumb, this is exactly the type of person they are typically referring too.
File Number 236505
Ministry of the Attorney General
File Number 41864
Just search up macaskill, daryl
Last Name, First Name
Court Location, Classification of File
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated
Style of Cause
Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9516281 1995-07-18 1996-02-28
Provincial - Small Claims
Burnaby Provincial Court
23894 1994-01-10 1994-09-26
Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
200277180 2002-10-08 2002-10-08
Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22036 1994-11-23 1994-11-23
Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22048 1994-11-23 1995-09-14
MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts
R162960 VA96 1996-10-10 1996-11-12
MACASKILL, Daryl Grant Supreme
Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
75654 2007-08-21 2007-12-28
MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
121523 2012-02-28 2012-11-07
MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
144648 2014-06-13 2014-09-18
MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
151322 2015-02-17 2017-02-09
Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9409703 1994-12-06 1995-04-26
Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9951913 1999-04-22 1999-05-18
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
89183 2008-12-22 2009-08-31
Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25
Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant
Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ
Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Powered by Blogger
https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/XXgDulvZVHM 170 Google Groups views alone since 2021.
https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/D_Tu9kVU5iM 667 Google Group views alone since 2021.
Film soon.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-20 22:30:58 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Stay tuned. We are nearing the short strokes.
Greg Carr
2022-07-20 23:06:41 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Stay tuned. We are nearing the short strokes.
No one cares you lazy, non working ugly bum. You are a convicted fraudster and shoplifter a daily, chronic liar. You recently lost a lawsuit and are in violation of Judge Riley's court order not to mention Ralph Van Der Walle and the others online he named in the judgement he said you might go to jail if you kept up your lies and libel. 60 yrs old and flat broke you are. Shame on the platforms that host your drivel and lies and libel. Why have you deleted most of your posts in the thread Daryl Grant Macaskill jail scare you old out of shape man?

This lawsuit judgement shows that you use the nym that you are using some of your other nyms and your birthname Daryl Grant Macaskill your family long ago kicked you out of their lives.

Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
***@gmail.com's profile photo
May 1, 2022, 3:59:00 PM
Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Daryl MacAskill:
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
Reasons to follow:
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
abuse of process and are therefore not protected by the law of settlement privilege:
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally, or expose the plaintiff to hatred, contempt, or ridicule”:
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
balance of probabilities that the impugned statements are true or substantially true:
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
on the following terms:
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
Chiasson in Larkin v. Glase, 2009 BCCA 321 at paras. 8–9 [Larkin]:
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”

Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.

Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.

Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.


https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.

User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
GreatInfo wrote:
DarylPantsPee wrote:
The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:


But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.


Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.


December 03, 2021

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.

Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.

UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.

Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505

You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...


Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.

Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.

I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.

You can email info to -***@gmail.com-

Recent pictures.

Very old pictures.

drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller



Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra

Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.

Some say he is also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted his page.

Fortunately it is archived here:

Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/

Copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/

Some "pretend" unhappiness here

Other badness fortunately.

9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.

9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?

The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:

http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment

But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting.



Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell

2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.

The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Followed up by this comment:

It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.

Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.

The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.

2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel

This is a troll with a colorful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.

The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."

After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding and violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.

Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Charged, convicted and jailed for FRAUD,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Did not show up according to court records.
2021 Nov Hearing court date postponed to Jan 2022.
2022 Jan Missed court hearing or avoided.
2022 Feb Contempt hearing of a Judges Court Order.

Guess who is going to jail...soon.

http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
Common Public Service - 1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)

Using the registered address of a homeless shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station.
Residence location confirmed and under remote surveillance.

Internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc.


(236) 334-1961
Airtime pay per use account.

New judgement issued on 9 Feb 2022 as per court records and as predicted, he did not show up. Again he knows exactly how to waste the courts time using abuse of process. It is time the judge threw the book at him and got this sleaze bag off the streets for good.

Current plaintiff in following doc is blacked out. There are other court restrictions limiting the defendants contact with the plaintiff, plaintiffs lawyer and associates. There must have been abuse of the system for a judge to set such severe limitations. So many breaches to the Court Order are still online and new sites have recently popped up. The lawyer is this case must be in utter disbelief (and joy) at the defendants stupidity. The file before the judge must be bursting at the seams.

When you hear criminals are dumb, this is exactly the type of person they are typically referring too.

File Number 236505

Ministry of the Attorney General
File Number 41864



Just search up macaskill, daryl

Last Name, First Name
Court Location, Classification of File
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated
Style of Cause

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9516281 1995-07-18 1996-02-28

Provincial - Small Claims
Burnaby Provincial Court
23894 1994-01-10 1994-09-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
200277180 2002-10-08 2002-10-08

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22036 1994-11-23 1994-11-23

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22048 1994-11-23 1995-09-14

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts
R162960 VA96 1996-10-10 1996-11-12

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant Supreme
Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
75654 2007-08-21 2007-12-28

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
121523 2012-02-28 2012-11-07

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
144648 2014-06-13 2014-09-18

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
151322 2015-02-17 2017-02-09

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9409703 1994-12-06 1995-04-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9951913 1999-04-22 1999-05-18

Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
89183 2008-12-22 2009-08-31

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25

Other past charges:

Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant


Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada


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https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/XXgDulvZVHM 170 Google Groups views alone since 2021.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/D_Tu9kVU5iM 667 Google Group views alone since 2021.


Ace Ventura
2022-07-20 23:38:07 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Stay tuned folks. This fraud is nearing the short strokes now.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-27 16:39:26 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Greg Carr
2022-07-28 02:30:44 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Dr. Stollmann aka Daryl Grant Macaskill has used the names of Ace Ventura and Surrey gun nut conspiracy kook lamer Dennis Watson and his lying fey piano playing buddy and fellow liar and wimp Jeff Drakes. Dennis Watson has a bad history with women and is unemployed Daryl Grant Macaskill is also unemployed 60 years old poverty case with convictions for shoplifting and fraud known to piss his pants a lot. Ralph Van Der Walle and others won a lawsuit recently against Daryl Grant Macaskill and Judge Riley told dummy in plain English if he kept posting about Ralph Van Der Walle he could go back to the pokey. https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw/m/N_4cM1I8BwAJ has the whole 27 page lawsuit judgement by Judge Riley against him 21 Google Group views alone. Lists various aliases he has used. Google News search Ralph Van Der Walle's name nothing bad about the guy.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-31 01:20:57 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Greg Carr
2022-07-31 15:32:00 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Dr. Stollmann aka Daryl Grant Macaskill has used the names of Ace Ventura and Surrey gun nut conspiracy kook lamer Dennis Watson and his lying fey piano playing buddy and fellow liar and wimp Jeff Drakes. Dennis Watson has a bad history with women and is unemployed Daryl Grant Macaskill is also unemployed 60 years old poverty case with convictions for shoplifting and fraud known to piss his pants a lot. Ralph Van Der Walle and others won a lawsuit recently against Daryl Grant Macaskill and Judge Riley told dummy in plain English if he kept posting about Ralph Van Der Walle he could go back to the pokey. https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw/m/N_4cM1I8BwAJ has the whole 27 page lawsuit judgement by Judge Riley against him 21 Google Group views alone. Lists various aliases he has used. Google News search Ralph Van Der Walle's name nothing bad about the guy.
Ace Ventura
2022-07-31 17:37:46 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
Greg Carr
2022-08-02 13:06:59 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny.
You are the convicted criminal not Ralph.

Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
***@gmail.com's profile photo
May 1, 2022, 3:59:00 PM
Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Daryl MacAskill:
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
Reasons to follow:
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
abuse of process and are therefore not protected by the law of settlement privilege:
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally, or expose the plaintiff to hatred, contempt, or ridicule”:
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
balance of probabilities that the impugned statements are true or substantially true:
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
on the following terms:
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
Chiasson in Larkin v. Glase, 2009 BCCA 321 at paras. 8–9 [Larkin]:
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”

Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.

Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.

Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.


https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.

User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
GreatInfo wrote:
DarylPantsPee wrote:
The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:


But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.


Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.


December 03, 2021

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.

Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.

UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.

Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505

You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...


Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.

Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.

I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.

You can email info to -***@gmail.com-

Recent pictures.

Very old pictures.

drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller



Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra

Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.

Some say he is also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted his page.

Fortunately it is archived here:

Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/

Copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/

Some "pretend" unhappiness here

Other badness fortunately.

9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.

9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?

The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:

http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment

But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting.



Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell

2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.

The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Followed up by this comment:

It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.

Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.

The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.

2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel

This is a troll with a colorful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.

The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."

After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding and violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.

Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Charged, convicted and jailed for FRAUD,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Did not show up according to court records.
2021 Nov Hearing court date postponed to Jan 2022.
2022 Jan Missed court hearing or avoided.
2022 Feb Contempt hearing of a Judges Court Order.

Guess who is going to jail...soon.

http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
Common Public Service - 1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)

Using the registered address of a homeless shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station.
Residence location confirmed and under remote surveillance.

Internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc.


(236) 334-1961
Airtime pay per use account.

New judgement issued on 9 Feb 2022 as per court records and as predicted, he did not show up. Again he knows exactly how to waste the courts time using abuse of process. It is time the judge threw the book at him and got this sleaze bag off the streets for good.

Current plaintiff in following doc is blacked out. There are other court restrictions limiting the defendants contact with the plaintiff, plaintiffs lawyer and associates. There must have been abuse of the system for a judge to set such severe limitations. So many breaches to the Court Order are still online and new sites have recently popped up. The lawyer is this case must be in utter disbelief (and joy) at the defendants stupidity. The file before the judge must be bursting at the seams.

When you hear criminals are dumb, this is exactly the type of person they are typically referring too.

File Number 236505

Ministry of the Attorney General
File Number 41864



Just search up macaskill, daryl

Last Name, First Name
Court Location, Classification of File
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated
Style of Cause

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9516281 1995-07-18 1996-02-28

Provincial - Small Claims
Burnaby Provincial Court
23894 1994-01-10 1994-09-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
200277180 2002-10-08 2002-10-08

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22036 1994-11-23 1994-11-23

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22048 1994-11-23 1995-09-14

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts
R162960 VA96 1996-10-10 1996-11-12

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant Supreme
Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
75654 2007-08-21 2007-12-28

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
121523 2012-02-28 2012-11-07

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
144648 2014-06-13 2014-09-18

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
151322 2015-02-17 2017-02-09

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9409703 1994-12-06 1995-04-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9951913 1999-04-22 1999-05-18

Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
89183 2008-12-22 2009-08-31

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25

Other past charges:

Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant


Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada


Powered by Blogger



https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/XXgDulvZVHM 170 Google Groups views alone since 2021.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/D_Tu9kVU5iM 667 Google Group views alone since 2021.


Ace Ventura
2022-08-05 16:49:51 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
The scam is likely over on September 1 when a huge payment on the over financed property is due.

Greg Carr
2022-08-06 20:16:30 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
The scam is likely over on September 1 when a huge payment on the over financed property is due.
You are a lazy sot. You are just bitter because Ralph Van Der Walle and the others wouldn't pay you off. and then won their lawsuit against you.

Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
***@gmail.com's profile photo
May 1, 2022, 3:59:00 PM
Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Daryl MacAskill:
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
Reasons to follow:
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
abuse of process and are therefore not protected by the law of settlement privilege:
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally, or expose the plaintiff to hatred, contempt, or ridicule”:
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
balance of probabilities that the impugned statements are true or substantially true:
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
on the following terms:
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
Chiasson in Larkin v. Glase, 2009 BCCA 321 at paras. 8–9 [Larkin]:
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”

Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.

Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.

Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.


https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.

User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
GreatInfo wrote:
DarylPantsPee wrote:
The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:


But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.


Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.


December 03, 2021

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.

Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.

UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.

Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505

You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...


Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.

Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.

I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.

You can email info to -***@gmail.com-

Recent pictures.

Very old pictures.

drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller



Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra

Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.

Some say he is also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted his page.

Fortunately it is archived here:

Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/

Copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/

Some "pretend" unhappiness here

Other badness fortunately.

9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.

9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?

The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:

http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment

But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting.



Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell

2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.

The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Followed up by this comment:

It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.

Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.

The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.

2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel

This is a troll with a colorful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.

The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."

After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding and violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.

Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Charged, convicted and jailed for FRAUD,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Did not show up according to court records.
2021 Nov Hearing court date postponed to Jan 2022.
2022 Jan Missed court hearing or avoided.
2022 Feb Contempt hearing of a Judges Court Order.

Guess who is going to jail...soon.

http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
Common Public Service - 1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)

Using the registered address of a homeless shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station.
Residence location confirmed and under remote surveillance.

Internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc.


(236) 334-1961
Airtime pay per use account.

New judgement issued on 9 Feb 2022 as per court records and as predicted, he did not show up. Again he knows exactly how to waste the courts time using abuse of process. It is time the judge threw the book at him and got this sleaze bag off the streets for good.

Current plaintiff in following doc is blacked out. There are other court restrictions limiting the defendants contact with the plaintiff, plaintiffs lawyer and associates. There must have been abuse of the system for a judge to set such severe limitations. So many breaches to the Court Order are still online and new sites have recently popped up. The lawyer is this case must be in utter disbelief (and joy) at the defendants stupidity. The file before the judge must be bursting at the seams.

When you hear criminals are dumb, this is exactly the type of person they are typically referring too.

File Number 236505

Ministry of the Attorney General
File Number 41864



Just search up macaskill, daryl

Last Name, First Name
Court Location, Classification of File
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated
Style of Cause

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9516281 1995-07-18 1996-02-28

Provincial - Small Claims
Burnaby Provincial Court
23894 1994-01-10 1994-09-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
200277180 2002-10-08 2002-10-08

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22036 1994-11-23 1994-11-23

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22048 1994-11-23 1995-09-14

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts
R162960 VA96 1996-10-10 1996-11-12

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant Supreme
Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
75654 2007-08-21 2007-12-28

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
121523 2012-02-28 2012-11-07

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
144648 2014-06-13 2014-09-18

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
151322 2015-02-17 2017-02-09

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9409703 1994-12-06 1995-04-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9951913 1999-04-22 1999-05-18

Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
89183 2008-12-22 2009-08-31

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25

Other past charges:

Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant


Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada


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https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/XXgDulvZVHM 170 Google Groups views alone since 2021.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/D_Tu9kVU5iM 667 Google Group views alone since 2021.


Ace Ventura
2022-08-08 02:05:10 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
The scam is likely over on September 1 when a huge payment on the over financed property is due.

Ace Ventura
2022-08-09 19:55:10 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny from a conman who has NEVER 'worked' in this country. (After 15 years)
Greg Carr
2022-08-10 18:04:43 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Terrible larceny from a conman who has NEVER 'worked' in this country. (After 15 years)
That is a lie.

You are the lazy, untrustworthy no job scum. Mr. Van Der Walle has worked as a E.M.S. and a firefighter in Canmore, AB a nice place lots of black bunny rabbits. https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralph-van-der-walle-a071141a/ unlike you he uses his real name and has his pic he is involved with several companies none of which as far as I know has missed a payroll. Why you have no Linked In or social media accounts? All MSM coverage of his companies has been positive https://www.saanichnews.com/marketplace/the-smart-way-to-invest-in-real-estate/ and this website https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/from-the-regulators/exempt-dealer-wins-defamation-suit-over-scurrilous-scam-claims/ says you are a total liar with no credibility as did Judge Riley whose permanent injunction for you not to mention Mr. Walle and his firms you violate almost daily. You have convictions for fraud and shoplifting are 60 years old and ugly walk with a slouch and have no assets can't afford a car or computer or tv have no redeeming qualities.

You have lost two lawsuits and use a variety of phony names online. Below yet again is the last court injunction against you the 27 page lawsuit you lost in March plus a list of phony names you use.

You are a lazy sot. You are just bitter because Ralph Van Der Walle and the others wouldn't pay you off. and then won their lawsuit against you.

Daryl MacAskill Shoplifter And Fraudster Ordered To Pay $190k In Damages. He Is Ugly, Stupid A Spammer And Admits He Is Penniless. VERY LONG POST.
***@gmail.com's profile photo
May 1, 2022, 3:59:00 PM
Citation: Canada Easy Investment Store
Corporation v. MacAskill,
2022 BCSC 202
Date: 20220209
Docket: S236505
Registry: New Westminster
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation
and Ralph van der Walle
Daryl MacAskill
Before: The Honourable Mr. Justice Riley
Reasons for Judgment
In Chambers
Counsel for the Plaintiffs: S.K. Patro
No appearance on behalf of the Defendant,
Daryl MacAskill:
Place and Date of Hearing: New Westminster, B.C.
January 13–14, 2022
Place and Date of Decision with Written
Reasons to follow:
New Westminster, B.C.
February 2, 2022
Place and Date of Judgment: New Westminster, B.C.
February 9, 2022
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 2
[1] These are reasons for judgment on two separate applications brought by the
plaintiffs Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation and Mr. van der Walle in a
defamation action against the defendant Mr. MacAskill. The plaintiffs allege that the
defendant defamed them by posting false and inflammatory statements about them
on various blogs and websites, and by sending emails to various third parties
forwarding links to the defamatory posts. Shortly after filing their notice of civil claim,
the plaintiffs applied for and obtained an interlocutory injunction prohibiting the
defendant from publishing any further allegations about them; the plaintiffs allege
that the defendant proceeded to breach that interlocutory injunction on more than 20
occasions. The two separate applications dealt with in these reasons are: (i) a
summary trial application seeking judgment in favour of the plaintiffs, and (ii) an
application seeking to hold the defendant in contempt of court for violating the terms
of the interlocutory injunction.
Service of the Applications on the Defendant
[2] Before dealing with the merits of the applications, I will address the question
of service.
(i) Service of the Summary Trial Application
[3] Rule 8-1(8) of the Supreme Court Civil Rules (“Rules”) provides that a
summary trial application must be served on the opposing party at least 12 business
days before the hearing date. In this case, the hearing commenced on 13 January
2022, so the materials had to be served no later than 23 December 2021.
[4] I have been presented with an affidavit of service indicating that the
defendant Mr. MacAskill was served with the notice of application and all supporting
materials on 10 December 2021. Service was effected by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email address, listed as an address for service in his response to
civil claim. There is evidence within the application record showing that
Mr. MacAskill has continued to use that email address to correspond directly with the
plaintiff Mr. van der Walle, and with plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro, up until as recently
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 3
as November of 2021. I am aware that Mr. MacAskill has also used this email
address to communicate with Supreme Court Scheduling as recently as 13 January
2022, the first day of the hearing.
[5] The hearing of this matter was to be via Microsoft Teams. That is indicated on
the notice of application. It is also clear from the relevant notices to the public that at
this point in time, given the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, all
chambers applications are being heard via Microsoft Teams. Ms. Dixon, Manager of
Supreme Court Scheduling, confirmed in an email to Mr. MacAskill on 13 January
2013 that the relevant Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him. Mr. MacAskill
responded to that email by indicating that as far as he is concerned, this entire case
is “shelved” for reasons that I will not get into in this ruling. It is not for Mr. MacAskill
to unilaterally declare that the proceedings are “shelved”. Ms. Dixon replied to
Mr. MacAskill stating that the matter was set for hearing commencing on 13 January
2013, the Microsoft Teams link had been sent to him, and if he did not attend the
judge could proceed with the hearing in his absence. That is precisely what I
decided to do.
[6] I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was properly served under the Rules.
Counsel for the plaintiffs has done everything that is reasonably within his power to
make Mr. MacAskill aware of the hearing. Mr. MacAskill had notice of the hearing
and chose not to attend. The plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process despite being given ample
opportunity to do so.
(ii) Service of the Contempt Application
[7] Rule 22-8(11) states that a party applying for a contempt order must serve the
alleged contemnor with notice and a supporting affidavit at least seven days before
the hearing. Under Rule 4-3(1)(i), “unless the court otherwise orders”, a contempt
application must be served personally.
[8] In this case, counsel for the plaintiffs applied for and was granted an order for
substituted service of the contempt application. The order for substituted service was
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 4
granted by Master Elwood on 15 December 2021. It provided that Mr. MacAskill
could be served by “alternative method”, namely by delivering the materials to
Mr. MacAskill’s email and that such service would be “deemed good service”. The
basis for obtaining an order for substituted service was fully set out in an affidavit
filed before Master Elwood. I am not going to review the details here, beyond
indicating that plaintiff’s counsel put before the court serious concerns related to
prior efforts to locate and personally serve Mr. MacAskill. Master Elwood was
obviously satisfied that those concerns justified an order for substituted service.
[9] I have been presented with an affidavit of service proving that Mr. MacAskill
was in fact served with a copy of the contempt application by email on 17 December
2021. The supporting materials had previously been served on Mr. MacAskill by
email on 10 December 2021. The email address is listed on Mr. MacAskill’s
response to civil claim and it is the email address that he has habitually used in
corresponding both with the plaintiff himself and with plaintiff’s counsel throughout
the litigation. I note, as well, that Mr. MacAskill has corresponded with the Manager
of Supreme Court Scheduling in New Westminster using this email address as
recently as 13 January 2021, the first day of the two-day hearing before me.
[10] I will not repeat what is said above about Mr. MacAskill’s communications
with Supreme Court Scheduling or the steps that have been taken to allow
Mr. MacAskill to attend this hearing by Microsoft Teams. Once again, with respect to
the contempt application, I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill was served in compliance
with the Rules, had notice of the hearing, and has chosen not to attend.
[11] I repeat that the plaintiffs should not be held hostage to Mr. MacAskill’s
unilateral decision not to participate in the process. There is case law under Rule 22-
8(11) holding that where the alleged contemnor has been duly served and does not
attend, the court can proceed in his or her absence: see Law Society of British
Columbia v. Gorman, 2011 BCSC 1484 at paras. 11–15 and the cases cited therein.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 5
[12] The corporate plaintiff Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation (“Canada
Easy Invest”) is a British Columbia company with a registered office in Surrey. B.C.
The personal plaintiff Mr. van der Walle is an officer and director of Canada Easy
[13] Canada Easy Invest runs an investment fund, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, that provides financing for various ventures, including a real estate
development in the Comox Valley called the Beach House at Saratoga (the “Beach
House development”). Mr. van der Walle is Canada Easy Invest’s compliance officer
and he is an authorized dealer of the company’s investment products.
[14] The defendant Mr. MacAskill has no apparent personal or business
connection with either Canada Easy Invest or Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill is the
creator, or at least the person in control of several blogs, which I will refer to as the
Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out blog. The particular web addresses for
these blogs are included in the evidence, but I do not consider it necessary to list
them in my reasons. Mr. MacAskill uses these blogs to publish stories, reports, and
opinion pieces on the internet through a service operated by Blogger. As I will
describe below, there is ample evidence in the record to establish that Mr. MacAskill
is the person in control of and responsible for the posts on these two blogs.
Mr. MacAskill often uses the email address [content redacted]. The contact name for
that email account is Ace Ventura. In other words, when one types in that email
address, the contact name Ace Ventura appears as the name of the email recipient.
[15] Commencing in or about September of 2020, Mr. MacAskill started making
blog posts referring to Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle. The initial post
appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman Blog. The title of the post refers to Mr. van der Walle
by name. It purports to review his past business experience and current business
activities using phrases like “dodgy real estate projects”, “scam real estate projects”,
and “securities scams”.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 6
[16] I will pause my review of the narrative here to note that the plaintiffs have
consistently maintained that Mr. MacAskill’s allegations of dishonesty and
impropriety are false and entirely without foundation. On the record before me,
Mr. MacAskill has never produced a shred of evidence to support his allegations.
[17] To continue with the narrative, the plaintiffs retained counsel to assist in
nipping these blog posts in the bud. On 20 January 2021, the solicitor for the
plaintiffs sent a cease and desist letter to Mr. MacAskill at the Dr. Stoxxman email
address. The next day, Mr. MacAskill sent a reply email stating that: (i) the cease
and desist letter had, for some reason, been sent to the B.C. Securities Commission;
(ii) Mr. MacAskill would accept service of documents by email; (iii) he would be
moving his blog posts about Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle to his
“flagship blog”, which “currently serves about 6,000 eyeballs per day”; and (iv)
according to Mr. MacAskill, “[t]he public need to be warned about open scum doing
their scams in the clear open”. There was a link in the email to the Gangsterism Out
[18] Some time around 4 February 2021, the initial post from the Dr. Stoxxman
Blog appeared on the Gangsterism Out Blog.
[19] On 8 March 2021, the plaintiffs filed a notice of civil claim alleging defamation
and seeking general damages, special damages, aggravated damages, punitive
damages, and a permanent injunction.
[20] The plaintiffs subsequently applied for an interim injunction against the
defendant. On 26 March 2021, after a hearing attended by Mr. MacAskill, Mr. Justice
Blok granted an interlocutory injunction prohibiting him from publishing any
accusatory or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness,
reputation, or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their
agents, in any forum whatsoever. The order also compelled Mr. MacAskill to remove
the offensive posts from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
Mr. MacAskill was in court when Blok J. made the order, and an entered copy of the
order was later emailed to him at the Dr. Stoxxman email address, which is the email
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 7
address listed on his response to civil claim. As explained above, when one types
that email address, the name of the email recipient automatically changes to Ace
[21] Initially, Mr. MacAskill complied with the interim injunction by removing the
subject blog posts and ceasing any further posts about the plaintiffs. However,
Mr. MacAskill subsequently renewed his campaign against the plaintiffs by
publishing derogatory posts about them, as described below.
[22] On 6 April 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed his response to civil claim. In it, he alleges
that: (i) Mr. van der Walle is running a “Ponzi scheme” or “classic Ponzi securities
fraud” targeting mostly seniors in British Columbia; (ii) Mr. van der Walle’s projects
are “designed to fail”, with the intent of committing a “theft” upon the public’s
retirement savings; (iii) Mr. van der Walle offers perjury as easily as his fraudulent
investments to British Columbia seniors; and (v) Mr. van der Walle is a “securities
conman” who “targets seniors”.
[23] I do not suggest here that the response to civil claim is itself a defamatory
publication; it is a court filing, not a publication. However, the only form of “defence”
that I can glean from Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim is a plea of justification;
that is, an assertion that the statements Mr. MacAskill is alleged to have published
are justified because they are true. Of course, the response to civil claim is not
evidence of anything, and to make out a defence of justification the defendant would
have to tender admissible evidence to support his public allegations against the
[24] I am not going to review all of the subsequent posts. I will simply summarize
the evidence by noting that between 20 May 2021 and 24 September 2021 inclusive,
at least nine separate posts appeared on the Gangsterism Out blog. In a post on 20
May 2021, Mr. MacAskill referred to the defamation action brought by the plaintiff
Mr. van der Walle. The post complained that upon filing the action, Mr. van der Walle
was able to obtain “instant high court relief” for “the most insulting claims of
defamation”, in this case a “Ponzi scheme on seniors”. Beginning in August of 2021,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 8
there were a series of posts about the Beach House development, including
allegations that: (1) the vendors were making false claims in the marketing of
condominium units, and were trying to “unload” sales contracts for “imaginary units”;
(2) the developers were “clowns” who “have never built a damn thing” and “have no
problem pretending otherwise”; (3) the developers did not have a real office and
used a fictitious business address; (4) the development permit had expired or was
going to expire such that all of the contracts for unit sales were void; and (5) the
general contractor had nothing to do with the project, and the development was
“without a general contractor”, such that those responsible for the project were
“whistling out their fraudulent assholes”.
[25] There were also posts about the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund,
including: (1) a suggestion that the fund was insolvent, appearing alongside a picture
of a sinking ship; and (2) a series of posts referencing the passing away of
Mr. Fowler, one of the fund’s principals. These posts asserted that Mr. Fowler’s
death had to be formally disclosed to investors and the failure to do so was a
securities offence, and that Mr. Fowler’s passing would entitle purchasers of condo
units at the Beach House to walk away from their investment and demand the return
of their deposits. Finally, there were several posts about Viet Do, a real estate agent
said to have been involved in selling one or more condominium units at the Beach
House development.
[26] In terms of the connection between these blog posts and the plaintiffs Canada
Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, I note several things. First, the Western Canada
Monthly Income Fund is a real estate investment fund administered by the corporate
plaintiff Canada Easy Invest. Second, the Beach House development is financed by
the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Third, Mr. Fowler is one of the principals
of the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund. Fourth, Mr. MacAskill sent a number
of emails from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to Mr. van der Walle, his counsel,
and others, including officials at the British Columbia Securities Commission,
attaching links to the updated Gangsterism Out posts I have just described. One of
these emails states, in part, “[my] involvement started with a lawsuit from one Ralph
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 9
van der Walle. His partners in crime are Mr. Fowler and Mr. Warren Stevenson.”
Thus, there is evidence that Mr. MacAskill himself clearly drew a link between the
plaintiffs and the blog posts, referencing, among other things, the Beach House
development and Mr. Fowler.
[27] The plaintiffs allege that the blog posts I have just described were both
defamatory and constituted breaches of the interim injunction. On the defamation
point, I note that the plaintiffs have filed and served an amended notice of civil claim
adding these blog posts to their claim. With regard to the interim injunction, it
prohibited Mr. MacAskill from publishing allegations or accusations against not just
the plaintiffs themselves, but also their agents, a term that would clearly include the
general contractor for the Beach House development, the Western Canada Monthly
Income Fund, and its principals, including Mr. Fowler.
[28] Mr. MacAskill also sent a series of emails to Mr. van der Walle and to the
plaintiff’s counsel Mr. Patro demanding payment of money, allegedly for “settlement”
of the claim brought by the plaintiffs. Although there is a body of law providing that
“settlement discussions” are privileged, I do not find that Mr. MacAskill’s emails
qualify for a number of reasons. To begin with, the emails are unsolicited, are clearly
not part of a settlement dialogue, and are not marked “without prejudice”. Indeed, at
a certain point counsel for the plaintiffs informed Mr. MacAskill that his clients were
not interested in his alleged settlement proposals, which counsel fairly regarded as
attempts at extortion. Furthermore, Mr. MacAskill himself copied or forwarded some
of the emails to third parties wholly unconnected to the lawsuit, including officials at
the British Columbia Securities Commission, thus indicating no desire on
Mr. MacAskill’s part to keep them confidential. Finally, having regard to the content
of the emails which I will describe in a moment, no reasonable person could regard
them as genuine offers to settle litigation. They are, rather, threats and demands for
money in the nature of shakedowns. I conclude that these emails amount to an
abuse of process and are therefore not protected by the law of settlement privilege:
see R. v. Delchev, 2015 ONCA 381 at para. 34 applying Sable Offshore Energy Inc.
v. Ameron International Corp., 2013 SCC 37 at para. 19.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 10
[29] That brings me to the content of the emails Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der
Walle, counsel for the plaintiffs, and others, demanding money. Mr. MacAskill sent
the first of these emails to Mr. Patro on 15 March 2021. I should note that Mr. van
der Walle was not a party to this email, so technically he is not in a position to
identify it as having actually been sent by Mr. MacAskill. In that sense, the copy of
the email attached to Mr. van der Walle’s second affidavit is hearsay. However,
Mr. MacAskill referred to the substance of this email in a subsequent email that he
sent directly to Mr. van der Walle, so in that sense Mr. MacAskill’s subsequent email
adopted the contents of the prior email to Mr. van der Walle’s lawyer Mr. Patro.
Returning to the narrative, Mr. MacAskill’s 15 March 2021 email to Mr. Patro stated
that “for the amount of $5,000” Mr. MacAskill would “remove material and accept a
payment in that amount for settlement of all claims”.
[30] Then on 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der
Walle asking, “Did that crooked [racist word deleted] tell you I’d settle for $5k?”.
Mr. MacAskill went on to explain that “for less than what it’s costing you”
(presumably in legal fees), he would “remove that which is twisting those Ponzi
panties of yours”, and he would “bury this”. The email concluded by referring to
Mr. van der Walle as a “wicked crooked goofy crook”.
[31] In a subsequent email dated 22 March 2021, Mr. MacAskill increased his
demand to $10,000. In an email to Mr. van der Walle and his counsel on 7 May
2021, Mr. MacAskill stated that he was “1,000% judgment proof and indigent
meaning this costs me zero and you will never collect a red cent from me”. In
subsequent emails, Mr. MacAskill said the deadline had passed and promised no
further settlement proposals.
[32] Regrettably, Mr. MacAskill was not true to his word. On 28 May 2021
Mr. MacAskill sent an email directly to Mr. van der Walle demanding that Mr. van der
Walle “settle pronto” or Mr. MacAskill would “gleefully [expletive] for $100k plus”.
Read together with the other emails, I interpret this to mean that if Mr. van der Walle
did not pay the money Mr. MacAskill was demanding, Mr. MacAskill would cause
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 11
Mr. van der Walle to run up legal costs in excess of $100,000. In another email on
the same day, Mr. MacAskill made a demand to “pay me off”.
[33] On 12 July 2021, Mr. van der Walle sent another email with a subject line that
read “$5k by Friday”. The body of the email continued from there, stating “or $40k
thereafter”, and that Mr. MacAskill “will offer no further settlement terms” after the
expiration of this deadline. It concluded with an assertion that Mr. van der Walle was
“a conman and a bully” who deserved “public retribution” for his “grossly unethical
conduct”. Mr. MacAskill later forwarded that email to a number of other individuals,
including Mr. Patro and various third parties with no direct connection to the lawsuit
brought by the plaintiffs against Mr. MacAskill. I should note that Mr. MacAskill also
sent emails directly to Mr. Patro, to which Mr. van der Walle was not a party. As I
have discussed above, Mr. van der Walle is not in a position to properly identify and
tender these emails as attachments to his affidavit because he was not a party to
them. They are hearsay.
[34] Mr. MacAskill also sent emails directly to Mr. van der Walle and various third
parties attaching links to his blog posts. As these emails were sent to individuals
other than the plaintiffs or their counsel, they are evidence of publication as
discussed in my legal analysis below.
[35] I conclude my review of the facts by noting that, while the plaintiffs have no
burden of doing so, they have placed evidence before the court to refute many of the
allegations in Mr. MacAskill’s published statements about them. I am not going to
review all of this evidence here, although I may refer to some specific aspects in my
[36] There are two additional procedural developments in the case that are of
note. These events do not form part of the application record in either the summary
trial or the contempt application, but are merely included in my summary of facts as
part of the narrative of the case.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 12
[37] On 8 July 2021, Mr. MacAskill filed a notice of application to stay or dismiss
the action against him pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, S.B.C.
2019, c. 3 [Protection of Public Participation Act]. In that application, Mr. MacAskill
asserted that he was the author of “dozens of blogs, some related to securities
scams, and others related to crime”, and that Mr. van der Walle’s “operation” is “a
matter of public interest by virtue of his continuous solicitation of the public for their
retirement savings”. Mr. MacAskill’s notice further alleges that he “reported truthful
facts and did so accurately”. It then goes on to recount or summarize some of the
allegations made against Mr. van der Walle. Mr. MacAskill’s application for an order
under the Protection of Public Participation Act came on for hearing before me on 1
October 2021. It was dismissed because Mr. MacAskill did not attend the hearing
and could not be reached despite considerable effort to give him an opportunity to
speak to the matter. The application was dismissed on terms allowing Mr. MacAskill
the right to renew it upon being granted leave of the court to do so. Mr. MacAskill
never sought leave to renew the application. As I have noted above, the plaintiffs did
not include the details of this application in the record for the two applications now
before me, the summary trial, or the contempt application. Although the plaintiffs
would arguably have been permitted to rely on the assertions in Mr. MacAskill’s
pleadings as admissions on his part, they did not seek to do so, and I will not place
any reliance on any of these assertions for the purposes of determining whether the
plaintiffs have proven their case in either the summary trial or the contempt
[38] On 16 September 2021, the plaintiffs filed an application to have
Mr. MacAskill found in contempt of court for violating the terms of Blok J.’s interim
order dated 26 March 2021. The application also sought additional interim
injunctions prohibiting Mr. MacAskill from contacting any known or alleged business
partners, investors, or clients of the plaintiffs—in other words, a no contact order.
The application came on for hearing on 14 October 2021. Mr. MacAskill did not
attend the hearing. Blok J. granted the no contact order, and adjourned the
application for an order of contempt.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 13
(1) Summary Trial Application
(a) Elements of the Tort of Defamation
[39] In an action for defamation, the plaintiff must establish on a balance of
probabilities that the defendant was the author of the allegedly defamatory
statements: Hudson v. Myong, 2020 BCSC 517 at paras. 128–130 [Hudson]. The
plaintiff must also prove the three elements of defamation, namely: (a) that the
impugned statements were defamatory; (b) that the words in fact referred to the
plaintiff; and (c) that the statements were published, meaning that they were
communicated to at least one other person: Grant v. Torstar Corp., 2009 SCC 61 at
para. 28 [Grant]. Defamation is a strict liability tort, meaning that the plaintiff is not
required to prove intent to harm or even carelessness on the part of the defendant.
Once the essential elements of the cause of action are made out, the onus shifts to
the defendant to establish a defence: Grant at para. 29.
[40] In the case at bar I have no difficulty concluding that Mr. MacAskill was the
author of the statements which are the subject of this defamation action. The
publications first appeared on the Dr. Stoxxman blog. This provoked a cease and
desist letter, which in turn generated a response from the Dr. Stoxxman email
account. The same email cross-referenced the author’s “flagship blog”, the
Gangsterism Out blog. Mr. MacAskill was served personally with the notice of civil
claim and responded to it. Thereafter, there were posts on the Gangsterism Out blog
complaining about the effects of the interim injunction in this particular case on
“[y]our author”, who I infer is Mr. MacAskill, considering that he is the only defendant
named on the interim injunction. Moreover, some of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman email address make explicit references to the litigation itself. An
example is an email dated 25 May 2021 from the Dr. Stoxxman email account to
Mr. van der Walle, referring to an interim application in the court case in which
Mr. MacAskill is named as the sole defendant. Finally, one of the emails from the
Dr. Stoxxman account, dated 23 August 2021, refers to the defamation suit brought
by Mr. van der Walle and concludes by giving the author’s name as Daryl MacAskill.
Mr. MacAskill sent this email to the British Columbia Financial Services Authority,
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 14
and then forwarded it to a number of other people, including Mr. van der Walle. I
conclude that there is abundant evidence linking the defendant Mr. MacAskill to the
Dr. Stoxxman email account, and abundant evidence showing that Mr. MacAskill
was the author of the posts on both the Dr. Stoxxman blog and the Gangsterism Out
[41] With regard to the first element of defamation, the plaintiffs must prove that
the impugned statements are defamatory. I have no difficulty concluding that a
reasonable person would find the subject blog posts to be defamatory, in the sense
that they “lower the reputation of the plaintiff in the estimation of right-thinking
members of society generally, or expose the plaintiff to hatred, contempt, or ridicule”:
Hudson at para. 105.
[42] Turning to the second element, I am satisfied that the blog posts refer to the
plaintiffs. The original blog post refers to Mr. van der Walle by name and also clearly
references the corporate plaintiff. At least one subsequent post also refers to Mr. van
der Walle by name, alleging his involvement in a Ponzi scheme on seniors. The
subsequent posts refer to other individuals and entities, but I outlined the link
between those posts and the plaintiffs and their business activities in my review of
the facts above. In addition to the content of the blog posts themselves, from which
one can readily infer a link to the plaintiffs and their business activities, there are
also Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van der Walle and other individuals, attaching
links to the posts. These emails are evidence of the link drawn by the author of the
posts to the plaintiffs in this action.
[43] With regard to the third element, proof of publication, the law requires proof
that the defamatory meaning was conveyed to at least one third party who actually
read it: Hudson at para. 111, citing Crookes v. Newton, 2011 SCC 47 at para. 16.
Although there is no presumption that material placed on the internet has been
“published”, a court may infer publication, and in doing so may take into account the
modern realities of information dissemination via the internet: Hudson at para. 112,
citing Bernstein v. Poon, 2015 ONSC 155 at para. 94; Hee Creations Group Ltd. v.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 15
Chow, 2018 BCSC 260 at paras. 74–85; Holden v. Hanlon, 2019 BCSC 622 at
paras. 59–66.
[44] I should note that some of the evidence relied upon by the plaintiffs is hearsay
and I expressly decline to rely on it. In particular, Mr. van der Walle’s fourth affidavit
refers to email enquiries that he received either directly or indirectly from third parties
claiming to have read one or more of the posts. These emails are hearsay accounts
offered by third parties who have not sworn affidavits. To provide admissible
evidence of these facts, the plaintiffs would have had to tender affidavits from the
individuals claiming to have read the posts. They did not do that.
[45] Still, even without that direct evidence, there is a wealth of other evidence
supporting an inference that the defamatory statements were published. The
evidence of publication includes emails that Mr. MacAskill sent to Mr. van der Walle
and multiple third parties containing links to the blog posts themselves. There is also
an assertion in an email, which I find was clearly authored by Mr. MacAskill himself,
that the Gangsterism Out blog serves “6,000 eyeballs per day”. There is evidence
that one of Mr. MacAskill’s posts on some kind of internet message board had 216
views. There is a wealth of other evidence supporting an inference of publication, but
I do not need to outline all of it here. There is an overwhelming body of evidence
from which I readily infer that the posts authored by Mr. MacAskill were published on
the internet and read by many people.
(b) Possible Defences
[46] Depending on the context and the nature of the impugned statements, the
potential defences to a claim of libel or defamation are: (i) justification, (ii) privilege or
qualified privilege, (iii) fair comment, and (iv) public interest qualified communication.
As noted, Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim does not clearly articulate a
particular defence to the defamation claim. That, together with the fact that
Mr. MacAskill did not appear at the hearing of this summary trial application, makes
it difficult to ascertain which if any of the four defences described above have been
or could be invoked in this case. Certainly, the defendant has not presented any
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 16
evidence in support of any defence whatsoever. However, in theory, a defendant
might be able to point to evidence within the plaintiff’s case to support a defence,
provided that evidence establishes the facts relied upon on a balance of
probabilities. For the sake of completeness, I will briefly address each of the four
defences listed above and explain why they are not made out on the evidence
before me.
[47] To succeed in a plea of justification, the defendant must establish on a
balance of probabilities that the impugned statements are true or substantially true:
Grant at para. 33. The defendant is not required to prove the literal truth of every
word in the impugned statements, so long as the “gist of the sting or charge” is
proven to be true: Hudson at para. 141. The defence will not succeed if the overall
impression of a statement is false, even if some of the words contained in it are
literally true: Hudson at para. 141.
[48] The defendant’s initial blog posts allege that the personal plaintiff Mr. van der
Walle, among other things, has a history of involvement in “dodgy real estate
projects”, “scam real estate projects”, and “securities scams”, and that he is currently
engaged in a “Ponzi scheme”, or “classic Ponzi securities fraud”. In subsequent blog
posts, Mr. MacAskill alleges that Canada Easy Invest’s real estate investment fund
is effectively insolvent, and that the current real estate development financed by the
fund is a sham, is about to have its development permit cancelled, and has no
general contractor. I could go on but I will not. The defendant has not offered a shred
of evidence to prove any of these serious allegations of dishonesty and fraud. Nor is
there anything in the record before me that would establish the truth of
Mr. MacAskill’s allegations. Indeed, while not legally obligated to disprove the
allegations, the plaintiffs have presented evidence to show that the defendant’s
allegations are groundless and could not be true. On this record, there is simply no
basis for a defence of justification.
[49] The defence of privilege or qualified privilege applies where the impugned
statements are shown to have been made on an occasion of privilege recognized in
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 17
law. In such cases, the privilege attaches to the occasion on which the statements
were made, and not to the statements themselves: Hill v. Church of Scientology,
[1995] 2 S.C.R. 1130 at para. 143, 1995 CanLII 59 [Hill]. In such circumstances, the
bona fides of the defendant are presumed, and the defendant is free to make
statements that would otherwise qualify as defamatory. Even where it applies, the
privilege is not absolute, and it can be defeated where the dominant motive for
publishing the statement is actual or express malice: Hill at para. 144. In this context,
malice has been interpreted broadly to include instances where the defendant
speaks dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. Finally,
the privilege only applies to the communication of information that is reasonably
appropriate to the context in which the privilege arises: Hill at para. 147.
[50] The defendant has not expressly pleaded privilege and has not identified any
particular occasion or context in which the impugned public statements could be
protected by privilege. The one exception that could arise is the possibility of
privilege attaching to a complaint made to a regulatory body like the British Columbia
Securities Commission or the British Columbia Financial Services Authority. There
are several emails from Mr. MacAskill to these bodies. But even assuming those
particular emails were protected by privilege, the privilege would not extend to the
blog posts themselves, which were posted on the internet and available to the world
at large. No privilege could ever be found to attach to the posts. Moreover, I find that
any claim of privilege that could possibly arise on the facts of this case is defeated
by proof of malice on the part of the defendant. The basis for my finding of malice is
addressed below and I adopt it here.
[51] To make out a defence of fair comment, the defendant must show that the
comment in question: (a) was made on a matter of public interest, (b) was based on
fact, (c) is recognizable as comment as opposed to fact, and (d) meets the objective
test that a reasonable person might honestly express such a comment or opinion
based on the proven facts. Even where this objective test is met, the defence will fail
where the plaintiff shows that the comment in question was actuated by express
malice: WIC Radio Ltd. v. Simpson, 2008 SCC 40 at para. 1; Hudson at para. 147.
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 18
[52] In the case before me, the bulk of the impugned assertions in the defendant’s
blog posts are expressed as facts, not comment. Moreover, none of the impugned
assertions are things a reasonable person might express as a fair comment on the
proven facts. The vast majority of Mr. MacAskill’s statements are bald allegations of
impropriety unsupported by any facts whatsoever. To the extent that some of
Mr. MacAskill’s remarks are based on underlying facts, the stated facts do not
provide an objective basis for inferring fraud or dishonesty on the part of the plaintiffs
or their agents. For example, the fact that the original general contractor listed in a
development permit does not end up being the contractor who actually carries out
the construction is not proof that there is no contractor or that the construction
project is a sham or is about to collapse. It is certainly well within the range of
possibility that a general contractor who works with the developer at the permit stage
does not win the bid to do the contracting work. That does not mean there is no
general contractor; it just means that a different contractor was selected to do the
work. I could give other examples of facts that Mr. MacAskill has misunderstood or
misinterpreted as proof of fraud. The point is, Mr. MacAskill, having initially cast
Mr. van der Walle and his company as fraudsters, subsequently seized upon any
particular fact or event that he did not understand, and, without any effort to
ascertain the truth, twisted that fact into a basis for advancing further allegations of
impropriety. Finally, once again I hold that any possible fair comment defence that
might have been raised by Mr. MacAskill could not be sustained in light of my finding
of malice, as explained below.
[53] To make out the defence of public interest qualified communication, the
publication must relate to a matter of public interest, and the defendant must prove
that the publication was responsible in that the defendant was diligent in trying to
verify the allegations, having regard to all the relevant circumstances: Grant at
paras. 101, 105–106. In this case, assuming without deciding that Mr. MacAskill’s
blog posts qualify as relating to matters of public interest, the defence must fail due
to lack of proof of diligence. As I have noted above, many of the most serious
allegations are simply baseless and the defendant has not offered any evidence or
proof of underlying facts to support them. And even with respect to the allegations
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 19
that appear to start with a kernel of information that might be true, as explained
above the defendant has twisted that kernel of information into an allegation of
impropriety without any effort to investigate or understand it. None of the relevant
factors listed in Grant at paras. 110 to 126 weigh in the defendant’s favour.
[54] I conclude with a discussion of malice. Proof of malice will defeat any plea of
qualified privilege or fair comment. Malice has been defined to encompass not only
actual malicious intent or mala fides, but also instances where the defendant speaks
dishonestly or with reckless disregard for the truth: Hill at para. 145. In the case at
bar, I find that there is overwhelming evidence of actual malice, as well as
dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth.
[55] The proof of actual mala fides comes from Mr. MacAskill’s emails to Mr. van
der Walle and his counsel demanding money to “settle” the case. These emails were
not genuine offers to settle litigation, but rather explicit threats to run up legal costs
unless the plaintiffs paid Mr. MacAskill to take down the offensive posts. Basically,
Mr. MacAskill made baseless allegations of fraud and dishonesty and then
demanded money to withdraw them and end the court case. Mr. MacAskill’s emails
to Mr. van der Walle are riddled with offensive language and personal insults. All of
that is the very essence of malicious intent. Many of Mr. MacAskill’s demands for
payment were made over the same time frame that he was continuing to update his
blogs with further defamatory posts, thus colouring his entire course of conduct as
one driven by mala fides.
[56] The proof of dishonesty and reckless disregard for the truth comes from the
nature of the allegations, the absence of any factual basis to support them, and the
absence of any genuine much less objectively reasonable effort to vet or investigate
the allegations before making them public.
(c) Conclusion on Liability
[57] To sum all this up, I find that the plaintiffs have proven that the defendant
committed the tort of defamation by publishing blog posts and also by sending
emails to third parties attaching links to the blog posts. In particular, I find that the
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 20
defendant defamed the plaintiffs in: (i) the original post on the Dr. Stoxxman blog, (ii)
the reproduction of that post on the Gangsterism Out blog, (iii) at least nine
subsequent posts or updates on the Gangsterism Out blog, and (iv) a number of
emails to third parties enclosing links to the Gangsterism Out blog. The posts were
published on the internet and I infer on all the admissible evidence that they were
read by many people, although I am unable to further quantify the extent of
publication. None of the defences to a claim of defamation apply.
(d) Remedies
[58] With regard to the claim for general damages, I am mindful of the relevant
factors discussed in Hudson at paras. 155–156. I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs
that Mr. MacAskill’s defamatory statements involved a direct attack on the honesty,
integrity, and core competencies of both Mr. van der Walle and Canada Easy Invest,
going to the core of their business, their stewardship of investor monies, and the
viability of both their real estate investment fund and their ongoing real estate
development project. I infer that there has been damage to the goodwill of both
plaintiffs. The resulting harms, both financial and non-financial, are difficult to
quantify. Given the number of blog posts and the scope of Mr. MacAskill’s
readership, based on his own statements, and the sensitivity of the market, I infer
that the damage has been significant. With regard to the range of damages, I refer to
Hudson at para. 186. In this particular case, I find that the plaintiffs are entitled to a
total of $150,000 in general damages. Of that, $75,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $75,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[59] I also find that aggravated damages are justified based on the finding that
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct was motivated by actual mala fides, and also a reckless
disregard for the truth. I would award $10,000, which once again I would allocate
equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $5,000 will be payable to Mr. van
der Walle and $5,000 will be payable to Canada Easy Invest.
[60] The plaintiffs also seek punitive damages. Punitive damages are available in
exceptional cases to punish the defendant. The court must consider whether
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 21
punitive damages are necessary after taking into account the potential punitive
effects of the general damages and aggravated damages awards. Having awarded a
total of $160,000 in general and aggravated damages, the question to be asked is
whether anything more is required. I certainly recognize that these are substantial
sums of money. However, there are two particular aspects of this case that require
me to give serious consideration to an award of punitive damages.
[61] The first is the fact that after the interim injunction was granted, Mr. MacAskill
did not cease his campaign against the plaintiffs. Indeed, he cited the injunction itself
in a blog post where he again accused Mr. van der Walle of running a Ponzi scheme
targeting seniors. He repeatedly violated the injunction by posting blog updates
making allegations against the plaintiff’s business interests, including its real estate
investment fund and the real estate development financed through that fund. I
acknowledge that I am also dealing with a parallel contempt of court application.
Clearly I would be obliged to take into account any punitive damages award in
deciding upon an appropriate disposition the contempt application, to avoid any
concern about double punishment for the same conduct. Of course, the damage
award can be based in facts proven on a balance of probabilities, whereas a higher
burden of proof will be applied in the contempt proceeding.
[62] The second important aspect of the case insofar as punitive damages are
concerned is Mr. MacAskill’s obvious and transparent attempt to use the litigation
process as a means of pressuring or extorting the plaintiffs to pay him off to go
away. He asserted that he was impecunious and judgment proof, and that if the
plaintiffs did not pay him off he would drive up the legal costs. I consider this to be
evidence of an abuse of process that warrants rebuke by the court.
[63] Even after taking into account the general and aggravated damages awards, I
find it necessary to award a further $30,000 in punitive damages to punish
Mr. MacAskill’s conduct and, one would hope, deter him from engaging in this kind
of manipulative, harmful, and socially destructive behaviour in the future. Again, I
would divide this amount equally between the two plaintiffs, meaning that $15,000
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 22
will be payable to Mr. van der Walle and $15,000 will be payable to Canada Easy
[64] To sum up, the defendant Mr. MacAskill is required to pay a total of $190,000
in damages as follows: (a) general damages of $75,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a
further $75,000 to Canada Easy Invest; (b) aggravated damages of $5,000 to
Mr. van der Walle and a further $5,000 to Canada Easy Invest; and (c) punitive
damages of $15,000 to Mr. van der Walle and a further $15,000 to Canada Easy
[65] The plaintiffs also seek a permanent injunction restraining Mr. MacAskill from
making further allegations against them, their counsel, or their agents in the future,
and compelling Mr. MacAskill to remove all of the defamatory blog posts which are
the subject of their current claim.
[66] Permanent injunctive relief is an extraordinary remedy that will only be made
in the clearest of cases, where the court is satisfied that the defendant is likely to
make further defamatory statements and there is a real possibility that the plaintiffs
would not be able to obtain compensation by way of damages for any such future
statements: Hudson at para. 211, citing Newman v. Halstead, 2006 BCSC 65 at
para. 298.
[67] I find that those criteria are made out in this case. Even after the interim
injunction was issued, Mr. MacAskill continued to post defamatory statements about
the plaintiffs and their activities. I consider it likely that he will continue to do so
unless a further order is made allowing for the possibility of other remedies, including
further contempt of court proceedings. Moreover, Mr. MacAskill has himself claimed
to be indigent and judgment proof such that the plaintiffs will never get “one red cent”
from him. Thus, while the damages award of $190,000 is warranted and important
as a means of compensating the plaintiffs and deterring and punishing
Mr. MacAskill, it may well be a hollow victory for the plaintiffs. I therefore find this to
be an appropriate case for a permanent injunction, and I would grant such an order,
on the following terms:
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 23
(1) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from publishing any accusatory
or disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation,
or alleged improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents
(“the Protected Parties”), in any forum whatsoever.
(2) Upon being presented with a copy of this Order, Mr. MacAskill is
required to forthwith remove all current or existing posts about the Protected
Parties from the Gangsterism Out and the Dr. Stoxxman blogs.
(3) Mr. MacAskill is permanently restrained from contacting, directly or
indirectly: (a) any known or purported business partners, investors, or clients
of Canada Easy Invest or the Western Canada Monthly Income Fund, and (b)
any of the individuals listed in term 3(b) of Blok J.’s order dated 14 October
(4) Mr. MacAskill is only permitted to communicate with the plaintiffs in this
action, Canada Easy Invest and Mr. van der Walle, via email through their
counsel Mr. Patro, and any such communications will be limited to no more
than two emails per day, and must be devoid of any racist, sexist, or
disparaging remarks, and must pertain only to the litigation in the current
action or any related proceedings.
(5) An entered copy of this Order must be served on the defendant,
Mr. MacAskill, via email at [content redacted] within seven days of the Order
being signed and entered with the court.
(2) The Contempt Application
[68] Contempt of court proceedings in civil cases are governed by Rule 22-8. This
Rule must be interpreted and applied in view of the common law discussing the
court’s jurisdiction to punish for contempt. To quote the words of Mr. Justice
Chiasson in Larkin v. Glase, 2009 BCCA 321 at paras. 8–9 [Larkin]:
[8] Contempt of court is an issue between a party and the court. It is not
concerned with the merits of the dispute between parties to litigation (Frith v.
Frith, 2008 BCCA 2 at para. 36, 47 R.F.L. (6th) 286). Although the issue is
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 24
pursued by the respondent, the court’s determination that Mr. Glase is in
contempt only indirectly affects her interests. As was stated in Ontario
(Attorney General) v. Paul Magder Furs Ltd. (1992), 10 O.R. (3d) 46 at 53, 94
D.L.R. (4th) 748 (C.A.), a finding of contempt of court “transcends the dispute
between the parties; it is one that strikes at the very heart of the
administration of justice ...”.
[9] A court’s ability to punish for contempt is at the core of its jurisdiction
(MacMillan Bloedel Ltd. v. Simpson, [1995] 4 S.C.R. 725, 130 D.L.R. (4th)
385). It is a jurisdiction that must be exercised strictissimi juris, that is, the
court must ensure no one is found to have transgressed without a full
consideration of all the relevant information, including any explanations for
the conduct of persons accused of violating court orders (Frith; Claggett v.
Claggett (1945), 61 B.C.R. 238 (C.A.)).
[69] The case law also instructs that the power to punish for contempt is a “blunt
tool”, not to be invoked routinely: Hokhold v. Gerbrandt, 2016 BCCA 6 at para. 31.
The doctrine of strictissmi juris requires precision in pleadings, procedure, and
evidence: Bassett v. Magee, 2015 BCCA 422 [Bassett] at para. 35. The alleged
contempt must be clearly identified and then proven beyond a reasonable doubt,
based on evidence that meets trial standards of admissibility: Bassett at paras. 33–
34, applying Peel Financial Holdings Ltd. v. Western Delta Lands Partnership, 2003
BCCA 551 (Chambers) and Jackson v. Honey, 2009 BCCA 112 at para. 12.
[70] Mr. MacAskill did not attend court for the hearing of the contempt application.
The notice was properly served on him, he was aware of the hearing, and he chose
not to attend. As I explained above, Mr. MacAskill is not entitled to hold the plaintiffs
– or the Court – hostage by his refusal to participate. Still, applying the principle of
strictissimi juris discussed at para. 9 of Larkin, the court cannot make a definitive
finding of contempt before considering all of the information, including any possible
explanation that may be offered by the alleged contemnor. Rules 22-8(5) and (6)
recognize this by setting up a two-step procedure to be followed in cases where the
alleged contemnor does not appear in response to a duly served contempt
application. At the first stage, if the presiding judge is of the opinion that the person
may be in contempt, the judge may issue a warrant to have the person apprehended
and brought before the court. Once the person is apprehended and brought before
the court, the court can deal with the application in a summary manner, or
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 25
alternatively can give further directions for the determination of the person’s guilt or
[71] Applying those principles in the case at bar, the question at this stage of the
proceedings is whether I am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill “may be guilty of contempt”
as discussed in Rule 22-8(5). If the court is so satisfied, a warrant can be issued
compelling Mr. MacAskill to come before the court to answer to the allegation.
[72] Based on the facts outlined above, and taking into account the strict rules of
admissibility and the heightened burden of proof governing contempt applications, I
am satisfied that Mr. MacAskill may be guilty of contempt by violating the terms of
the 26 March 2021 order prohibiting him from publishing any accusatory or
disparaging allegations regarding the honesty, trustworthiness, reputation, or alleged
improper behaviour of the plaintiffs, their counsel, and their agents, in any forum
[73] To be precise, the notice of application filed by the plaintiffs alleges 27
separate beaches of the 26 March 2021 order. I do not agree that all of these
breaches have been proven. Keeping in mind the strict rules of admissibility of
evidence, and the requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I am satisfied
that there is a prima facie case for finding that Mr. MacAskill intentionally violated the
26 March 2021 order on six separate occasions, specifically, in posts on the
Gangsterism Out blog dated (i) 20 May 2021, (ii)17 August 2021, (iii) 27 August
2021, (iv) 4 September 2021, (iv) 9 September 2021, and (vi) 22 September 2021.
There are other aspects of Mr. MacAskill’s conduct that I found to constitute
publication of defamatory statements for the purposes of civil liability in the summary
trial application. However, I am not prepared to make a finding that these additional
statements, consisting of additional blog posts and emails, are so demonstrably
contrary to the 26 March 2021 order so as to constitute prima facie intentional
violations of the order.
[74] On the basis of these findings, I would grant an order declaring that the
plaintiffs have made out a prima facie case that Mr. MacAskill deliberately violated
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 26
the 26 March 2021 order on the six separate occasions mentioned in the preceding
[75] Counsel for the plaintiffs has explained that if the summary trial orders (which
include a permanent injunction), together with the preliminary finding of contempt are
enough to deter the defendant from any future defamatory or harassing conduct,
then it would not be necessary to proceed with the second stage of the contempt
process. Although I recognize that contempt is just as much a matter of concern for
the court as it is for the plaintiffs as private litigants, I accept that in the
circumstances of this case it may not be necessary to take the contempt of court
process any further, if the orders granted in this judgment are enough to bring
Mr. MacAskill into compliance with the law.
[76] Accordingly, the order should include terms expressly stating that any
application for a warrant under Rule 22-8(5) is adjourned generally, with the plaintiffs
having the right to bring the matter back before me on any date in the next 18
months, without notice to the defendant, for issuance of a warrant. (I reserve the
right, should the plaintiffs bring the matter back before me, to require that Mr.
MacAskill be given notice and an opportunity to appear before the court voluntarily,
before any warrant is ultimately issued). Finally, there should be a term in the order
providing that it is to be served on Mr. MacAskill via his email address, within seven
days of the order being signed and entered with the court.
(3) Costs
[77] The plaintiffs are entitled to costs for the entire action. They seek special
costs. The court is required to exercise restraint in awarding special costs. The
burden is on the party seeking special costs to identify exceptional circumstances
that would justify such an award: Westsea Construction Ltd. v. 0759553 B.C. Ltd.,
2013 BCSC 1352 [Westsea Construction] at para. 73(a)-(b).
[78] The plaintiffs cite two particularly significant features of the defendant’s
conduct in the course of the litigation itself. First, there is the complete lack of merit
in the defendant’s position, which included serious allegations of impropriety against
Canada Easy Investment Store Corporation v. MacAskill Page 27
the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill’s response to civil claim made unfounded allegations of
fraud and dishonesty against the plaintiffs. Mr. MacAskill did not make any effort to
prove the truth of these allegations in the course of the litigation. Advancing
baseless allegations can constitute a form of reprehensible conduct justifying an
award of special costs as discussed in Galloway v. Barski, 2017 BCSC 719 at
para. 42. Second, the defendant made express threats against the plaintiffs,
promising to run up their legal fees if he did not get a “pay off”. This is an example of
a litigant trying to weaponize the court process and use it against the opposing party.
This constitutes reprehensible conduct as discussed in Westsea Construction at
para. 73(d).
[79] On these facts, I agree with counsel for the plaintiffs that there are
exceptional circumstances warranting an award of special costs, up to and including
the date of this judgment. The plaintiffs should be entitled to recover as much of their
legal costs as they can from the defendant, given his conduct in the course of the
“Riley J.”

Never heard of the plaintiffs before but Stoxxman aka Ace Ventura aka Daryl MacAskill is a total moron and a chronic liar hope he ends up in jail for contempt of court. His only online friend is a old, feeble, chronically lying racist and nazi who defends pedophiles and rapists. The successful plaintiffs should contact the domain servers who host his rubbish websites to get his content removed and if they don't then sue them.

Learn to pronounce
poor; needy.
"a charity for the relief of indigent artists"
down and out
without a penny to one's name
in need
in want
hard up
on the breadline
badly off
on one's uppers
up against it
flat broke
strapped (for cash)
without a brass farthing
without a bean
without a sou
as poor as a church mouse
on one's beam-ends
stony broke
boracic (lint)
stone broke
without a red cent
on skid row
a needy person.

Ace Ventura aka Stoxxman aka Daryl Macaskill admitted he is this. To lazy to work he is.


https://twitter.com/darylmacaskil?lang=en He looks ugly, stupid and poor easily beaten into the emergency room.

User Actions
September 16, 2019 - 12:42 PM
499 Reads
Post# 30131708
RE:RE:Daryl Pants Pisser
GreatInfo wrote:
DarylPantsPee wrote:
The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:


But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting haha.


Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes." (Greg: Odd that he uses the name of Jeff Drakes who has a horrible rep and seems to have no gainful employment whose Linked In profile is lies both he and Dennis Watson are chronic liars who are into pianos. Have posted about both. Both gun nut Dennis Watson and Daryl MacAskill run multiple stupid blogs and web sites chock full of lies and in the case of Dennis Watson conspiracy kookdom. He claims among other things that the multiple killer and arsonist in Nova Scotia was innocent and that the killing was done by Blackwater operatives. I don't believe the official story but the GRC killed the right guy.)

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine. (Greg: Was it protective custody.?)

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.


December 03, 2021

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Born 31 May, 1962.
A convicted criminal in the Vancouver, BC area.

Specialty is extortion of money from people and companies. He has been doing this a long time.

UPDATE: A new judgement issued. Guilty again! Blackmail this time.

Date: 20220209 - Docket: S236505

You can buy a copy of the judges document from the prov courts website for $6 - it is 27 pages long...


Pretty simple actually, he will go on his blogs and write all kinds of stuff (to bait the reader) and then will email the victim an amount of money that he wants paid to remove the information off the internet.

Pretty much nothing you can do about it and even asking the RCMP for assistance is a waste of time. The Judges in British Columbia are weak, so you will get no support there either, even if you take him to court.

I will try to pull together as much info as possible so you don't have to struggle to find out all the activities he has been involved with. Feel free to remind me of any I have missed. It will take some time.

You can email info to -***@gmail.com-

Recent pictures.

Very old pictures.

drstoxxman, stoxxman, Ace, Ace Ventura, Jeff Drakes, AcePSJ, Foxyroller



Supreme Court of British Columbia restraining Daryl MacAskill, also known as "stoxxman," from posting on its website.

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. vs Daryl Grant Macaskill, Marcus New, Thom Calandra

Used to have a page on http://gangstersout.com/ called http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm.

Some say he is also Dennis Watson and pretend he deleted his page.

Fortunately it is archived here:

Dennis Watson has a regular blog on https://gangstersout.blogspot.com/

Copy of his website is without the "s", https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/

Some "pretend" unhappiness here

Other badness fortunately.

9 Feb 2019, 09:56 I know Marcus very well and was around when this guy started his attacks. He wanted to be paid. He thought he was some type of consultant or at least was trying to extort money from companies or he would blog about them.

9 Feb 2019, 10:06 Is that the same Daryl that use to post as OnTopTechno and was linked with Waldo?

The criminal spammer that lscfa is referring to below is named Daryl Grant Macaskill. What he does is blackmail companies into paying him so that he does "IR" services like spamming Stockhouse with his Penny Stocks Journal blog. When moral companies like PKK tell him to take a hike, he spams and bashes them until they give in and pay up. He is a career criminal going back to 1995 for GST fraud:

http://gangstersout.com/daryl_macaskill.htm <- not online at the moment

But the funniest story about him comes at the hands of Stockhouse, who sued him for making hundreds of fake profiles a day. That includes a story where he pissed himself after he banged his head against the wall while being detained in mall jail for shoplifting.



Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

MacAskill's prior legal battles

The lawsuit against Stockhouse is not the first that Mr. MacAskill has fought on his own, without the benefit of a lawyer. In 2009, he launched a lawsuit against Hudson's Bay Company, claiming that he was tortured by store security. He complained that while he was at the company's store in Brentwood Town Centre on Dec. 10, 2008, a security guard detained him and refused to allow him to go to the bathroom, which he urgently needed to do. Rather than suffer the humiliation of urinating himself, he chose to knock himself out by banging his head on the wall, the suit stated. His next memory was waking up in a puddle of urine (which he claims was not his own, but that of some other person security had detained). He was then escorted from the store by an RCMP officer. He was not charged. He later agreed to drop the suit on undisclosed terms.

Mr. MacAskill launched another self-filed suit in August, 2007, against a former employer, Kor Alta Construction Ltd. of Alberta. He claimed that the company constructively dismissed him from his job as a supervisor at a job site on Boundary Road in Vancouver after he complained about a lack of a plan to deal with asbestos at the site. Kor-Alta, in response to the suit, denied any wrongdoing and said Mr. MacAskill had worked at the company for only a short period of time. A judge later dismissed the case, finding that it was an abuse of the process of the court.

Earlier court records show that Mr. MacAskill landed in criminal trouble in 1995, when a judge convicted him on 10 counts of tax fraud over GST refunds he had collected for a number of companies. He was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a $13,500 fine.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

This item is part of Stockwatch's value added news feed and is only available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Here is a sample of this item: by Mike Caswell

2012-03-15 14:04 ET - Street Wire

Stockhouse Publishing Ltd. has filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court of British Columbia seeking an injunction against a user who has been creating an excessive number of new accounts, sometimes at the rate of 184 per day. The suit complains that the user, identified as Vancouver resident Daryl MacAskill, has become a substantial drain on time and resources. Stockhouse is asking for a court order that would bar him from creating or using accounts on its website.

The allegations are contained in a notice of claim that Stockhouse filed at the Vancouver courthouse on Feb. 28, 2012. It identifies Mr. MacAskill as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He has been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over the past 12 years, posting under various aliases including "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problems that Stockhouse complains of began in November, 2011, when Mr. MacAskill started creating a large volume of accounts on the website using e-mail addresses that were in the names of other people. The suit does not say how many accounts he made, but states that at one point he was creating as many as 184 per day. He continued registering the accounts even after having been suspended, prohibited and blocked from the website, according to the suit. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse claims.

The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers.

Followed up by this comment:

It might not be so easy many may be thinking to prosecute this action. As mentioned in the story, he knows the legal system well, and although much of his approach is aggressive, so too is much of the content of his posts factual. Read the summary of the complaint carefully, as he is not being sued for libel, or defamation nor is any such claim being made so far as I can detect. The company is seeking relief from the irritation, bother and related expenditures, if any, that his activities allegedly cause, by way of an injunction.

Costs and damages are an unlikely result. In any event, he is judgement proof, financially. Furthermore, nobody goes to jail in this country for engaging in such activity and it isn't a crime to be indigent, or without the means to pay any fine or penalty.

The best result the company can expect is for a sympathetic court to command this man to cease and desist. I'm skeptical that any court could even threaten jail time for someone not to comply with any such direction from a judge. Having said that, I wouldn't recommend challenging any judge on this as it is possible to be incarcerated for contempt of court and I doubt even this gentleman will ignore such an order, if the plaintiff should succeed in having the court grant one.

2/18/2019 10:01:22 PM Trolls of a feather flock together I guess.... Daryl MacAskill: The lies begin to unravel

This is a troll with a colorful history. Daryl MacAskill opened DGM Consulting at 5192 Elsom Ave., Burnaby in 1991. The company provided assistance in all areas related to the GST. Daryl Grant MacAskill and his partner Larry Douglas Buss were convicted of fraud. MacAskill, the "brains" of the operation was sentenced to six months in jail and fined $13,500. The Vancouver Province reported that they scammed a Chilliwack couple out of over $5,000.

The Vancouver Sun reported "They thought GST stood for Great Scam Tax. But crime didn't pay for Daryl Grant MacAskill and Larry Douglas Buss. The Burnaby pair dreamed up what they thought was an ingenious scheme -- create your own non-existent companies, then ask Revenue Canada for goods and services tax rebates. "They set up a number of fictitious entities and would file for GST rebates," said Harry Smilgis of Revenue Canada. For a while the duo thought they were pretty clever, taking home a cool $34,000 between August 1991 and June 1993. Then the odds caught up with them."

After getting out of prison for fraud, Daryl MacAskill started a blog dripping in defamation and became a Stockhouse troll. In 2012 Stockhouse obtained a court injunction banning Daryl MacAskill from posting his perpetual defamation on their web site. This is a copy of the court order. Now he's a fugitive from justice. On January 12th 2016 a warrant was issued for his arrest. So he's in hiding and violating yet another court order as we speak. Thankfully, no lie can live forever because truth crushed to the earth will rise again. Peace.

Stockhouse's claim: The case began on Feb. 28, 2012, when Stockhouse filed a notice of claim against Mr. MacAskill at the Vancouver courthouse. It identified him as a sometimes carpenter who lives in downtown Vancouver. He had been a frequent user of Stockhouse's forums over 12 years, posting under aliases that included "stoxxman," "Ace Ventura" and "Jeff Drakes."

The problem, as described in the claim, began in November, 2011, when Stockhouse attempted to block Mr. MacAskill from the site. It said he was creating a large volume of accounts using e-mail addresses of other people, at one point creating as many as 184 per day. Mr. MacAskill used the accounts to post material to the forums that was either defamatory, inaccurate, threatening or inflammatory, Stockhouse said. The company claimed to have spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to minimize his activities on the site.

The lawsuit sought an injunction barring him from using the Stockhouse website, as well as damages, interest and court costs. Vancouver lawyer Ludmila Herbst of Farris Vaughan Wills & Murphy LLP filed the claim on Stockhouse's behalf.

1995 Declared Bankrupt,
1996 Charged, convicted and jailed for FRAUD,
2015 Criminal Harassment Charges Vancouver RCMP,
2016 Skipped bail, Warrant for Arrest, Accused Child Porno.
2021 Sep Served with Contempt of Court Notice.
2021 Oct Hearing for Contempt. Did not show up according to court records.
2021 Nov Hearing court date postponed to Jan 2022.
2022 Jan Missed court hearing or avoided.
2022 Feb Contempt hearing of a Judges Court Order.

Guess who is going to jail...soon.

http://neer-do-well-hall-of-infamey.blogspot.ca/ <- removed by Google
https://neerdowellblogspot.blogspot.com/ <- replacement
http://neerdowellhall.blogspot.com/ <- spare replacement
https://pennystockjournal.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://gangsterout.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate more traffic for ad revenue
http://angrygeologist.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://atwgold.wordpress.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://cibclawsuits.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://highlifelivingluxury.blogspot.com/ <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.tfmetalsreport.com/forum/2717/stoxxman-blog <-stealing content from other sites to generate traffic for ad revenue
https://www.gangsterismout.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://gangsterouted.blogspot.com/ <- trying to copy gangsterout.com to generate traffic for ad revenue
http://drstoxxman.blogspot.com/ <- Current active blog slandering whoever I can.
Common Public Service - 1733 H St #33075, Blaine, WA 98230 (aka The UPS Store in Blaine, WA)

Using the registered address of a homeless shelter downtown Vancouver although not actually a resident there.
Highly likely to be living in a tent on the street near Lake City Station.
Residence location confirmed and under remote surveillance.

Internet access is at public access points like libraries, coffee shops etc.


(236) 334-1961
Airtime pay per use account.

New judgement issued on 9 Feb 2022 as per court records and as predicted, he did not show up. Again he knows exactly how to waste the courts time using abuse of process. It is time the judge threw the book at him and got this sleaze bag off the streets for good.

Current plaintiff in following doc is blacked out. There are other court restrictions limiting the defendants contact with the plaintiff, plaintiffs lawyer and associates. There must have been abuse of the system for a judge to set such severe limitations. So many breaches to the Court Order are still online and new sites have recently popped up. The lawyer is this case must be in utter disbelief (and joy) at the defendants stupidity. The file before the judge must be bursting at the seams.

When you hear criminals are dumb, this is exactly the type of person they are typically referring too.

File Number 236505

Ministry of the Attorney General
File Number 41864



Just search up macaskill, daryl

Last Name, First Name
Court Location, Classification of File
File Number, File Opened, Last Updated
Style of Cause

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9516281 1995-07-18 1996-02-28

Provincial - Small Claims
Burnaby Provincial Court
23894 1994-01-10 1994-09-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
200277180 2002-10-08 2002-10-08

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22036 1994-11-23 1994-11-23

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
22048 1994-11-23 1995-09-14

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts
R162960 VA96 1996-10-10 1996-11-12

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant Supreme
Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
75654 2007-08-21 2007-12-28

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
121523 2012-02-28 2012-11-07

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
144648 2014-06-13 2014-09-18

MACASKILL, Daryl Grant
Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
151322 2015-02-17 2017-02-09

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9409703 1994-12-06 1995-04-26

Provincial - Small Claims
Robson Square Provincial Court
9951913 1999-04-22 1999-05-18

Supreme Vancouver Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
89183 2008-12-22 2009-08-31

Supreme New Westminster Law Courts - Supreme Civil (General)
236505 2021-03-08 2022-01-25

Other past charges:

Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
Y41864-1 1 15-Jun-1992 EXA - 327(1)(a) Converted from Acts Commit MACASKILL, DARYL Grant


Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 07-Jan-2000
09:30 AM 206 REV SEN SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 23-Jul-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 21-Jun-1999
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 01-Apr-1999
09:30 AM 206 REV IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 11-Aug-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 29-May-1998
09:30 AM 205 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Mar-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 03-Feb-1998
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 31-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ SP
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 30-Oct-1997
09:30 AM 206 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 02-Sep-1997
01:30 PM 205 APP IBJ
Y41864-1 MACASKILL, DARYL Grant 1 New Westminster Law Courts 25-Aug-1997
09:00 AM 206 APP IBJ

Daryl Grant MacAskill
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada


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https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/XXgDulvZVHM 170 Google Groups views alone since 2021.

https://groups.google.com/g/van.general/c/D_Tu9kVU5iM 667 Google Group views alone since 2021.


Ace Ventura
2022-08-15 17:38:25 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Two weeks to go for 'Beach House at Saratoga'

Stay tuned.
Ace Ventura
2022-08-16 15:59:23 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Greg Carr
2022-08-16 18:15:06 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Too bad you convicted jailbird slackass can't afford to pay rent or rent a car or buy a computer.


Famous faggots include far "righter" Milo, Liz Cheney, Ernst Roehm, Roy Cohn and Tory MP Eric Duncan number 7 in the Tory opposition caucus F U social conservatives from Erin O'Toole.

Fag pride 2020 was cancelled this year and the parade in Surrey has never attracted more than 200 ppl in comparison to the fagfest on Davie St. called gay pride that gets up to 400k a year. No cops allowed but please come quick if the real ppl start beating on us. For the 5th year in a row Surrey, BC has refused to fly the rainbow flag of queers the flag which excludes Black and Brown. The HSBC on 104 Ave. at Surrey Center and the CIBC at 72 Ave no longer have rainbow flags or pictures of gay couples. The rainbow gay friendly bench on 137 St. has been vandalized twice in less than a month and is no longer operable in fact it is long gone. The Options ppl who put it there do a good job of running Hyland House homeless shelter on KGH. There are other benches on 137 St which have planters on the end and are just brown benches stick to that. Boycott Esso the American owned corporation for oil and gas for their ads prominently featuring homosexuals. As of Aug. 28 that homo ad campaign is long over. Capital Direct added a woman to its long running ad with Bill Goode and their competition got rid of the Toller Cranston ad with him quoting Judy Garland gays are only 1.7% of the population what are these ad ppl thinking? KPU parking lot gay rendezvous on 72 Ave was shut down by young Indos crusing in car convoys of 15 early on in the pandemic. SFU Surrey campus should be defunded until they close their gay studies dept. Last fag I saw with his white purse red faced druggie whatever was moving quick and scared at King's Cross Mall.

Still, half of all serial killers are fags. Amazing, considering how faggots
are only 2% of the population at best.
John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy (33 kills) Straight out of the he's-such-a-nice-guy file,
This homosexual liked to dress in a homemade Pogo the Clown outfit to
entertain kids. This lonely and sadistic contractor also liked to entertain
young boys privately in a very different fashion. The prototypical organized
killer, he had all aspects of the murder worked out before each kill. Once
he entered his murderous fantasy, there was no turning back.

He enjoyed handcuffing his victims, anally raping them, beating them to a
pulp, offering to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, reciting verses
from the Bible and strangling them to death. In 1978 he was tracked down by
the police in Chicago. Thirty bodies were found buried in the crawl space
underneath his house.. As a prisoner, Johnny Boy started a new career as an
artist, painting mostly colorful clown pictures, which have been shown in
galleries nationwide. This faggot was sent to hell by lethal injection in

Jeffrey Dahmer
(homosexual cannibal)

CRIMES COMMITTED: Rape, Cannibalism, Necrophilia, Murder

The homosexual Dahmer was born in Milwaukee in 1960, Jeffrey Dahmer moved
to Ohio with his family at age six. In 1968, he was sexually molested by a
neighbor boy in rural Bath Township. Unreported at the time, the childhood
incident may play a pivotal role in understanding Dahmer's subsequent

At 10, Dahmer was "experimenting" with dead animals, decapitating rodents,
bleaching chicken bones with acid, nailing a dog's carcass to a tree and
mounting its severed head on a stake. In June 1978, Jeffrey crossed the line
from morbid "experimentation" to murder. His victim was hitchhiker Steven
Hicks, whom Jeffrey took home for a drink and some laughs. When Hicks tried
to leave, Dahmer crushed his skull with a barbell, strangled him to death,
then dismembered and buried his corpse. In 1982, he was moved into his
grandmother's house in West Allis, Wisconsin. That August, he logged an
arrest for indecent exposure at the state fair. Identical charges were filed
in September 1986, when two boys accused Dahmer of masturbating in public.
Convicted of disorderly conduct, he received a one-year suspended sentence
with orders for counseling.

On September 15, 1987, Steven Tuomi vanished in Milwaukee, the mystery
unsolved until Dahmer confessed his murder in 1991. James Doxator was the
next to die, in January 1988, followed by Richard Guerrero on March 24. By
September 1988, Jeffrey's odd hours and the stench of his "experiments" had
become too much for his grandmother, and Dahmer was asked to move out. On
September 25, he found an apartment on Milwaukee's North 25th Street.

The next day, Dahmer lured a Laotian boy to his flat, fondled him, and
offered cash for a nude modeling session. Police were called, and Dahmer was
charged with sexual assault. Convicted in January 1989, he remained free
pending a formal sentencing scheduled for May. Meanwhile, on March 25,
Dahmer slaughtered victim Anthony Sears. Sentenced to one year in jail,
Dahmer was released after 10 months. The death parade resumed with Edward
Smith, in June 1990.July's victim was Raymond Smith. Ernest Miller and David
Thomas were butchered in September. Dahmer bagged Curtis Straughter in
February. Errol Lindsey joined the list in April, followed by Anthony Hughes
in May. Konerak Sinthasomphone was the brother of the youth Dahmer molested
in 1988. Missing on May 26, 1991, he was next seen the following day, naked,
dazed and bleeding, when neighbors reported his plight to the police.
Officers questioned Dahmer, who described the boy as his adult homosexual
lover, and since Konerak spoke no English, they returned the youth to
Dahmer's custody.... and to his death.

Matt Turner killed on June 30; Jeremiah Weinberger on July 7; eight days
later, Oliver Lacy; Joseph Brandehoft on July 19. Tracy Edwards was lucky,
escaping on July 22, with handcuffs still dangling from one wrist. He
flagged a squad car down and led the officers to Dahmer's home, where the
dissected remains of 11 victims were found in acid vats and the
refrigerator. By August 22, Dahmer was charged with a total of 15 murders.
Dahmer filed a plea of not guilty by reasons of insanity, but was judged
legally sane and convicted of multiple charges of homicide. In 1992 Dahmer
was found guilty of the murders and sentenced to life imprisonment.
(Wisconsin has no death penalty)

In 1994, a follow prisoner decided to send this faggot to hell early by
murdering him in 1994.

Andrew Cunanan

This typical faggot managed to knock off five people before the feds sent
him to hell by killing him on a houseboat he was hiding out in after sending
another faggot, Gianni Versace, to hell early by shooting him to death. This
faggot was on the FBI's most wanted list for three months. Andrew was
reported upset about having the AIDS virus. This faggot started his murder
spree in New Jersey. His only straight victim was killed only because he
witness this faggot buring another dead faggot in a cemetery.

Albert Fish

Meet the patron saint of homosexual sadomasochism. Albert Fish, the
granddaddy of the deranged, enjoyed implanting needles in his genitalia,
stuffing his asshole with flaming alcohol balls, eating shit, killing
children and making stews with their remains. The father of six, Albert lost
it after his wife left him for another man. Despondent Al asked his kids to
beat him with a nail-studded paddle until he bled. He thought that he was
Christ and that God had ordered him to castrate boys. And Albert did what as
he was told, and enjoyed it. This dirty old man from hell was in the habit
of molesting and killing children of both sexes.
He was arrested after sending a letter to the parents of one of his victims,
Gracie Budd, describing what a delight it had been eating her. He was
sentenced to hell in Sing Sing in 1936. He said, "What a thrill that will be
if I have to die in the electric chair. It will be the supreme thrill, the
only one I haven't tried." He happily helped his executioners with the
electrodes and died a happy man. It is untrue the myth that the chair
short-circuited at first because of the twenty needles implanted in his

Patrick Wayne Kearney
(the trash bag killer)

The top ranked homosexual Californian freeway killer. A fastidiously neat
and organized murderer, Pat left his dismembered victims neatly wrapped in
trash bags along the Californian highways. Kearney and his homosexual
live-in lover, David D. Hill, both army veterans, lived in a meticulously
clean bachelor pad in Redondo Beach from where they started their homicidal
escapades. The "Trash Bag Murders," as they were known, started in 1975 and
ended on July 5, 1977, when the couple walked into the Sheriff's Information
Center in Riverside, saw a wanted poster of themselves and surrendered. Hill
was subsequently released for lack of evidence. Kearney shouldered the guilt
and confessed that killing "excited him and gave him a feeling of
dominance." This faggot is in prison for life to California's shame

Henry Lee Lucas & Ottis Toole

The Homosexual Tag Team from Hell: the Sadist King and the Generalisimo of
Pain. The numbers speak for themselves. As a kid, Henry Lee Lucas lost an
eye after a severe beating from his prostitute mother.
In 1976 he joined up with a homosexual and deeply psychotic retard, Ottis
Tole, to carry out numerous homicidal escapades. Ottis had a taste for human
flesh and had many of his victims for dinner. Henry, however, was not a
cannibal because, he said, he disliked the taste of barbecue sauce. He was
more of a sadist and a necrophile, preferring sex with mutilated bodies and
live or dead animals. The consummate homosexual killer couple, they enjoyed
picking up hitchhikers to satisfy their lust for blood. Sometimes, when they
didn't want to go through the hassle of killing and disposing of their prey,
they would just run over the occasional hitchhiker and continue on their
merry way. These homosexual lethal lovebirds parted ways after Ottis' teen
niece, Becky Powell, shacked up with Henry. The unfortunate lassie was later
found dismembered and stuffed in pillowcases.
After his arrest, Lucas toured the country as a star killer uncovering
evidence of his handiwork for local police departments. In 1985, Dallas
Times-Herald journalist, Hugh Aynesworth, claimed their reign of terror was
a hoax and that overzealous detectives fed the would be killers many details
of their crimes. Henry and Ottis did confess to more than 500 murders. Henry
even claimed to have taken the poison to Guyana as a favor for his good
friend Jim Jones. One of his alleged victims, a Virginia schoolteacher, was
found alive. Henry recanted on all his murders only to confess again when he
became a born-again Christian. As he awaits execution in Death Row in Texas,
Hank still mentions bits and pieces of evidence linking him to numerous
killings in 18 states. Meanwhile in Florida Ottis' was diagnosed paranoid
schizophrenic, death sentence was commuted to six life sentences and is said
to be stockpiling barbecue sauce.

Delfina & Maria de Jesus Gonzales
(female homosexuals)

These two deadly lesbian sisters ran the bordello from hell in Guanajuato,
Mexico. They recruited their prostitutes through help wanted adds and killed
them when they stopped pleasing the clientele. Sometimes they even killed
the johns who showed up to the brothel with big wads of cash. After too many
unexplained disappearances the cops raided the premises where they found the
bodies of eleven males, eighty females, and several fetuses. These dykes are
now in a Mexican prison for life.

Wayne Williams
(black homosexual)

Suspected of being the Atlanta Child Murderer, Wayne killed and raped mostly
young, black boys and dumped their bodies in the Chattahoochee River. He was
caught when he departed from his modus operandi and smoked a couple of
adults. After his arrest the killings ceased. Police say the evidence
against him was flawed and believe the case should be reopened. Wiliam's
lawyer claimed a Klansman named Charles Sanders confessed to helping the KKK
kidnap and murder twenty-one black youths. Allegedly, this evidence was
suppressed to avoid a race war. Yea right. This faggot is now in prison for

Dennis Nilsen

The British Jeffrey Dahmer. This alcoholic homosexual could not come to
grips with life in the closet and resorted to murder and necrophilia. He
would lure young men to his apartment, render them unconscious with liquor
and strangle them to death. He liked to stash their bodies under the floor
boards. Occasionally he would take one out, bathe and dress it, and pretend
to have a date. He would lay the corpse next to him in bed and masturbate.
Then, return it to the floor boards. Like Dahmer, he killed out of
loneliness. He enjoyed small talk with his friends the cadavers. He kept an
assortment of body parts around the house as company. In 1983 he was
discovered when he tried to flush human remains down the toilet, clogged the
plumbing and complained about the blocked drains.

Fritz Haarmann

Born in 1879, this perverted homosexual German pederast and his lover, Hans
Grans, stalked the train stations of post-WWI Hanover searching for young
boys. Always the enterprising killers, they would sell the flesh and
clothing of their victims for fun and profit. Their deadly trade was first
discovered in 1924 when bones from twenty-seven bodies were dredged out of
the Leine River. A coat from one of the missing boys was traced back to the
murderous faggot love birds. Once in custody, Fritz started confessing.
Haarmann enjoyed the attention he received during the trial and boasted of
having killed up to forty people. He was sent to hell on April 15, 1925. His
homosexual lover Grans, who was not involved in the killings, received a
twelve year sentence for selling stolen merchandise.

Dean Corll

Born on Christmas Eve, 1939, this Texan homosexual maniac enjoyed killing
young boys in the comfort of his own home. Dean, also known as "The
Candyman," would invite a kid into his house to sniff glue and then, when
the kid passed out, slip on the handcuffs and party in his butt before
snapping his life away. Sometimes Dean enjoyed biting the kid's dick off. In
August 1973, one of his teenage helpers, Elmer Wayne Henley, shot and killed
the portly homosexual psychopath after saying he would help him snatch more
youngsters. Police found seventeen bodies under the floor of a boat house
Dean rented as well as a bag of severed genitalia.

Bruce Lee
(not the movie star)

Not to be confused with the martial arts legend, but instead a deformed
homosexual epileptic pyromaniac who legally changed his name in honor of his
Kung-Fu-kicking hero. This British arsonist once torched an old man after
arguing with him over what to feed the pigeons. He killed eleven more people
when he set an old age home ablaze. In 1980 British police arrested him in a
public bathroom frequented by gay men looking for blow jobs. He confessed to
all his crimes and is now locked up in an insane asylum practicing his
Kung-Fu kicks.

Juan Corona

Corona, a homosexual Mexican labor contractor in Northern California, was
charged with hacking twenty-five men to death. His handiwork was uncovered
in 1971 in a peach orchard near his home. Most of the victims were drunken
transients and migrant workers who no one missed. The killings bore signs of
homosexual assaults, which lead people to believe that the killer could be
Juan's openly gay brother. Corona, a burly father of four, was linked to the
murders through a couple of receipts found in the clothing of two of the
dead. While in prison, Juan lost an eye when he was attacked by four

Norman Afzal Simons

Norm is believed to be South Africa's "Station Strangler." He is presently
serving a 25-year sentence for the 1994 murder of 10-year-old Elroy van
Rooyen. Since 1986 South African authorities have been stumped by the
growing body count of young boys of mixed race appearing dead around Cape
Town. At one point they asked for help from the Interpol and the FBI. Robert
Ressler, the retired FBI expert who coined the term serial killer was called
in to develop a psychological profile of the killer. With Ressler's profile
in hand authorities believe they have nabbed their killer. Police think
Simons is the "Station Strangler," South Africa's most notorious serial
killer, who may have killed 21 boys and a young man, all of mixed-race,
during an eight-year murder spree.

The "Station Strangler" is believed to have lured his victims away from
train stations. Most were found in shallow graves around Cape Town after
being sodomized and strangled. One body was found with a note that read:
"One more, many more in store." Elroy, his final victim, was last seen
boarding a train with Simons at Cape Town's Strand train station. His body
was found 10 days later with his hands tied behind his back. According to
police, Simons claimed his brother, who was murdered in 1991, was living
inside him. He also he heard voices ordering him to kill. Apparently the
voices started after his brother sodomized him.

Carl Panzram

The most unrepentant homosexual killer of them all. Carl started his
criminal career by getting arrested at age eight for drunk and disorderly
behavior. It was downhill ever since. His killing spree spanned two
continents. While in Africa he hired eight blacks to help him hunt
crocodiles. Instead, he killed his hired hands, sodomized their corpses and
fed them to the hungry reptiles. He boasted of committing thousands of
robberies, larcenies, arsons and having sodomized a thousand men. He was
sent to hell in 1930 for killing the laundry foreman in prison. Even when
he was at the scaffold he meanly snapped at the executioner, "Hurry it up,
you bastard. I could hang a dozen men while you're fooling around."

Larry Eyler

A homosexual killer struggling with life in the closet. Larry took
satisfaction wherever he could and then disposed of the evidence. At one
point, as the police investigated him, he sued them for half a million
dollars for "psychological warfare". At his first trial the evidence against
him was found inadmissible in court and Eyler walked out on bail to carry on
with his deadly forays. Eventually, his arrogance led to his undoing when he
dumped the dismembered body of a male hustler in his garbage. His handiwork
got him the death penalty.

William Bonin

This Downey, California, faggot truck driver became known as the "The
Freeway Killer" for his rape and murder spree during the late seventies. A
sadistic, Vietnam vet, Billy boy liked to pick up male, teenage hitchhikers
to rape and strangle along the freeways of Southern California. Like most
serial killers, Bonin was the product of an abusive childhood in the hands
of his alcoholic father and was thought to have been repeatedly sexually
assaulted by his maternal grandfather. He also had brain damage in areas
thought to restrain violent impulses and was manic-depressive. He was sent
to hell in 1996.

Marcelo Costa de Andrade

This mama's boy and religious homosexual psychopath of inoffensive
appearance is Brazil's most famous serial killer. The son of poor migrants
from the Northeast, Marcelo grew up in the Rocinha Slum in Rio de Janeiro.
He lived without running water and was beaten with regularity by his
grandfather, his stepfather and his stepmother. When he was 10 he was
sexually abused. At 14 he began to prostitute himself for a living. He was
sent to a reform school, but escaped. Still hustling by 16, he began a long
lasting homosexual relationship with an older man. At 17 he tried to rape
his 10-year-old brother.
When he was 23 his homosexual relationship ended and he came back to live
with his mother and brothers who had moved to Itaborai, another slum on the
other side of the polluted Guanabara Bay. There he found a a low-paying job
distributing flyers for a shop in the district of Copacabana. He also joined
the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and started going to church four
times a week. Despite some idiosyncrasies and his odd and incoherent
laughter, his life seemed normal. That is, until April 1991, at age 24, when
he started to kill.

Over a nine-month period Marcelo tallied 14 dead. His victims of choice were
poor street urchins whom he attracted to deserted areas, raped and
strangled. He also practiced necrophilia, decapitated one of the boys,
crushed the head of another, and, in two occasions, drank their blood. Later
he confessed his vampiric thirst was merely "to become as beautiful as
them." Violence in Rio is common and the daily body count is so high that
authorities never suspected the growing number of disappearing street
urchins to be the handywork of a serial killer. Usually they are the victims
of choice for warped vigilante groups trying to clean up the streets. Quite
the humanitarian Andrade later confessed, "I preferred young boys because
they are better looking and have soft skin. And the priest said that
children automatically go to heaven if they die before they're thirteen. So
I know I did them a favor by sending them to heaven."

In December of 1991 his killing spree came to an end when he "fell in love"
with ten-year-old Altair de Abreu and spared his life. Marcello met the
young beggar and his six-year-old brother Ivan in the Niteroi bus terminal.
He offered them money to help him light candles for a saint in Saint
George's church. The lucky survivor later told police, "We were heading for
a church, but as we crossed a vacant lot, Marcelo suddenly turned on Ivan
and started strangling him. I was so paralyzed by fear I could not run away.
I watched in horror, tears streaming down my cheeks, as he killed and then
raped my brother. When he was finished with Ivan, he turned to me, hugged
me, and said he loved me." Then he asked Altair to live with him. Scared to
death, the boy agreed to spend the night with Marcelo in the bushes.

The next morning, the lovestruck killer took Altair to work with him. When
they arrived the office was closed. The terrified youngster was able to
escape. He hitchhiked his way back home and told his mother that he had got
lost of his brother. A few days later, pressed by his sister, the boy told
the truth. In the meantime Marcelo, A truly considerate killer, had returned
to the crime scene to tuck the hands of his victim inside his shorts, "so
that the rats couldn't gnaw the fingers."

When young Ivan's family went to the police, Marcelo, who had maintained his
daily routine, was calmly arrested in the Rio shop where he worked. "I
thought you would come yesterday," he told the arresting officers. At first,
police thought Ivan's murder was an isolated case. However, two months later
Marcelo's dotting mother was called to testify about her son's strange
behavior. One night, she said, he left home with a machete "to cut bananas."
Apparently he returned the next morning with no bananas. Eventually Marcelo
did confess to 14 killings and led police to the remains of his other
victims. As Brazil's star killer, he asked police if anywhere in the world
there was a case like his, and stated he killed because: "I liked the boys
and I didn't want them to go to hell."

Johannes Mashiane

Known as "The Beast of Atteridgeville", this South African, slayer sodomized
and killed 12 boys by either strangling or stoning them. In October 1989 the
lethal sodomite died when he jumped under a bus in Marabastad while being
chased by police. An intended 13th victim, who Mashiane had left for dead,
survived to tell the tale.

Thomas Quick

Sweden's premiere homosexual serial killer. Tommy Boy killed at least 10
people during a two-year rampage He committed his first murder when he was
14. He enjoyed killing young boys and having sex with their corpses. He also
killed a Dutch family vacationing in the north of Sweden. His permanent
residence is now located in a Hospital for the criminally insane in Dalarna,
Sweden. While in custody Thomas confessed to six killings in Norway. Police
are now investigating the validity of his claims though no bodies have been

Peter Kurten

Pete was born in 1883 in Germany. A product of a brutally unhappy childhood,
Peter got his kicks by strangling squirrels and beating off dogs. When he
was nine he helped two boys drown in a boating accident. As a teen-ager he
graduated to fucking sheep and goats and knifing them to achieve orgasm.
From 1905 to 1921 Pete was constantly in jail. Once he was out he was free
to kill with impunity. Pete earned the moniker "The Vampire of Dusseldorf"
because he enjoyed drinking the blood of his victims. He also killed animals
when he was feeling thirsty. On occasions he delighted in setting fires to
abandoned buildings hoping to roast whatever transients might be sleeping

After eight more kills of boys, this faggot was sent to hell.

Alton Coleman

Alton Coleman, a homosexual black man, thought other blacks were forcing him
to kill members of his race. He was diagnosed by a prison psychiatrist as
having pansexual propensities, that is, willingness "to have intercourse
with any object, women, men, children, whatever." In the summer of 1984, he
killed eight people in a brutal rampage across the midwest. This faggot was
arrested in Evanston, Illinois, after a crime spree in which he committed a
new act of violence each day. Alton was sentenced to death.
Robert Berdella

Bobby was a strange but harmless fellow, or so his Kansas City neighbors
thought. That is, until April 2, 1988, when a man ran out of his house
wearing nothing but a dog collar and babbling a frightening tale of sadism
and sexual cruelty. It seems that Rob liked to pick up drifters and male
prostitutes, take them home and strap them into his custom-made torture bed.
There he would experiment with electroshock and injecting all kinds of
household cleaners into them. He kept a detailed log of how his victims
responded and had a collection of two hundred pictures of naked men in
different stages of suffering. Bob liked to extend the life of his victims
for a few days before tying a plastic bag over their heads. On December 19,
1988, Berdella pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to life. A few
years later he died in prison of poisoning or a possible heart attack and is
now residing in hell.

Colin Ireland

Known in London as the "Gay Sayer", Colin strived to be known as a serial
killer. For this purpose he strangled five homosexual men. Robert Ressler
states in "However Fights Monsters" that one has to commit five murders to
become a serial killer. Colin read the book and did exactly that. He
meticulously planned each murder as he set out to become a famous serial
killer. He chose homosexual sado-masochistic men because they were willing
to get tied up and sodomized before killing them. Also, he believed that the
public would feel less sympathy for them. Before his arrest he taunted the
cops with rambling calls claiming responsibility for the murders and
threatening to keep striking once a week. He even stated "I have got the
book, I know how many you have to do..."

Luke Magnota and that Macarthur guy in Toronto are also queers who killed other homosexuals as was the Pulse Nightclub shooter since the list above was compiled.
Ace Ventura
2022-08-16 18:17:57 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Too bad you convicted jailbird slackass can't afford to pay rent or rent a car or buy a computer.
Famous faggots include far "righter" Milo, Liz Cheney, Ernst Roehm, Roy Cohn and Tory MP Eric Duncan number 7 in the Tory opposition caucus F U social conservatives from Erin O'Toole.
Fag pride 2020 was cancelled this year and the parade in Surrey has never attracted more than 200 ppl in comparison to the fagfest on Davie St. called gay pride that gets up to 400k a year. No cops allowed but please come quick if the real ppl start beating on us. For the 5th year in a row Surrey, BC has refused to fly the rainbow flag of queers the flag which excludes Black and Brown. The HSBC on 104 Ave. at Surrey Center and the CIBC at 72 Ave no longer have rainbow flags or pictures of gay couples. The rainbow gay friendly bench on 137 St. has been vandalized twice in less than a month and is no longer operable in fact it is long gone. The Options ppl who put it there do a good job of running Hyland House homeless shelter on KGH. There are other benches on 137 St which have planters on the end and are just brown benches stick to that. Boycott Esso the American owned corporation for oil and gas for their ads prominently featuring homosexuals. As of Aug. 28 that homo ad campaign is long over. Capital Direct added a woman to its long running ad with Bill Goode and their competition got rid of the Toller Cranston ad with him quoting Judy Garland gays are only 1.7% of the population what are these ad ppl thinking? KPU parking lot gay rendezvous on 72 Ave was shut down by young Indos crusing in car convoys of 15 early on in the pandemic. SFU Surrey campus should be defunded until they close their gay studies dept. Last fag I saw with his white purse red faced druggie whatever was moving quick and scared at King's Cross Mall.
Still, half of all serial killers are fags. Amazing, considering how faggots
are only 2% of the population at best.
John Wayne Gacy
John Wayne Gacy (33 kills) Straight out of the he's-such-a-nice-guy file,
This homosexual liked to dress in a homemade Pogo the Clown outfit to
entertain kids. This lonely and sadistic contractor also liked to entertain
young boys privately in a very different fashion. The prototypical organized
killer, he had all aspects of the murder worked out before each kill. Once
he entered his murderous fantasy, there was no turning back.
He enjoyed handcuffing his victims, anally raping them, beating them to a
pulp, offering to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, reciting verses
from the Bible and strangling them to death. In 1978 he was tracked down by
the police in Chicago. Thirty bodies were found buried in the crawl space
underneath his house.. As a prisoner, Johnny Boy started a new career as an
artist, painting mostly colorful clown pictures, which have been shown in
galleries nationwide. This faggot was sent to hell by lethal injection in
Jeffrey Dahmer
(homosexual cannibal)
CRIMES COMMITTED: Rape, Cannibalism, Necrophilia, Murder
The homosexual Dahmer was born in Milwaukee in 1960, Jeffrey Dahmer moved
to Ohio with his family at age six. In 1968, he was sexually molested by a
neighbor boy in rural Bath Township. Unreported at the time, the childhood
incident may play a pivotal role in understanding Dahmer's subsequent
At 10, Dahmer was "experimenting" with dead animals, decapitating rodents,
bleaching chicken bones with acid, nailing a dog's carcass to a tree and
mounting its severed head on a stake. In June 1978, Jeffrey crossed the line
from morbid "experimentation" to murder. His victim was hitchhiker Steven
Hicks, whom Jeffrey took home for a drink and some laughs. When Hicks tried
to leave, Dahmer crushed his skull with a barbell, strangled him to death,
then dismembered and buried his corpse. In 1982, he was moved into his
grandmother's house in West Allis, Wisconsin. That August, he logged an
arrest for indecent exposure at the state fair. Identical charges were filed
in September 1986, when two boys accused Dahmer of masturbating in public.
Convicted of disorderly conduct, he received a one-year suspended sentence
with orders for counseling.
On September 15, 1987, Steven Tuomi vanished in Milwaukee, the mystery
unsolved until Dahmer confessed his murder in 1991. James Doxator was the
next to die, in January 1988, followed by Richard Guerrero on March 24. By
September 1988, Jeffrey's odd hours and the stench of his "experiments" had
become too much for his grandmother, and Dahmer was asked to move out. On
September 25, he found an apartment on Milwaukee's North 25th Street.
The next day, Dahmer lured a Laotian boy to his flat, fondled him, and
offered cash for a nude modeling session. Police were called, and Dahmer was
charged with sexual assault. Convicted in January 1989, he remained free
pending a formal sentencing scheduled for May. Meanwhile, on March 25,
Dahmer slaughtered victim Anthony Sears. Sentenced to one year in jail,
Dahmer was released after 10 months. The death parade resumed with Edward
Smith, in June 1990.July's victim was Raymond Smith. Ernest Miller and David
Thomas were butchered in September. Dahmer bagged Curtis Straughter in
February. Errol Lindsey joined the list in April, followed by Anthony Hughes
in May. Konerak Sinthasomphone was the brother of the youth Dahmer molested
in 1988. Missing on May 26, 1991, he was next seen the following day, naked,
dazed and bleeding, when neighbors reported his plight to the police.
Officers questioned Dahmer, who described the boy as his adult homosexual
lover, and since Konerak spoke no English, they returned the youth to
Dahmer's custody.... and to his death.
Matt Turner killed on June 30; Jeremiah Weinberger on July 7; eight days
later, Oliver Lacy; Joseph Brandehoft on July 19. Tracy Edwards was lucky,
escaping on July 22, with handcuffs still dangling from one wrist. He
flagged a squad car down and led the officers to Dahmer's home, where the
dissected remains of 11 victims were found in acid vats and the
refrigerator. By August 22, Dahmer was charged with a total of 15 murders.
Dahmer filed a plea of not guilty by reasons of insanity, but was judged
legally sane and convicted of multiple charges of homicide. In 1992 Dahmer
was found guilty of the murders and sentenced to life imprisonment.
(Wisconsin has no death penalty)
In 1994, a follow prisoner decided to send this faggot to hell early by
murdering him in 1994.
Andrew Cunanan
This typical faggot managed to knock off five people before the feds sent
him to hell by killing him on a houseboat he was hiding out in after sending
another faggot, Gianni Versace, to hell early by shooting him to death. This
faggot was on the FBI's most wanted list for three months. Andrew was
reported upset about having the AIDS virus. This faggot started his murder
spree in New Jersey. His only straight victim was killed only because he
witness this faggot buring another dead faggot in a cemetery.
Albert Fish
Meet the patron saint of homosexual sadomasochism. Albert Fish, the
granddaddy of the deranged, enjoyed implanting needles in his genitalia,
stuffing his asshole with flaming alcohol balls, eating shit, killing
children and making stews with their remains. The father of six, Albert lost
it after his wife left him for another man. Despondent Al asked his kids to
beat him with a nail-studded paddle until he bled. He thought that he was
Christ and that God had ordered him to castrate boys. And Albert did what as
he was told, and enjoyed it. This dirty old man from hell was in the habit
of molesting and killing children of both sexes.
He was arrested after sending a letter to the parents of one of his victims,
Gracie Budd, describing what a delight it had been eating her. He was
sentenced to hell in Sing Sing in 1936. He said, "What a thrill that will be
if I have to die in the electric chair. It will be the supreme thrill, the
only one I haven't tried." He happily helped his executioners with the
electrodes and died a happy man. It is untrue the myth that the chair
short-circuited at first because of the twenty needles implanted in his
Patrick Wayne Kearney
(the trash bag killer)
The top ranked homosexual Californian freeway killer. A fastidiously neat
and organized murderer, Pat left his dismembered victims neatly wrapped in
trash bags along the Californian highways. Kearney and his homosexual
live-in lover, David D. Hill, both army veterans, lived in a meticulously
clean bachelor pad in Redondo Beach from where they started their homicidal
escapades. The "Trash Bag Murders," as they were known, started in 1975 and
ended on July 5, 1977, when the couple walked into the Sheriff's Information
Center in Riverside, saw a wanted poster of themselves and surrendered. Hill
was subsequently released for lack of evidence. Kearney shouldered the guilt
and confessed that killing "excited him and gave him a feeling of
dominance." This faggot is in prison for life to California's shame
Henry Lee Lucas & Ottis Toole
The Homosexual Tag Team from Hell: the Sadist King and the Generalisimo of
Pain. The numbers speak for themselves. As a kid, Henry Lee Lucas lost an
eye after a severe beating from his prostitute mother.
In 1976 he joined up with a homosexual and deeply psychotic retard, Ottis
Tole, to carry out numerous homicidal escapades. Ottis had a taste for human
flesh and had many of his victims for dinner. Henry, however, was not a
cannibal because, he said, he disliked the taste of barbecue sauce. He was
more of a sadist and a necrophile, preferring sex with mutilated bodies and
live or dead animals. The consummate homosexual killer couple, they enjoyed
picking up hitchhikers to satisfy their lust for blood. Sometimes, when they
didn't want to go through the hassle of killing and disposing of their prey,
they would just run over the occasional hitchhiker and continue on their
merry way. These homosexual lethal lovebirds parted ways after Ottis' teen
niece, Becky Powell, shacked up with Henry. The unfortunate lassie was later
found dismembered and stuffed in pillowcases.
After his arrest, Lucas toured the country as a star killer uncovering
evidence of his handiwork for local police departments. In 1985, Dallas
Times-Herald journalist, Hugh Aynesworth, claimed their reign of terror was
a hoax and that overzealous detectives fed the would be killers many details
of their crimes. Henry and Ottis did confess to more than 500 murders. Henry
even claimed to have taken the poison to Guyana as a favor for his good
friend Jim Jones. One of his alleged victims, a Virginia schoolteacher, was
found alive. Henry recanted on all his murders only to confess again when he
became a born-again Christian. As he awaits execution in Death Row in Texas,
Hank still mentions bits and pieces of evidence linking him to numerous
killings in 18 states. Meanwhile in Florida Ottis' was diagnosed paranoid
schizophrenic, death sentence was commuted to six life sentences and is said
to be stockpiling barbecue sauce.
Delfina & Maria de Jesus Gonzales
(female homosexuals)
These two deadly lesbian sisters ran the bordello from hell in Guanajuato,
Mexico. They recruited their prostitutes through help wanted adds and killed
them when they stopped pleasing the clientele. Sometimes they even killed
the johns who showed up to the brothel with big wads of cash. After too many
unexplained disappearances the cops raided the premises where they found the
bodies of eleven males, eighty females, and several fetuses. These dykes are
now in a Mexican prison for life.
Wayne Williams
(black homosexual)
Suspected of being the Atlanta Child Murderer, Wayne killed and raped mostly
young, black boys and dumped their bodies in the Chattahoochee River. He was
caught when he departed from his modus operandi and smoked a couple of
adults. After his arrest the killings ceased. Police say the evidence
against him was flawed and believe the case should be reopened. Wiliam's
lawyer claimed a Klansman named Charles Sanders confessed to helping the KKK
kidnap and murder twenty-one black youths. Allegedly, this evidence was
suppressed to avoid a race war. Yea right. This faggot is now in prison for
Dennis Nilsen
The British Jeffrey Dahmer. This alcoholic homosexual could not come to
grips with life in the closet and resorted to murder and necrophilia. He
would lure young men to his apartment, render them unconscious with liquor
and strangle them to death. He liked to stash their bodies under the floor
boards. Occasionally he would take one out, bathe and dress it, and pretend
to have a date. He would lay the corpse next to him in bed and masturbate.
Then, return it to the floor boards. Like Dahmer, he killed out of
loneliness. He enjoyed small talk with his friends the cadavers. He kept an
assortment of body parts around the house as company. In 1983 he was
discovered when he tried to flush human remains down the toilet, clogged the
plumbing and complained about the blocked drains.
Fritz Haarmann
Born in 1879, this perverted homosexual German pederast and his lover, Hans
Grans, stalked the train stations of post-WWI Hanover searching for young
boys. Always the enterprising killers, they would sell the flesh and
clothing of their victims for fun and profit. Their deadly trade was first
discovered in 1924 when bones from twenty-seven bodies were dredged out of
the Leine River. A coat from one of the missing boys was traced back to the
murderous faggot love birds. Once in custody, Fritz started confessing.
Haarmann enjoyed the attention he received during the trial and boasted of
having killed up to forty people. He was sent to hell on April 15, 1925. His
homosexual lover Grans, who was not involved in the killings, received a
twelve year sentence for selling stolen merchandise.
Dean Corll
Born on Christmas Eve, 1939, this Texan homosexual maniac enjoyed killing
young boys in the comfort of his own home. Dean, also known as "The
Candyman," would invite a kid into his house to sniff glue and then, when
the kid passed out, slip on the handcuffs and party in his butt before
snapping his life away. Sometimes Dean enjoyed biting the kid's dick off. In
August 1973, one of his teenage helpers, Elmer Wayne Henley, shot and killed
the portly homosexual psychopath after saying he would help him snatch more
youngsters. Police found seventeen bodies under the floor of a boat house
Dean rented as well as a bag of severed genitalia.
Bruce Lee
(not the movie star)
Not to be confused with the martial arts legend, but instead a deformed
homosexual epileptic pyromaniac who legally changed his name in honor of his
Kung-Fu-kicking hero. This British arsonist once torched an old man after
arguing with him over what to feed the pigeons. He killed eleven more people
when he set an old age home ablaze. In 1980 British police arrested him in a
public bathroom frequented by gay men looking for blow jobs. He confessed to
all his crimes and is now locked up in an insane asylum practicing his
Kung-Fu kicks.
Juan Corona
Corona, a homosexual Mexican labor contractor in Northern California, was
charged with hacking twenty-five men to death. His handiwork was uncovered
in 1971 in a peach orchard near his home. Most of the victims were drunken
transients and migrant workers who no one missed. The killings bore signs of
homosexual assaults, which lead people to believe that the killer could be
Juan's openly gay brother. Corona, a burly father of four, was linked to the
murders through a couple of receipts found in the clothing of two of the
dead. While in prison, Juan lost an eye when he was attacked by four
Norman Afzal Simons
Norm is believed to be South Africa's "Station Strangler." He is presently
serving a 25-year sentence for the 1994 murder of 10-year-old Elroy van
Rooyen. Since 1986 South African authorities have been stumped by the
growing body count of young boys of mixed race appearing dead around Cape
Town. At one point they asked for help from the Interpol and the FBI. Robert
Ressler, the retired FBI expert who coined the term serial killer was called
in to develop a psychological profile of the killer. With Ressler's profile
in hand authorities believe they have nabbed their killer. Police think
Simons is the "Station Strangler," South Africa's most notorious serial
killer, who may have killed 21 boys and a young man, all of mixed-race,
during an eight-year murder spree.
The "Station Strangler" is believed to have lured his victims away from
train stations. Most were found in shallow graves around Cape Town after
"One more, many more in store." Elroy, his final victim, was last seen
boarding a train with Simons at Cape Town's Strand train station. His body
was found 10 days later with his hands tied behind his back. According to
police, Simons claimed his brother, who was murdered in 1991, was living
inside him. He also he heard voices ordering him to kill. Apparently the
voices started after his brother sodomized him.
Carl Panzram
The most unrepentant homosexual killer of them all. Carl started his
criminal career by getting arrested at age eight for drunk and disorderly
behavior. It was downhill ever since. His killing spree spanned two
continents. While in Africa he hired eight blacks to help him hunt
crocodiles. Instead, he killed his hired hands, sodomized their corpses and
fed them to the hungry reptiles. He boasted of committing thousands of
robberies, larcenies, arsons and having sodomized a thousand men. He was
sent to hell in 1930 for killing the laundry foreman in prison. Even when
he was at the scaffold he meanly snapped at the executioner, "Hurry it up,
you bastard. I could hang a dozen men while you're fooling around."
Larry Eyler
A homosexual killer struggling with life in the closet. Larry took
satisfaction wherever he could and then disposed of the evidence. At one
point, as the police investigated him, he sued them for half a million
dollars for "psychological warfare". At his first trial the evidence against
him was found inadmissible in court and Eyler walked out on bail to carry on
with his deadly forays. Eventually, his arrogance led to his undoing when he
dumped the dismembered body of a male hustler in his garbage. His handiwork
got him the death penalty.
William Bonin
This Downey, California, faggot truck driver became known as the "The
Freeway Killer" for his rape and murder spree during the late seventies. A
sadistic, Vietnam vet, Billy boy liked to pick up male, teenage hitchhikers
to rape and strangle along the freeways of Southern California. Like most
serial killers, Bonin was the product of an abusive childhood in the hands
of his alcoholic father and was thought to have been repeatedly sexually
assaulted by his maternal grandfather. He also had brain damage in areas
thought to restrain violent impulses and was manic-depressive. He was sent
to hell in 1996.
Marcelo Costa de Andrade
This mama's boy and religious homosexual psychopath of inoffensive
appearance is Brazil's most famous serial killer. The son of poor migrants
from the Northeast, Marcelo grew up in the Rocinha Slum in Rio de Janeiro.
He lived without running water and was beaten with regularity by his
grandfather, his stepfather and his stepmother. When he was 10 he was
sexually abused. At 14 he began to prostitute himself for a living. He was
sent to a reform school, but escaped. Still hustling by 16, he began a long
lasting homosexual relationship with an older man. At 17 he tried to rape
his 10-year-old brother.
When he was 23 his homosexual relationship ended and he came back to live
with his mother and brothers who had moved to Itaborai, another slum on the
other side of the polluted Guanabara Bay. There he found a a low-paying job
distributing flyers for a shop in the district of Copacabana. He also joined
the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and started going to church four
times a week. Despite some idiosyncrasies and his odd and incoherent
laughter, his life seemed normal. That is, until April 1991, at age 24, when
he started to kill.
Over a nine-month period Marcelo tallied 14 dead. His victims of choice were
poor street urchins whom he attracted to deserted areas, raped and
strangled. He also practiced necrophilia, decapitated one of the boys,
crushed the head of another, and, in two occasions, drank their blood. Later
he confessed his vampiric thirst was merely "to become as beautiful as
them." Violence in Rio is common and the daily body count is so high that
authorities never suspected the growing number of disappearing street
urchins to be the handywork of a serial killer. Usually they are the victims
of choice for warped vigilante groups trying to clean up the streets. Quite
the humanitarian Andrade later confessed, "I preferred young boys because
they are better looking and have soft skin. And the priest said that
children automatically go to heaven if they die before they're thirteen. So
I know I did them a favor by sending them to heaven."
In December of 1991 his killing spree came to an end when he "fell in love"
with ten-year-old Altair de Abreu and spared his life. Marcello met the
young beggar and his six-year-old brother Ivan in the Niteroi bus terminal.
He offered them money to help him light candles for a saint in Saint
George's church. The lucky survivor later told police, "We were heading for
a church, but as we crossed a vacant lot, Marcelo suddenly turned on Ivan
and started strangling him. I was so paralyzed by fear I could not run away.
I watched in horror, tears streaming down my cheeks, as he killed and then
raped my brother. When he was finished with Ivan, he turned to me, hugged
me, and said he loved me." Then he asked Altair to live with him. Scared to
death, the boy agreed to spend the night with Marcelo in the bushes.
The next morning, the lovestruck killer took Altair to work with him. When
they arrived the office was closed. The terrified youngster was able to
escape. He hitchhiked his way back home and told his mother that he had got
lost of his brother. A few days later, pressed by his sister, the boy told
the truth. In the meantime Marcelo, A truly considerate killer, had returned
to the crime scene to tuck the hands of his victim inside his shorts, "so
that the rats couldn't gnaw the fingers."
When young Ivan's family went to the police, Marcelo, who had maintained his
daily routine, was calmly arrested in the Rio shop where he worked. "I
thought you would come yesterday," he told the arresting officers. At first,
police thought Ivan's murder was an isolated case. However, two months later
Marcelo's dotting mother was called to testify about her son's strange
behavior. One night, she said, he left home with a machete "to cut bananas."
Apparently he returned the next morning with no bananas. Eventually Marcelo
did confess to 14 killings and led police to the remains of his other
victims. As Brazil's star killer, he asked police if anywhere in the world
there was a case like his, and stated he killed because: "I liked the boys
and I didn't want them to go to hell."
Johannes Mashiane
Known as "The Beast of Atteridgeville", this South African, slayer sodomized
and killed 12 boys by either strangling or stoning them. In October 1989 the
lethal sodomite died when he jumped under a bus in Marabastad while being
chased by police. An intended 13th victim, who Mashiane had left for dead,
survived to tell the tale.
Thomas Quick
Sweden's premiere homosexual serial killer. Tommy Boy killed at least 10
people during a two-year rampage He committed his first murder when he was
14. He enjoyed killing young boys and having sex with their corpses. He also
killed a Dutch family vacationing in the north of Sweden. His permanent
residence is now located in a Hospital for the criminally insane in Dalarna,
Sweden. While in custody Thomas confessed to six killings in Norway. Police
are now investigating the validity of his claims though no bodies have been
Peter Kurten
Pete was born in 1883 in Germany. A product of a brutally unhappy childhood,
Peter got his kicks by strangling squirrels and beating off dogs. When he
was nine he helped two boys drown in a boating accident. As a teen-ager he
graduated to fucking sheep and goats and knifing them to achieve orgasm.
From 1905 to 1921 Pete was constantly in jail. Once he was out he was free
to kill with impunity. Pete earned the moniker "The Vampire of Dusseldorf"
because he enjoyed drinking the blood of his victims. He also killed animals
when he was feeling thirsty. On occasions he delighted in setting fires to
abandoned buildings hoping to roast whatever transients might be sleeping
After eight more kills of boys, this faggot was sent to hell.
Alton Coleman
Alton Coleman, a homosexual black man, thought other blacks were forcing him
to kill members of his race. He was diagnosed by a prison psychiatrist as
having pansexual propensities, that is, willingness "to have intercourse
with any object, women, men, children, whatever." In the summer of 1984, he
killed eight people in a brutal rampage across the midwest. This faggot was
arrested in Evanston, Illinois, after a crime spree in which he committed a
new act of violence each day. Alton was sentenced to death.
Robert Berdella
Bobby was a strange but harmless fellow, or so his Kansas City neighbors
thought. That is, until April 2, 1988, when a man ran out of his house
wearing nothing but a dog collar and babbling a frightening tale of sadism
and sexual cruelty. It seems that Rob liked to pick up drifters and male
prostitutes, take them home and strap them into his custom-made torture bed.
There he would experiment with electroshock and injecting all kinds of
household cleaners into them. He kept a detailed log of how his victims
responded and had a collection of two hundred pictures of naked men in
different stages of suffering. Bob liked to extend the life of his victims
for a few days before tying a plastic bag over their heads. On December 19,
1988, Berdella pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to life. A few
years later he died in prison of poisoning or a possible heart attack and is
now residing in hell.
Colin Ireland
Known in London as the "Gay Sayer", Colin strived to be known as a serial
killer. For this purpose he strangled five homosexual men. Robert Ressler
states in "However Fights Monsters" that one has to commit five murders to
become a serial killer. Colin read the book and did exactly that. He
meticulously planned each murder as he set out to become a famous serial
killer. He chose homosexual sado-masochistic men because they were willing
to get tied up and sodomized before killing them. Also, he believed that the
public would feel less sympathy for them. Before his arrest he taunted the
cops with rambling calls claiming responsibility for the murders and
threatening to keep striking once a week. He even stated "I have got the
book, I know how many you have to do..."
Luke Magnota and that Macarthur guy in Toronto are also queers who killed other homosexuals as was the Pulse Nightclub shooter since the list above was compiled.
Complaint to BCFSA ...

Although THIS TIME agents are disclosing the TC-1 zoning, they are misrepresenting financing.

One must note Mr. van der Walle does NOT have the funds to complete and he has stated as much publically on Sedar. This unfinished wood frame structure was started in Feb. Anybody buying this garbage may never see it completed and that is a fact. That may be true by month end.

Greg Carr
2022-08-17 02:17:24 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Too bad you convicted jailbird slackass can't afford to pay rent or rent a car or buy a computer.
Famous faggots include far "righter" Milo, Liz Cheney, Ernst Roehm, Roy Cohn and Tory MP Eric Duncan number 7 in the Tory opposition caucus F U social conservatives from Erin O'Toole.
Fag pride 2020 was cancelled this year and the parade in Surrey has never attracted more than 200 ppl in comparison to the fagfest on Davie St. called gay pride that gets up to 400k a year. No cops allowed but please come quick if the real ppl start beating on us. For the 5th year in a row Surrey, BC has refused to fly the rainbow flag of queers the flag which excludes Black and Brown. The HSBC on 104 Ave. at Surrey Center and the CIBC at 72 Ave no longer have rainbow flags or pictures of gay couples. The rainbow gay friendly bench on 137 St. has been vandalized twice in less than a month and is no longer operable in fact it is long gone. The Options ppl who put it there do a good job of running Hyland House homeless shelter on KGH. There are other benches on 137 St which have planters on the end and are just brown benches stick to that. Boycott Esso the American owned corporation for oil and gas for their ads prominently featuring homosexuals. As of Aug. 28 that homo ad campaign is long over. Capital Direct added a woman to its long running ad with Bill Goode and their competition got rid of the Toller Cranston ad with him quoting Judy Garland gays are only 1.7% of the population what are these ad ppl thinking? KPU parking lot gay rendezvous on 72 Ave was shut down by young Indos crusing in car convoys of 15 early on in the pandemic. SFU Surrey campus should be defunded until they close their gay studies dept. Last fag I saw with his white purse red faced druggie whatever was moving quick and scared at King's Cross Mall.
Still, half of all serial killers are fags. Amazing, considering how faggots
are only 2% of the population at best.
John Wayne Gacy
John Wayne Gacy (33 kills) Straight out of the he's-such-a-nice-guy file,
This homosexual liked to dress in a homemade Pogo the Clown outfit to
entertain kids. This lonely and sadistic contractor also liked to entertain
young boys privately in a very different fashion. The prototypical organized
killer, he had all aspects of the murder worked out before each kill. Once
he entered his murderous fantasy, there was no turning back.
He enjoyed handcuffing his victims, anally raping them, beating them to a
pulp, offering to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, reciting verses
from the Bible and strangling them to death. In 1978 he was tracked down by
the police in Chicago. Thirty bodies were found buried in the crawl space
underneath his house.. As a prisoner, Johnny Boy started a new career as an
artist, painting mostly colorful clown pictures, which have been shown in
galleries nationwide. This faggot was sent to hell by lethal injection in
Jeffrey Dahmer
(homosexual cannibal)
CRIMES COMMITTED: Rape, Cannibalism, Necrophilia, Murder
The homosexual Dahmer was born in Milwaukee in 1960, Jeffrey Dahmer moved
to Ohio with his family at age six. In 1968, he was sexually molested by a
neighbor boy in rural Bath Township. Unreported at the time, the childhood
incident may play a pivotal role in understanding Dahmer's subsequent
At 10, Dahmer was "experimenting" with dead animals, decapitating rodents,
bleaching chicken bones with acid, nailing a dog's carcass to a tree and
mounting its severed head on a stake. In June 1978, Jeffrey crossed the line
from morbid "experimentation" to murder. His victim was hitchhiker Steven
Hicks, whom Jeffrey took home for a drink and some laughs. When Hicks tried
to leave, Dahmer crushed his skull with a barbell, strangled him to death,
then dismembered and buried his corpse. In 1982, he was moved into his
grandmother's house in West Allis, Wisconsin. That August, he logged an
arrest for indecent exposure at the state fair. Identical charges were filed
in September 1986, when two boys accused Dahmer of masturbating in public.
Convicted of disorderly conduct, he received a one-year suspended sentence
with orders for counseling.
On September 15, 1987, Steven Tuomi vanished in Milwaukee, the mystery
unsolved until Dahmer confessed his murder in 1991. James Doxator was the
next to die, in January 1988, followed by Richard Guerrero on March 24. By
September 1988, Jeffrey's odd hours and the stench of his "experiments" had
become too much for his grandmother, and Dahmer was asked to move out. On
September 25, he found an apartment on Milwaukee's North 25th Street.
The next day, Dahmer lured a Laotian boy to his flat, fondled him, and
offered cash for a nude modeling session. Police were called, and Dahmer was
charged with sexual assault. Convicted in January 1989, he remained free
pending a formal sentencing scheduled for May. Meanwhile, on March 25,
Dahmer slaughtered victim Anthony Sears. Sentenced to one year in jail,
Dahmer was released after 10 months. The death parade resumed with Edward
Smith, in June 1990.July's victim was Raymond Smith. Ernest Miller and David
Thomas were butchered in September. Dahmer bagged Curtis Straughter in
February. Errol Lindsey joined the list in April, followed by Anthony Hughes
in May. Konerak Sinthasomphone was the brother of the youth Dahmer molested
in 1988. Missing on May 26, 1991, he was next seen the following day, naked,
dazed and bleeding, when neighbors reported his plight to the police.
Officers questioned Dahmer, who described the boy as his adult homosexual
lover, and since Konerak spoke no English, they returned the youth to
Dahmer's custody.... and to his death.
Matt Turner killed on June 30; Jeremiah Weinberger on July 7; eight days
later, Oliver Lacy; Joseph Brandehoft on July 19. Tracy Edwards was lucky,
escaping on July 22, with handcuffs still dangling from one wrist. He
flagged a squad car down and led the officers to Dahmer's home, where the
dissected remains of 11 victims were found in acid vats and the
refrigerator. By August 22, Dahmer was charged with a total of 15 murders.
Dahmer filed a plea of not guilty by reasons of insanity, but was judged
legally sane and convicted of multiple charges of homicide. In 1992 Dahmer
was found guilty of the murders and sentenced to life imprisonment.
(Wisconsin has no death penalty)
In 1994, a follow prisoner decided to send this faggot to hell early by
murdering him in 1994.
Andrew Cunanan
This typical faggot managed to knock off five people before the feds sent
him to hell by killing him on a houseboat he was hiding out in after sending
another faggot, Gianni Versace, to hell early by shooting him to death. This
faggot was on the FBI's most wanted list for three months. Andrew was
reported upset about having the AIDS virus. This faggot started his murder
spree in New Jersey. His only straight victim was killed only because he
witness this faggot buring another dead faggot in a cemetery.
Albert Fish
Meet the patron saint of homosexual sadomasochism. Albert Fish, the
granddaddy of the deranged, enjoyed implanting needles in his genitalia,
stuffing his asshole with flaming alcohol balls, eating shit, killing
children and making stews with their remains. The father of six, Albert lost
it after his wife left him for another man. Despondent Al asked his kids to
beat him with a nail-studded paddle until he bled. He thought that he was
Christ and that God had ordered him to castrate boys. And Albert did what as
he was told, and enjoyed it. This dirty old man from hell was in the habit
of molesting and killing children of both sexes.
He was arrested after sending a letter to the parents of one of his victims,
Gracie Budd, describing what a delight it had been eating her. He was
sentenced to hell in Sing Sing in 1936. He said, "What a thrill that will be
if I have to die in the electric chair. It will be the supreme thrill, the
only one I haven't tried." He happily helped his executioners with the
electrodes and died a happy man. It is untrue the myth that the chair
short-circuited at first because of the twenty needles implanted in his
Patrick Wayne Kearney
(the trash bag killer)
The top ranked homosexual Californian freeway killer. A fastidiously neat
and organized murderer, Pat left his dismembered victims neatly wrapped in
trash bags along the Californian highways. Kearney and his homosexual
live-in lover, David D. Hill, both army veterans, lived in a meticulously
clean bachelor pad in Redondo Beach from where they started their homicidal
escapades. The "Trash Bag Murders," as they were known, started in 1975 and
ended on July 5, 1977, when the couple walked into the Sheriff's Information
Center in Riverside, saw a wanted poster of themselves and surrendered. Hill
was subsequently released for lack of evidence. Kearney shouldered the guilt
and confessed that killing "excited him and gave him a feeling of
dominance." This faggot is in prison for life to California's shame
Henry Lee Lucas & Ottis Toole
The Homosexual Tag Team from Hell: the Sadist King and the Generalisimo of
Pain. The numbers speak for themselves. As a kid, Henry Lee Lucas lost an
eye after a severe beating from his prostitute mother.
In 1976 he joined up with a homosexual and deeply psychotic retard, Ottis
Tole, to carry out numerous homicidal escapades. Ottis had a taste for human
flesh and had many of his victims for dinner. Henry, however, was not a
cannibal because, he said, he disliked the taste of barbecue sauce. He was
more of a sadist and a necrophile, preferring sex with mutilated bodies and
live or dead animals. The consummate homosexual killer couple, they enjoyed
picking up hitchhikers to satisfy their lust for blood. Sometimes, when they
didn't want to go through the hassle of killing and disposing of their prey,
they would just run over the occasional hitchhiker and continue on their
merry way. These homosexual lethal lovebirds parted ways after Ottis' teen
niece, Becky Powell, shacked up with Henry. The unfortunate lassie was later
found dismembered and stuffed in pillowcases.
After his arrest, Lucas toured the country as a star killer uncovering
evidence of his handiwork for local police departments. In 1985, Dallas
Times-Herald journalist, Hugh Aynesworth, claimed their reign of terror was
a hoax and that overzealous detectives fed the would be killers many details
of their crimes. Henry and Ottis did confess to more than 500 murders. Henry
even claimed to have taken the poison to Guyana as a favor for his good
friend Jim Jones. One of his alleged victims, a Virginia schoolteacher, was
found alive. Henry recanted on all his murders only to confess again when he
became a born-again Christian. As he awaits execution in Death Row in Texas,
Hank still mentions bits and pieces of evidence linking him to numerous
killings in 18 states. Meanwhile in Florida Ottis' was diagnosed paranoid
schizophrenic, death sentence was commuted to six life sentences and is said
to be stockpiling barbecue sauce.
Delfina & Maria de Jesus Gonzales
(female homosexuals)
These two deadly lesbian sisters ran the bordello from hell in Guanajuato,
Mexico. They recruited their prostitutes through help wanted adds and killed
them when they stopped pleasing the clientele. Sometimes they even killed
the johns who showed up to the brothel with big wads of cash. After too many
unexplained disappearances the cops raided the premises where they found the
bodies of eleven males, eighty females, and several fetuses. These dykes are
now in a Mexican prison for life.
Wayne Williams
(black homosexual)
Suspected of being the Atlanta Child Murderer, Wayne killed and raped mostly
young, black boys and dumped their bodies in the Chattahoochee River. He was
caught when he departed from his modus operandi and smoked a couple of
adults. After his arrest the killings ceased. Police say the evidence
against him was flawed and believe the case should be reopened. Wiliam's
lawyer claimed a Klansman named Charles Sanders confessed to helping the KKK
kidnap and murder twenty-one black youths. Allegedly, this evidence was
suppressed to avoid a race war. Yea right. This faggot is now in prison for
Dennis Nilsen
The British Jeffrey Dahmer. This alcoholic homosexual could not come to
grips with life in the closet and resorted to murder and necrophilia. He
would lure young men to his apartment, render them unconscious with liquor
and strangle them to death. He liked to stash their bodies under the floor
boards. Occasionally he would take one out, bathe and dress it, and pretend
to have a date. He would lay the corpse next to him in bed and masturbate.
Then, return it to the floor boards. Like Dahmer, he killed out of
loneliness. He enjoyed small talk with his friends the cadavers. He kept an
assortment of body parts around the house as company. In 1983 he was
discovered when he tried to flush human remains down the toilet, clogged the
plumbing and complained about the blocked drains.
Fritz Haarmann
Born in 1879, this perverted homosexual German pederast and his lover, Hans
Grans, stalked the train stations of post-WWI Hanover searching for young
boys. Always the enterprising killers, they would sell the flesh and
clothing of their victims for fun and profit. Their deadly trade was first
discovered in 1924 when bones from twenty-seven bodies were dredged out of
the Leine River. A coat from one of the missing boys was traced back to the
murderous faggot love birds. Once in custody, Fritz started confessing.
Haarmann enjoyed the attention he received during the trial and boasted of
having killed up to forty people. He was sent to hell on April 15, 1925. His
homosexual lover Grans, who was not involved in the killings, received a
twelve year sentence for selling stolen merchandise.
Dean Corll
Born on Christmas Eve, 1939, this Texan homosexual maniac enjoyed killing
young boys in the comfort of his own home. Dean, also known as "The
Candyman," would invite a kid into his house to sniff glue and then, when
the kid passed out, slip on the handcuffs and party in his butt before
snapping his life away. Sometimes Dean enjoyed biting the kid's dick off. In
August 1973, one of his teenage helpers, Elmer Wayne Henley, shot and killed
the portly homosexual psychopath after saying he would help him snatch more
youngsters. Police found seventeen bodies under the floor of a boat house
Dean rented as well as a bag of severed genitalia.
Bruce Lee
(not the movie star)
Not to be confused with the martial arts legend, but instead a deformed
homosexual epileptic pyromaniac who legally changed his name in honor of his
Kung-Fu-kicking hero. This British arsonist once torched an old man after
arguing with him over what to feed the pigeons. He killed eleven more people
when he set an old age home ablaze. In 1980 British police arrested him in a
public bathroom frequented by gay men looking for blow jobs. He confessed to
all his crimes and is now locked up in an insane asylum practicing his
Kung-Fu kicks.
Juan Corona
Corona, a homosexual Mexican labor contractor in Northern California, was
charged with hacking twenty-five men to death. His handiwork was uncovered
in 1971 in a peach orchard near his home. Most of the victims were drunken
transients and migrant workers who no one missed. The killings bore signs of
homosexual assaults, which lead people to believe that the killer could be
Juan's openly gay brother. Corona, a burly father of four, was linked to the
murders through a couple of receipts found in the clothing of two of the
dead. While in prison, Juan lost an eye when he was attacked by four
Norman Afzal Simons
Norm is believed to be South Africa's "Station Strangler." He is presently
serving a 25-year sentence for the 1994 murder of 10-year-old Elroy van
Rooyen. Since 1986 South African authorities have been stumped by the
growing body count of young boys of mixed race appearing dead around Cape
Town. At one point they asked for help from the Interpol and the FBI. Robert
Ressler, the retired FBI expert who coined the term serial killer was called
in to develop a psychological profile of the killer. With Ressler's profile
in hand authorities believe they have nabbed their killer. Police think
Simons is the "Station Strangler," South Africa's most notorious serial
killer, who may have killed 21 boys and a young man, all of mixed-race,
during an eight-year murder spree.
The "Station Strangler" is believed to have lured his victims away from
train stations. Most were found in shallow graves around Cape Town after
"One more, many more in store." Elroy, his final victim, was last seen
boarding a train with Simons at Cape Town's Strand train station. His body
was found 10 days later with his hands tied behind his back. According to
police, Simons claimed his brother, who was murdered in 1991, was living
inside him. He also he heard voices ordering him to kill. Apparently the
voices started after his brother sodomized him.
Carl Panzram
The most unrepentant homosexual killer of them all. Carl started his
criminal career by getting arrested at age eight for drunk and disorderly
behavior. It was downhill ever since. His killing spree spanned two
continents. While in Africa he hired eight blacks to help him hunt
crocodiles. Instead, he killed his hired hands, sodomized their corpses and
fed them to the hungry reptiles. He boasted of committing thousands of
robberies, larcenies, arsons and having sodomized a thousand men. He was
sent to hell in 1930 for killing the laundry foreman in prison. Even when
he was at the scaffold he meanly snapped at the executioner, "Hurry it up,
you bastard. I could hang a dozen men while you're fooling around."
Larry Eyler
A homosexual killer struggling with life in the closet. Larry took
satisfaction wherever he could and then disposed of the evidence. At one
point, as the police investigated him, he sued them for half a million
dollars for "psychological warfare". At his first trial the evidence against
him was found inadmissible in court and Eyler walked out on bail to carry on
with his deadly forays. Eventually, his arrogance led to his undoing when he
dumped the dismembered body of a male hustler in his garbage. His handiwork
got him the death penalty.
William Bonin
This Downey, California, faggot truck driver became known as the "The
Freeway Killer" for his rape and murder spree during the late seventies. A
sadistic, Vietnam vet, Billy boy liked to pick up male, teenage hitchhikers
to rape and strangle along the freeways of Southern California. Like most
serial killers, Bonin was the product of an abusive childhood in the hands
of his alcoholic father and was thought to have been repeatedly sexually
assaulted by his maternal grandfather. He also had brain damage in areas
thought to restrain violent impulses and was manic-depressive. He was sent
to hell in 1996.
Marcelo Costa de Andrade
This mama's boy and religious homosexual psychopath of inoffensive
appearance is Brazil's most famous serial killer. The son of poor migrants
from the Northeast, Marcelo grew up in the Rocinha Slum in Rio de Janeiro.
He lived without running water and was beaten with regularity by his
grandfather, his stepfather and his stepmother. When he was 10 he was
sexually abused. At 14 he began to prostitute himself for a living. He was
sent to a reform school, but escaped. Still hustling by 16, he began a long
lasting homosexual relationship with an older man. At 17 he tried to rape
his 10-year-old brother.
When he was 23 his homosexual relationship ended and he came back to live
with his mother and brothers who had moved to Itaborai, another slum on the
other side of the polluted Guanabara Bay. There he found a a low-paying job
distributing flyers for a shop in the district of Copacabana. He also joined
the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and started going to church four
times a week. Despite some idiosyncrasies and his odd and incoherent
laughter, his life seemed normal. That is, until April 1991, at age 24, when
he started to kill.
Over a nine-month period Marcelo tallied 14 dead. His victims of choice were
poor street urchins whom he attracted to deserted areas, raped and
strangled. He also practiced necrophilia, decapitated one of the boys,
crushed the head of another, and, in two occasions, drank their blood. Later
he confessed his vampiric thirst was merely "to become as beautiful as
them." Violence in Rio is common and the daily body count is so high that
authorities never suspected the growing number of disappearing street
urchins to be the handywork of a serial killer. Usually they are the victims
of choice for warped vigilante groups trying to clean up the streets. Quite
the humanitarian Andrade later confessed, "I preferred young boys because
they are better looking and have soft skin. And the priest said that
children automatically go to heaven if they die before they're thirteen. So
I know I did them a favor by sending them to heaven."
In December of 1991 his killing spree came to an end when he "fell in love"
with ten-year-old Altair de Abreu and spared his life. Marcello met the
young beggar and his six-year-old brother Ivan in the Niteroi bus terminal.
He offered them money to help him light candles for a saint in Saint
George's church. The lucky survivor later told police, "We were heading for
a church, but as we crossed a vacant lot, Marcelo suddenly turned on Ivan
and started strangling him. I was so paralyzed by fear I could not run away.
I watched in horror, tears streaming down my cheeks, as he killed and then
raped my brother. When he was finished with Ivan, he turned to me, hugged
me, and said he loved me." Then he asked Altair to live with him. Scared to
death, the boy agreed to spend the night with Marcelo in the bushes.
The next morning, the lovestruck killer took Altair to work with him. When
they arrived the office was closed. The terrified youngster was able to
escape. He hitchhiked his way back home and told his mother that he had got
lost of his brother. A few days later, pressed by his sister, the boy told
the truth. In the meantime Marcelo, A truly considerate killer, had returned
to the crime scene to tuck the hands of his victim inside his shorts, "so
that the rats couldn't gnaw the fingers."
When young Ivan's family went to the police, Marcelo, who had maintained his
daily routine, was calmly arrested in the Rio shop where he worked. "I
thought you would come yesterday," he told the arresting officers. At first,
police thought Ivan's murder was an isolated case. However, two months later
Marcelo's dotting mother was called to testify about her son's strange
behavior. One night, she said, he left home with a machete "to cut bananas."
Apparently he returned the next morning with no bananas. Eventually Marcelo
did confess to 14 killings and led police to the remains of his other
victims. As Brazil's star killer, he asked police if anywhere in the world
there was a case like his, and stated he killed because: "I liked the boys
and I didn't want them to go to hell."
Johannes Mashiane
Known as "The Beast of Atteridgeville", this South African, slayer sodomized
and killed 12 boys by either strangling or stoning them. In October 1989 the
lethal sodomite died when he jumped under a bus in Marabastad while being
chased by police. An intended 13th victim, who Mashiane had left for dead,
survived to tell the tale.
Thomas Quick
Sweden's premiere homosexual serial killer. Tommy Boy killed at least 10
people during a two-year rampage He committed his first murder when he was
14. He enjoyed killing young boys and having sex with their corpses. He also
killed a Dutch family vacationing in the north of Sweden. His permanent
residence is now located in a Hospital for the criminally insane in Dalarna,
Sweden. While in custody Thomas confessed to six killings in Norway. Police
are now investigating the validity of his claims though no bodies have been
Peter Kurten
Pete was born in 1883 in Germany. A product of a brutally unhappy childhood,
Peter got his kicks by strangling squirrels and beating off dogs. When he
was nine he helped two boys drown in a boating accident. As a teen-ager he
graduated to fucking sheep and goats and knifing them to achieve orgasm.
From 1905 to 1921 Pete was constantly in jail. Once he was out he was free
to kill with impunity. Pete earned the moniker "The Vampire of Dusseldorf"
because he enjoyed drinking the blood of his victims. He also killed animals
when he was feeling thirsty. On occasions he delighted in setting fires to
abandoned buildings hoping to roast whatever transients might be sleeping
After eight more kills of boys, this faggot was sent to hell.
Alton Coleman
Alton Coleman, a homosexual black man, thought other blacks were forcing him
to kill members of his race. He was diagnosed by a prison psychiatrist as
having pansexual propensities, that is, willingness "to have intercourse
with any object, women, men, children, whatever." In the summer of 1984, he
killed eight people in a brutal rampage across the midwest. This faggot was
arrested in Evanston, Illinois, after a crime spree in which he committed a
new act of violence each day. Alton was sentenced to death.
Robert Berdella
Bobby was a strange but harmless fellow, or so his Kansas City neighbors
thought. That is, until April 2, 1988, when a man ran out of his house
wearing nothing but a dog collar and babbling a frightening tale of sadism
and sexual cruelty. It seems that Rob liked to pick up drifters and male
prostitutes, take them home and strap them into his custom-made torture bed.
There he would experiment with electroshock and injecting all kinds of
household cleaners into them. He kept a detailed log of how his victims
responded and had a collection of two hundred pictures of naked men in
different stages of suffering. Bob liked to extend the life of his victims
for a few days before tying a plastic bag over their heads. On December 19,
1988, Berdella pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to life. A few
years later he died in prison of poisoning or a possible heart attack and is
now residing in hell.
Colin Ireland
Known in London as the "Gay Sayer", Colin strived to be known as a serial
killer. For this purpose he strangled five homosexual men. Robert Ressler
states in "However Fights Monsters" that one has to commit five murders to
become a serial killer. Colin read the book and did exactly that. He
meticulously planned each murder as he set out to become a famous serial
killer. He chose homosexual sado-masochistic men because they were willing
to get tied up and sodomized before killing them. Also, he believed that the
public would feel less sympathy for them. Before his arrest he taunted the
cops with rambling calls claiming responsibility for the murders and
threatening to keep striking once a week. He even stated "I have got the
book, I know how many you have to do..."
Luke Magnota and that Macarthur guy in Toronto are also queers who killed other homosexuals as was the Pulse Nightclub shooter since the list above was compiled.
Complaint to BCFSA ...
Although THIS TIME agents are disclosing the TC-1 zoning, they are misrepresenting financing.
One must note Mr. van der Walle does NOT have the funds to complete and he has stated as much publically on Sedar. This unfinished wood frame structure was started in Feb. Anybody buying this garbage may never see it completed and that is a fact. That may be true by month end.
Well you have been wrong 99% of the time the MSM says nothing bad about the project so I will bet a loonie the project will go ahead you lost two lawsuits including one to Mr. Van Der Walle and others earlier this year Judge Riley found you to be a complete lowlife without a redeeming quality with no bad upbringing or circumstances to blame for your poverty and misery.

Daryl Grant Macaskill is the name on your court documents you have convictions for fraud and shoplifting and lost your 2 lawsuits. Google the guys name for more info.
Ace Ventura
2022-08-21 16:00:56 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Ralph van der Walle has gone MIA and the chit hits the fan at month end.
Greg Carr
2022-08-23 10:33:38 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Ralph van der Walle has gone MIA and the chit hits the fan at month end.
No he hasn't. He won his lawsuit against you bum scum and unlike you he is not a sloucher or ugly and he is way better dressed. You are a chronic daily liar and you yet again Daryl Grant Macaskill you violate Judge Riley's court order not to mention Ralph Van Der Walle online you idiot and convicted fraudster and shoplifter. All MSM coverage of Ralph van der Walle has been positive. You like G. S. admit to being a nervous wreck.

https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw/m/N_4cM1I8BwAJ the 27 page judgement against you this year. 42 Google Groups views alone in less than 4 months. Also has links to pics of your slouching self and you look like what you often are a homeless addict. You like G. S. and Dennis James Watson lose all your lawsuits. Hope all 3 of you get hit with a tire iron a few times today. All 3 of you have violent enemies most unknown to me all 3 liars.
Ace Ventura
2022-08-30 21:11:59 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
It is September 30th.
Greg Carr
2022-08-31 06:02:55 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
It is September 30th.
So where is the chit you said would occur on this date? You are wrong about that just like your made up stuff about problems with the water permits and bank financing.
Post by Ace Ventura
Post by Ace Ventura
Ralph van der Walle has gone MIA and the chit hits the fan at month end.
He won his lawsuit against you bum scum and unlike you he is not a sloucher or ugly and he is way better dressed. You are a chronic daily liar and you yet again Daryl Grant Macaskill you violate Judge Riley's court order not to mention Ralph Van Der Walle online you idiot and convicted fraudster and shoplifter. All MSM coverage of Ralph van der Walle has been positive. You like G. S. admit to being a nervous wreck.

https://groups.google.com/g/alt.true-crime/c/PXeMRgdh2Sw/m/N_4cM1I8BwAJ the 27 page judgement against you this year. 42 Google Groups views alone in less than 4 months. Also has links to pics of your slouching self and you look like what you often are a homeless addict. You like G. S. and Dennis James Watson lose all your lawsuits. Hope all 3 of you get hit with a tire iron a few times today. All 3 of you have violent enemies most unknown to me all 3 liars.
Ace Ventura
2022-09-11 15:06:59 UTC
Post by Ace Ventura

2 weeks to go.
