More Google Group Search Probs: "Michael Yardley"
(too old to reply)
Greg Carr
2008-08-04 10:02:47 UTC

Only returns 7 replies but as Psycho knows there have been many posts
about him.

These are just some of the results I found through a different method
none of which showed up on the above search: Google search engine is
wonky and hacked I think plus they are censoring.








The following is my sig file updated as of 2nd of Av, 5768:

We are awaiting the return of our JHVH in the flesh or his Son. His Son Yu'shua died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected and walked the earth for awhile then ascended unto Heaven. We await the Third Coming not the Second.

Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay-"The weighty Truths of God were neglected, and, as it were, went into Desuetude. ...

Who will be the last Coalition soldier to be maimed in Iraq?

Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and into Darfur.http://www.amnesty.ca/instantkarma/petition.php

Good luck to anyone trying to learn Hebrew. I am looking for a Hebrew-Gregorian calendar in both Hebrew and English lettering.

I am looking for my missing automobile. Left in the care of Low's Tire (Firestone) on King George Hwy which has since gone out of business. A man who claimed to be a tow truck driver named Jerry (sounded Black) called me and said he had it
but when I called him back he denied it. JVD-968 "89 Plymouth Reliant white with red interior. Devellis in lettering on the rear trunk. Contact me by email or the GRC if you are one of those ppl. Am looking for the address of Dave Reynolds and any info about him. He used to run Low's Tires and since he refuses to answer his email ***@telus.net I can only assume he is the person who stole my vehicle and the contents in it. I have talked to the new owners and they claim to know nothing.
3P3BK41D9KT921716 is the vin number. John Reynolds still has a valid email ***@telus.net but refuses to return my inquiries.Any info about this thief is appreciated.

I am also looking for various books and CD's that I have discovered missing. All are marked Greg Carr on the inside cover or somewhere in the CD booklet. $5 reward for each CD and for each book. Will pay $200 for info regarding how they disappeared because I honestly don't know.

u8m854p98su072q3l8chiss3t0lcr0­***@4ax.com is a post of mine about the liar and police agent G. S.. It has been censored by Google Groups.

Jonathon Gregory and Craig Wong are thieves and liars and smokers.They live at 344 E.Hastings St.

I am no longer using Google as my default search engine and home page preferring instead to use AltaVista www.altavista.com.I find many more relevant results.

Rep.Eric Cantor will be the VP nominee by the Republicans.

This is just a line I typed to see if you would read it :-)
Non scrivetemi
2008-08-04 21:33:42 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
Only returns 7 replies but as Psycho knows there have been many posts
about him.
These are just some of the results I found through a different method
none of which showed up on the above search: Google search engine is
wonky and hacked I think plus they are censoring.

I believe that Google is hardly different from other big corporations. They
only look at the bottom line, and they don't bite the hand that feeds them.
Look at China. Look at Russia. Look at the USA. There is nothing they won't
do to stay in power. That's why the world is so f*cked up, because of
greedy bastards who crave power. They always f*ck things up for everybody.
It's what Hitler did. It's what Bush is doing. Mao, Stalin, they always
f*ck things up for the "little guy," and they pay violent brutes to enforce
their tyranny. If you're in the UK, then you know the UK has become a police
state. Same thing is happening here in America. Now they're confiscating
computers and computer storage media. It's only a matter of time before they
start rounding up all the "trouble makers."

Free speech and human rights are against big government, so it's no surprise
that government practices censorship. That's what government does. Read some
of the "unauthorized" history books, and books critical of government. Read
"1984," and "Animal Farm," by George Orwell. Censorship is what Big Brother
does, and there is nothing new about it. All governments do it, not just the
United States, or the United Kingdom. Censorship is their standard operating
procedure. You've heard the joke about "How can you tell when a politician is
lying?" "His lips are moving." That's no joke. It's the bloody truth.

Try searching "google censorship" on any major search engine. You will see
that Google, and especially Google "Groups," has been "fubar" for years.
They're not just "picking on you," or "picking on me." They "pick" on
everybody. Look what they do in China, and in Europe. They do the same thing
in America, Canada, and everywhere else. It's what their "Thought Police" do.
And Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, is not about to bite the hand that feeds them.
It's not just "Google," or "Government." This whole world is "fubar," run
by big corporate assholes who don't care about anything but the bottom line.
Ward Churchill called them "little Eichmanns." Too kind, I think.

I hope that helps you understand why today's Google "Groups" searches are
dysfunctional. Big Brother, and all of their fascist "Ministries," have their
hand in everything. They always have, and there is nothing new, or unusual,
about it. I think the Internet has simply made government censorship more
"visible" to the public eye. We are more "aware" of it than we used to be,
and we are more "aware" that there is nothing we can do about it. That can be
frustrating to people who don't understand what is going on, or how any
tyrranical government comes into power in the first place, at the barrel of a
gun, or at the edge of a sword. They are not nice people. They never were.

It's a f*cked up world. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Google
Groups is completely "f*cked up beyond all recognition," and there is nothing
anyone can do about it. The reason that some people "mock" those who
criticize Google, or Microsoft, or Yahoo, or criticize Government, is that
they don't want their "page rank" messed with. They know that Google
penalizes those who criticize them or criticize the powerful governments that
keep their profitable monopoly in control. All "Big Business" is in bed with
"Big Brother," and the "Biggest Brother" of them all is America. They've
got their hand in everything, and anybody who criticizes them, or criticizes
their big corporate partners in crime, is fighting a losing battle.

So don't worry about it, since the "little guy" can't do a damned thing about
it. Sure, we can "complain" about it, but that's all we can do. We can't
"change" a thing. If you want to talk about American politics, do you
imagine that the "Black Moslem" or "John McBush" are the "Change" candidates?
Where have you heard "that" bullsh*t before? I agree with George Carlin, that
it's all bullsh*t, everything that big government, big business, and big
organized religion tells you. It's all bullsh*t, and "it's bad for ya."

Winston Smith
Greg Carr
2008-08-04 22:38:36 UTC
On Mon, 4 Aug 2008 23:33:42 +0200 (CEST), "Non scrivetemi"
Post by Non scrivetemi
Post by Greg Carr
Only returns 7 replies but as Psycho knows there have been many posts
about him.
These are just some of the results I found through a different method
none of which showed up on the above search: Google search engine is
wonky and hacked I think plus they are censoring.
I believe that Google is hardly different from other big corporations. They
only look at the bottom line, and they don't bite the hand that feeds them.
Look at China. Look at Russia. Look at the USA. There is nothing they won't
do to stay in power. That's why the world is so f*cked up, because of
greedy bastards who crave power. They always f*ck things up for everybody.
It's what Hitler did. It's what Bush is doing. Mao, Stalin, they always
f*ck things up for the "little guy," and they pay violent brutes to enforce
their tyranny. If you're in the UK, then you know the UK has become a police
state. Same thing is happening here in America. Now they're confiscating
computers and computer storage media. It's only a matter of time before they
start rounding up all the "trouble makers."
Free speech and human rights are against big government, so it's no surprise
that government practices censorship. That's what government does. Read some
of the "unauthorized" history books, and books critical of government. Read
"1984," and "Animal Farm," by George Orwell.
Required reading when I was in high school.
Post by Non scrivetemi
Censorship is what Big Brother
does, and there is nothing new about it. All governments do it, not just the
United States, or the United Kingdom. Censorship is their standard operating
procedure. You've heard the joke about "How can you tell when a politician is
lying?" "His lips are moving." That's no joke. It's the bloody truth.
Try searching "google censorship" on any major search engine. You will see
that Google, and especially Google "Groups," has been "fubar" for years.
They're not just "picking on you," or "picking on me." They "pick" on
everybody. Look what they do in China, and in Europe. They do the same thing
in America, Canada, and everywhere else. It's what their "Thought Police" do.
And Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, is not about to bite the hand that feeds them.
It's not just "Google," or "Government." This whole world is "fubar," run
by big corporate assholes who don't care about anything but the bottom line.
The I will have to find a way to lower their profits.
Post by Non scrivetemi
Ward Churchill called them "little Eichmanns." Too kind, I think.
I hope that helps you understand why today's Google "Groups" searches are
dysfunctional. Big Brother, and all of their fascist "Ministries," have their
hand in everything. They always have, and there is nothing new, or unusual,
about it. I think the Internet has simply made government censorship more
"visible" to the public eye. We are more "aware" of it than we used to be,
and we are more "aware" that there is nothing we can do about it.
Speak out and type about it.
Post by Non scrivetemi
That can be
frustrating to people who don't understand what is going on, or how any
tyrranical government comes into power in the first place, at the barrel of a
gun, or at the edge of a sword. They are not nice people. They never were.
It's a f*cked up world. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Google
Groups is completely "f*cked up beyond all recognition," and there is nothing
anyone can do about it. The reason that some people "mock" those who
criticize Google, or Microsoft, or Yahoo, or criticize Government, is that
they don't want their "page rank" messed with.
Hmmm could be.
Post by Non scrivetemi
They know that Google
penalizes those who criticize them or criticize the powerful governments that
keep their profitable monopoly in control. All "Big Business" is in bed with
"Big Brother," and the "Biggest Brother" of them all is America. They've
got their hand in everything, and anybody who criticizes them, or criticizes
their big corporate partners in crime, is fighting a losing battle.
I disagree and even if true you can win some skirmishes and damage
some of the opponents before being defeated or forced to change
Post by Non scrivetemi
So don't worry about it, since the "little guy" can't do a damned thing about
it. Sure, we can "complain" about it, but that's all we can do. We can't
"change" a thing.
On a local level I have notified the City Of Surrey on various things
and got it changed to the way I liked. I have helped others with their
'battle" when I became aware of it and we succeeded. Change is
possible and in fact is always occurring.
Post by Non scrivetemi
If you want to talk about American politics, do you
imagine that the "Black Moslem"
Uhhh he is some sort of Christian. I saw a poll where 12% of Americans
thought he was a follower of Allah and 1% thought he was Jewish.
Post by Non scrivetemi
or "John McBush" are the "Change" candidates?
Where have you heard "that" bullsh*t before? I agree with George Carlin, that
it's all bullsh*t, everything that big government, big business, and big
organized religion tells you. It's all bullsh*t, and "it's bad for ya."
Winston Smith
The following is my sig file updated as of 2nd of Av, 5768:

We are awaiting the return of our JHVH in the flesh or his Son. His Son Yu'shua died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected and walked the earth for awhile then ascended unto Heaven. We await the Third Coming not the Second.

Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay-"The weighty Truths of God were neglected, and, as it were, went into Desuetude. ...

Who will be the last Coalition soldier to be maimed in Iraq?

Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and into Darfur.http://www.amnesty.ca/instantkarma/petition.php

Good luck to anyone trying to learn Hebrew. I am looking for a Hebrew-Gregorian calendar in both Hebrew and English lettering.

I am looking for my missing automobile. Left in the care of Low's Tire (Firestone) on King George Hwy which has since gone out of business. A man who claimed to be a tow truck driver named Jerry (sounded Black) called me and said he had it
but when I called him back he denied it. JVD-968 "89 Plymouth Reliant white with red interior. Devellis in lettering on the rear trunk. Contact me by email or the GRC if you are one of those ppl. Am looking for the address of Dave Reynolds and any info about him. He used to run Low's Tires and since he refuses to answer his email ***@telus.net I can only assume he is the person who stole my vehicle and the contents in it. I have talked to the new owners and they claim to know nothing.
3P3BK41D9KT921716 is the vin number. John Reynolds still has a valid email ***@telus.net but refuses to return my inquiries.Any info about this thief is appreciated.

I am also looking for various books and CD's that I have discovered missing. All are marked Greg Carr on the inside cover or somewhere in the CD booklet. $5 reward for each CD and for each book. Will pay $200 for info regarding how they disappeared because I honestly don't know.

u8m854p98su072q3l8chiss3t0lcr0­***@4ax.com is a post of mine about the liar and police agent G. S.. It has been censored by Google Groups.

Jonathon Gregory and Craig Wong are thieves and liars and smokers.They live at 344 E.Hastings St.

I am no longer using Google as my default search engine and home page preferring instead to use AltaVista www.altavista.com.I find many more relevant results.

Rep.Eric Cantor will be the VP nominee by the Republicans.

This is just a line I typed to see if you would read it :-)
2008-08-04 23:08:31 UTC
Post by Non scrivetemi
Post by Greg Carr
Only returns 7 replies but as Psycho knows there have been many posts
about him.
These are just some of the results I found through a different method
none of which showed up on the above search: Google search engine is
wonky and hacked I think plus they are censoring.
I believe that Google is hardly different from other big corporations. They
only look at the bottom line, and they don't bite the hand that feeds them.
Look at China. Look at Russia. Look at the USA. There is nothing they won't
do to stay in power. That's why the world is so f*cked up, because of
greedy bastards who crave power. They always f*ck things up for everybody.
It's what Hitler did. It's what Bush is doing. Mao, Stalin, they always
f*ck things up for the "little guy," and they pay violent brutes to enforce
their tyranny. If you're in the UK, then you know the UK has become a police
state. Same thing is happening here in America. Now they're confiscating
computers and computer storage media. It's only a matter of time before they
start rounding up all the "trouble makers."
Free speech and human rights are against big government, so it's no surprise
that government practices censorship. That's what government does. Read some
of the "unauthorized" history books, and books critical of government. Read
"1984," and "Animal Farm," by George Orwell. Censorship is what Big Brother
does, and there is nothing new about it. All governments do it, not just the
United States, or the United Kingdom. Censorship is their standard operating
procedure. You've heard the joke about "How can you tell when a politician is
lying?" "His lips are moving." That's no joke. It's the bloody truth.
Try searching "google censorship" on any major search engine. You will see
that Google, and especially Google "Groups," has been "fubar" for years.
They're not just "picking on you," or "picking on me." They "pick" on
everybody. Look what they do in China, and in Europe. They do the same thing
in America, Canada, and everywhere else. It's what their "Thought Police" do.
And Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, is not about to bite the hand that feeds them.
It's not just "Google," or "Government." This whole world is "fubar," run
by big corporate assholes who don't care about anything but the bottom line.
Ward Churchill called them "little Eichmanns." Too kind, I think.
I hope that helps you understand why today's Google "Groups" searches are
dysfunctional. Big Brother, and all of their fascist "Ministries," have their
hand in everything. They always have, and there is nothing new, or unusual,
about it. I think the Internet has simply made government censorship more
"visible" to the public eye. We are more "aware" of it than we used to be,
and we are more "aware" that there is nothing we can do about it. That can be
frustrating to people who don't understand what is going on, or how any
tyrranical government comes into power in the first place, at the barrel of a
gun, or at the edge of a sword. They are not nice people. They never were.
It's a f*cked up world. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Google
Groups is completely "f*cked up beyond all recognition," and there is nothing
anyone can do about it. The reason that some people "mock" those who
criticize Google, or Microsoft, or Yahoo, or criticize Government, is that
they don't want their "page rank" messed with. They know that Google
penalizes those who criticize them or criticize the powerful governments that
keep their profitable monopoly in control. All "Big Business" is in bed with
"Big Brother," and the "Biggest Brother" of them all is America. They've
got their hand in everything, and anybody who criticizes them, or criticizes
their big corporate partners in crime, is fighting a losing battle.
So don't worry about it, since the "little guy" can't do a damned thing about
it. Sure, we can "complain" about it, but that's all we can do. We can't
"change" a thing. If you want to talk about American politics, do you
imagine that the "Black Moslem" or "John McBush" are the "Change" candidates?
Where have you heard "that" bullsh*t before? I agree with George Carlin, that
it's all bullsh*t, everything that big government, big business, and big
organized religion tells you. It's all bullsh*t, and "it's bad for ya."
Winston Smith
I read about 2 lines of your reply then noticed on a quick visual scan
how many times you have employed quotation marks.

74 times in one reply. 76 if you count the subject line.

You must be a really good typist.

Please tell us, do you use air quotes when speaking?
Non scrivetemi
2008-08-05 03:24:59 UTC
Post by Tiredofbeingliedto
Post by Non scrivetemi
Post by Greg Carr
Only returns 7 replies but as Psycho knows there have been many posts
about him.
These are just some of the results I found through a different method
none of which showed up on the above search: Google search engine is
wonky and hacked I think plus they are censoring.
I believe that Google is hardly different from other big corporations. They
only look at the bottom line, and they don't bite the hand that feeds them.
Look at China. Look at Russia. Look at the USA. There is nothing they won't
do to stay in power. That's why the world is so f*cked up, because of
greedy bastards who crave power. They always f*ck things up for everybody.
It's what Hitler did. It's what Bush is doing. Mao, Stalin, they always
f*ck things up for the "little guy," and they pay violent brutes to enforce
their tyranny. If you're in the UK, then you know the UK has become a police
state. Same thing is happening here in America. Now they're confiscating
computers and computer storage media. It's only a matter of time before they
start rounding up all the "trouble makers."
Free speech and human rights are against big government, so it's no surprise
that government practices censorship. That's what government does. Read some
of the "unauthorized" history books, and books critical of government. Read
"1984," and "Animal Farm," by George Orwell. Censorship is what Big Brother
does, and there is nothing new about it. All governments do it, not just the
United States, or the United Kingdom. Censorship is their standard operating
procedure. You've heard the joke about "How can you tell when a politician is
lying?" "His lips are moving." That's no joke. It's the bloody truth.
Try searching "google censorship" on any major search engine. You will see
that Google, and especially Google "Groups," has been "fubar" for years.
They're not just "picking on you," or "picking on me." They "pick" on
everybody. Look what they do in China, and in Europe. They do the same thing
in America, Canada, and everywhere else. It's what their "Thought Police" do.
And Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, is not about to bite the hand that feeds them.
It's not just "Google," or "Government." This whole world is "fubar," run
by big corporate assholes who don't care about anything but the bottom line.
Ward Churchill called them "little Eichmanns." Too kind, I think.
I hope that helps you understand why today's Google "Groups" searches are
dysfunctional. Big Brother, and all of their fascist "Ministries," have their
hand in everything. They always have, and there is nothing new, or unusual,
about it. I think the Internet has simply made government censorship more
"visible" to the public eye. We are more "aware" of it than we used to be,
and we are more "aware" that there is nothing we can do about it. That can be
frustrating to people who don't understand what is going on, or how any
tyrranical government comes into power in the first place, at the barrel of a
gun, or at the edge of a sword. They are not nice people. They never were.
It's a f*cked up world. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Google
Groups is completely "f*cked up beyond all recognition," and there is nothing
anyone can do about it. The reason that some people "mock" those who
criticize Google, or Microsoft, or Yahoo, or criticize Government, is that
they don't want their "page rank" messed with. They know that Google
penalizes those who criticize them or criticize the powerful governments that
keep their profitable monopoly in control. All "Big Business" is in bed with
"Big Brother," and the "Biggest Brother" of them all is America. They've
got their hand in everything, and anybody who criticizes them, or criticizes
their big corporate partners in crime, is fighting a losing battle.
So don't worry about it, since the "little guy" can't do a damned thing about
it. Sure, we can "complain" about it, but that's all we can do. We can't
"change" a thing. If you want to talk about American politics, do you
imagine that the "Black Moslem" or "John McBush" are the "Change" candidates?
Where have you heard "that" bullsh*t before? I agree with George Carlin, that
it's all bullsh*t, everything that big government, big business, and big
organized religion tells you. It's all bullsh*t, and "it's bad for ya."
Winston Smith
I read about 2 lines of your reply then noticed on a quick visual scan
how many times you have employed quotation marks.
74 times in one reply. 76 if you count the subject line.
You must be a really good typist.
Please tell us, do you use air quotes when speaking?
That's pretty funny. No, scratch that. I meant to say that's pretty "funny."

I have used "air quotes" before, but I found out that's "totally gay," so I don't
use "air quotes" any more, because I don't want to look "totally gay."

The subject line isn't my doing. I only replied to the guy who was complaining
about how completely f*cked up Google "Groups" has become, and I tried to
explain to him that "Groups" is completely f*cked up for everybody, not just for
"Greg Carr," or "Michael Yardley," or "Psycho," or whatever the f*ck else he's
going on about. The majority consensus is that "Groups" is "fubar," and it
looks like "Big Brother" deliberately f*cked it up. They have f*cked up
everything else up in this f*cked up world, so why not f*ck up Google "Groups"
while they're at it, the "hoople-headed" c*cksuckers!

Winston Smith
Greg Carr
2008-08-06 07:57:45 UTC
On Tue, 5 Aug 2008 05:24:59 +0200 (CEST), "Non scrivetemi"
Post by Non scrivetemi
Post by Tiredofbeingliedto
Post by Non scrivetemi
Post by Greg Carr
Only returns 7 replies but as Psycho knows there have been many posts
about him.
These are just some of the results I found through a different method
none of which showed up on the above search: Google search engine is
wonky and hacked I think plus they are censoring.
I believe that Google is hardly different from other big corporations. They
only look at the bottom line, and they don't bite the hand that feeds them.
Look at China. Look at Russia. Look at the USA. There is nothing they won't
do to stay in power. That's why the world is so f*cked up, because of
greedy bastards who crave power. They always f*ck things up for everybody.
It's what Hitler did. It's what Bush is doing. Mao, Stalin, they always
f*ck things up for the "little guy," and they pay violent brutes to enforce
their tyranny. If you're in the UK, then you know the UK has become a police
state. Same thing is happening here in America. Now they're confiscating
computers and computer storage media. It's only a matter of time before they
start rounding up all the "trouble makers."
Free speech and human rights are against big government, so it's no surprise
that government practices censorship. That's what government does. Read some
of the "unauthorized" history books, and books critical of government. Read
"1984," and "Animal Farm," by George Orwell. Censorship is what Big Brother
does, and there is nothing new about it. All governments do it, not just the
United States, or the United Kingdom. Censorship is their standard operating
procedure. You've heard the joke about "How can you tell when a politician is
lying?" "His lips are moving." That's no joke. It's the bloody truth.
Try searching "google censorship" on any major search engine. You will see
that Google, and especially Google "Groups," has been "fubar" for years.
They're not just "picking on you," or "picking on me." They "pick" on
everybody. Look what they do in China, and in Europe. They do the same thing
in America, Canada, and everywhere else. It's what their "Thought Police" do.
And Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, is not about to bite the hand that feeds them.
It's not just "Google," or "Government." This whole world is "fubar," run
by big corporate assholes who don't care about anything but the bottom line.
Ward Churchill called them "little Eichmanns." Too kind, I think.
I hope that helps you understand why today's Google "Groups" searches are
dysfunctional. Big Brother, and all of their fascist "Ministries," have their
hand in everything. They always have, and there is nothing new, or unusual,
about it. I think the Internet has simply made government censorship more
"visible" to the public eye. We are more "aware" of it than we used to be,
and we are more "aware" that there is nothing we can do about it. That can be
frustrating to people who don't understand what is going on, or how any
tyrranical government comes into power in the first place, at the barrel of a
gun, or at the edge of a sword. They are not nice people. They never were.
It's a f*cked up world. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Google
Groups is completely "f*cked up beyond all recognition," and there is nothing
anyone can do about it. The reason that some people "mock" those who
criticize Google, or Microsoft, or Yahoo, or criticize Government, is that
they don't want their "page rank" messed with. They know that Google
penalizes those who criticize them or criticize the powerful governments that
keep their profitable monopoly in control. All "Big Business" is in bed with
"Big Brother," and the "Biggest Brother" of them all is America. They've
got their hand in everything, and anybody who criticizes them, or criticizes
their big corporate partners in crime, is fighting a losing battle.
So don't worry about it, since the "little guy" can't do a damned thing about
it. Sure, we can "complain" about it, but that's all we can do. We can't
"change" a thing. If you want to talk about American politics, do you
imagine that the "Black Moslem" or "John McBush" are the "Change" candidates?
Where have you heard "that" bullsh*t before? I agree with George Carlin, that
it's all bullsh*t, everything that big government, big business, and big
organized religion tells you. It's all bullsh*t, and "it's bad for ya."
Winston Smith
I read about 2 lines of your reply then noticed on a quick visual scan
how many times you have employed quotation marks.
74 times in one reply. 76 if you count the subject line.
You must be a really good typist.
Please tell us, do you use air quotes when speaking?
That's pretty funny. No, scratch that. I meant to say that's pretty "funny."
I have used "air quotes" before, but I found out that's "totally gay," so I don't
use "air quotes" any more, because I don't want to look "totally gay."
The subject line isn't my doing. I only replied to the guy who was complaining
about how completely f*cked up Google "Groups" has become, and I tried to
explain to him that "Groups" is completely f*cked up for everybody, not just for
"Greg Carr," or "Michael Yardley," or "Psycho," or whatever the f*ck else he's
going on about. The majority consensus is that "Groups" is "fubar," and it
looks like "Big Brother" deliberately f*cked it up. They have f*cked up
everything else up in this f*cked up world, so why not f*ck up Google "Groups"
while they're at it, the "hoople-headed" c*cksuckers!
Winston Smith
Kill-filed for inabilty to follow a train of thought.


Yardley Enterprises
#123-5895 Kincaid St
Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 4H9

Michael Yardley is a typical failed immigrant fraudster. An alcoholic
meth head and an ABOMINATION who supplements his welfare with
prostitution. Fired from London Drugs and a coffee shop of all places.
He lives in BC Housing and should be deported. Has been known to be
involved in fraud and is a racist. He is a liar and criminal and a
total idiot who refuses to work full time. He was born in England and
after failing there moved to Canada. He is frequently cyberbullied and
posts off-topic nonsense to ngs then complains about being
cyberbullied and trolls. He will then announce he is leaving the ng
for good only to return even dumber and out of touch as ever. He
sometimes gets pimped out as a ticket scalper
http://www.jlaforums.com/viewtopic.php?p=7824303. Since he is involved
in fraud anyone interested in hockey tickets or lottery tickets should
buy elsewhere. I wonder if he reports his scalping income to the
housing authorities? Last known address: MICHAEL YARDLEY #123-5895
Kincaid Street Burnaby BC V5G 4H9 Phone Number: 604-294-6071 and

The New Chelsea Society runs this housing project. Their rules state
he must give a certain % of his income to them. Yardley should be
deported and his unit given to a nice old lady or perhaps a senior
couple looking for a better neighbourhood to live in or a woman
escaping a relationship from a Michael Yardley who for some reason
doesn’t want to hit him upside the head with an empty. Let the New
Chelsea Society 101-3640 Victoria Drive Vancouver, BC V5N 5P1
604-874-6255 Fax: 604-874-6250 ***@newchelsea.ca Web:
www.newchelsea.ca <http://www.newchelsea.ca/> know what you think of
Michael Yardley. He is wasting taxpayer money. He has claimed to have
drunk beer at the Hell's Angels clubhouse and other ppl have claimed
that HA has an ownership stake in CW Agencies the telemarketing firm
that Yardley has claimed to work at PT in the past. He has a Grade 3
education and can't figure out how to use Vista. He has been banned
from Google Groups in the past.

Remember this Yardley lie from the past?

check out his Google Groups profile. This gambling addict didn’t even
spell blackjack correctly. Blackjack need not be capitalized in his
profile. Typical Freudian slip. He is a typical case of welfare fraud.
The following is my sig file updated as of 2nd of Av, 5768:

We are awaiting the return of our JHVH in the flesh or his Son. His Son Yu'shua died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected and walked the earth for awhile then ascended unto Heaven. We await the Third Coming not the Second.

Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay-"The weighty Truths of God were neglected, and, as it were, went into Desuetude. ...

Who will be the last Coalition soldier to be maimed in Iraq?

Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and into Darfur.http://www.amnesty.ca/instantkarma/petition.php

Good luck to anyone trying to learn Hebrew. I am looking for a Hebrew-Gregorian calendar in both Hebrew and English lettering.

I am looking for my missing automobile. Left in the care of Low's Tire (Firestone) on King George Hwy which has since gone out of business. A man who claimed to be a tow truck driver named Jerry (sounded Black) called me and said he had it
but when I called him back he denied it. JVD-968 "89 Plymouth Reliant white with red interior. Devellis in lettering on the rear trunk. Contact me by email or the GRC if you are one of those ppl. Am looking for the address of Dave Reynolds and any info about him. He used to run Low's Tires and since he refuses to answer his email ***@telus.net I can only assume he is the person who stole my vehicle and the contents in it. I have talked to the new owners and they claim to know nothing.
3P3BK41D9KT921716 is the vin number. John Reynolds still has a valid email ***@telus.net but refuses to return my inquiries.Any info about this thief is appreciated.

I am also looking for various books and CD's that I have discovered missing. All are marked Greg Carr on the inside cover or somewhere in the CD booklet. $5 reward for each CD and for each book. Will pay $200 for info regarding how they disappeared because I honestly don't know.

u8m854p98su072q3l8chiss3t0lcr0­***@4ax.com is a post of mine about the liar and police agent G. S.. It has been censored by Google Groups.

Jonathon Gregory and Craig Wong are thieves and liars and smokers.They live at 344 E.Hastings St.

I am no longer using Google as my default search engine and home page preferring instead to use AltaVista www.altavista.com.I find many more relevant results.

Rep.Eric Cantor will be the VP nominee by the Republicans.

This is just a line I typed to see if you would read it :-)
Greg Carr
2008-08-24 05:31:02 UTC
The problem seems to be solved.

reveals 9.630 results and he is second now on the Google web search.
Thank you all for your help. Censorship can be beaten. Down with the
Communist Party Of China and all censors who work anonymously.
Post by Tiredofbeingliedto
Post by Non scrivetemi
Post by Greg Carr
Only returns 7 replies but as Psycho knows there have been many posts
about him.
These are just some of the results I found through a different method
none of which showed up on the above search: Google search engine is
wonky and hacked I think plus they are censoring.
I believe that Google is hardly different from other big corporations. They
only look at the bottom line, and they don't bite the hand that feeds them.
Look at China. Look at Russia. Look at the USA. There is nothing they won't
do to stay in power. That's why the world is so f*cked up, because of
greedy bastards who crave power. They always f*ck things up for everybody.
It's what Hitler did. It's what Bush is doing. Mao, Stalin, they always
f*ck things up for the "little guy," and they pay violent brutes to enforce
their tyranny. If you're in the UK, then you know the UK has become a police
state. Same thing is happening here in America. Now they're confiscating
computers and computer storage media. It's only a matter of time before they
start rounding up all the "trouble makers."
Free speech and human rights are against big government, so it's no surprise
that government practices censorship. That's what government does. Read some
of the "unauthorized" history books, and books critical of government. Read
"1984," and "Animal Farm," by George Orwell. Censorship is what Big Brother
does, and there is nothing new about it. All governments do it, not just the
United States, or the United Kingdom. Censorship is their standard operating
procedure. You've heard the joke about "How can you tell when a politician is
lying?" "His lips are moving." That's no joke. It's the bloody truth.
Try searching "google censorship" on any major search engine. You will see
that Google, and especially Google "Groups," has been "fubar" for years.
They're not just "picking on you," or "picking on me." They "pick" on
everybody. Look what they do in China, and in Europe. They do the same thing
in America, Canada, and everywhere else. It's what their "Thought Police" do.
And Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, is not about to bite the hand that feeds them.
It's not just "Google," or "Government." This whole world is "fubar," run
by big corporate assholes who don't care about anything but the bottom line.
Ward Churchill called them "little Eichmanns." Too kind, I think.
I hope that helps you understand why today's Google "Groups" searches are
dysfunctional. Big Brother, and all of their fascist "Ministries," have their
hand in everything. They always have, and there is nothing new, or unusual,
about it. I think the Internet has simply made government censorship more
"visible" to the public eye. We are more "aware" of it than we used to be,
and we are more "aware" that there is nothing we can do about it. That can be
frustrating to people who don't understand what is going on, or how any
tyrranical government comes into power in the first place, at the barrel of a
gun, or at the edge of a sword. They are not nice people. They never were.
It's a f*cked up world. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Google
Groups is completely "f*cked up beyond all recognition," and there is nothing
anyone can do about it. The reason that some people "mock" those who
criticize Google, or Microsoft, or Yahoo, or criticize Government, is that
they don't want their "page rank" messed with. They know that Google
penalizes those who criticize them or criticize the powerful governments that
keep their profitable monopoly in control. All "Big Business" is in bed with
"Big Brother," and the "Biggest Brother" of them all is America. They've
got their hand in everything, and anybody who criticizes them, or criticizes
their big corporate partners in crime, is fighting a losing battle.
So don't worry about it, since the "little guy" can't do a damned thing about
it. Sure, we can "complain" about it, but that's all we can do. We can't
"change" a thing. If you want to talk about American politics, do you
imagine that the "Black Moslem" or "John McBush" are the "Change" candidates?
Where have you heard "that" bullsh*t before? I agree with George Carlin, that
it's all bullsh*t, everything that big government, big business, and big
organized religion tells you. It's all bullsh*t, and "it's bad for ya."
Winston Smith
I read about 2 lines of your reply then noticed on a quick visual scan
how many times you have employed quotation marks.
74 times in one reply. 76 if you count the subject line.
You must be a really good typist.
Please tell us, do you use air quotes when speaking?
Deborah Sharavi
2023-12-10 06:17:53 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
Only returns 7 replies but as Psycho knows there have been many posts
about him.
These are just some of the results I found through a different method
none of which showed up on the above search: Google search engine is
wonky and hacked I think plus they are censoring.
We are awaiting the return of our JHVH in the flesh or his Son. His Son Yu'shua died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected and walked the earth for awhile then ascended unto Heaven. We await the Third Coming not the Second.
Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay-"The weighty Truths of God were neglected, and, as it were, went into Desuetude. ...
Who will be the last Coalition soldier to be maimed in Iraq?
Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and into Darfur.http://www.amnesty.ca/instantkarma/petition.php
Good luck to anyone trying to learn Hebrew. I am looking for a Hebrew-Gregorian calendar in both Hebrew and English lettering.
I am looking for my missing automobile. Left in the care of Low's Tire (Firestone) on King George Hwy which has since gone out of business. A man who claimed to be a tow truck driver named Jerry (sounded Black) called me and said he had it
I am also looking for various books and CD's that I have discovered missing. All are marked Greg Carr on the inside cover or somewhere in the CD booklet. $5 reward for each CD and for each book. Will pay $200 for info regarding how they disappeared because I honestly don't know.
Jonathon Gregory and Craig Wong are thieves and liars and smokers.They live at 344 E.Hastings St.
I am no longer using Google as my default search engine and home page preferring instead to use AltaVista www.altavista.com.I find many more relevant results.
Rep.Eric Cantor will be the VP nominee by the Republicans.
This is just a line I typed to see if you would read it :-)
I can see that you've been an asshole for a very long time.
Congratulations, I admire consistency in a person and you've
consistently been an asshole for a long, long time. Bravo!!
